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Saturday, December 19, 2020

December 19, 2020

One year ago today: December 19, 2019, Linux, still a dud.
Five years ago today: December 19, 2015, a generic day.
Nine years ago today: December 19, 2011, Snow White never showed.
Random years ago today: December 19, 2007, no free lunch.

           Here’s another reason that American industry, now owned and operated by idiots, fassl so far behind. They sell you a set of drill bits up to ½” diameter. Except very few people own a drill with a chuck that size. Shown here is just such a large and useless bit. I have a lot of them because it is often cheaper to buy the set than get a ton of small bits, which I go through by the dozen. It’s probably me, but I break a lot of bits when using battery tools. And thanks, Wal*Mart, for quitting stocking the 18V batteries just because you’ve switched to 20V. That’s another rip-off, changing voltages every few years.
           I’ve also decided to have a Martin Shkreli Day. December was always my choice, but I don’t want any conflicts. Like December 27 clashes with the Justins Trudeau & Bieber, being National Fruitcake Day. Tomorrow is National Sangria Day, I don’t have any problem with that. What’s this, it is also Mudd Day? What the? Okay, that’s the doctor who set the leg of Lincoln’s assassin. I think we needn’t worry about anybody confusing that with my plans. Return tomorrow, where by the same authority as those who made April 5 Star Trek First Contact Day, I may declare December 20 for Martin Shkreli.

Picture of the day.
Quinine fruit.
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           Today there were three local Xmas parties at the clubs. I toured them all. For the heck of it, I threw on a long-sleeve shirt and tie, you know, made an effort to spruce up. Experience around here shows people who only get out once or twice a year will make the Xmas party. All three joints were disappointing as far as meeting anyone. And I barely recognized or remembered most of the people who have met me, usually from stage work. The places were as full as I’ve ever seen them, but as for the women, no keepers. I got a lot of glances, but I was the only person dressed up.
           The window kept me busy, I’m going to try one of those wood petrifier products. And pick up some linseed oil. That stuff is now over $50 a gallon. I’ve been shocked by lumber yard prices for months now, I’m glad I got most of the really expensive stuff behind me. Here’s a view of clamping together built-up wood to for the window frame repair. If you look closely in the yellow oval, you can see my wee friend inspecting the progress.

           I’ll chat about preparations below, just now I heard an off-beat prediction. Charla says watch for another housing bust—but coupled with government pushes toward green. Twenty miles up the road she says there was an orange orchard they bulldozed and put 400 of the “green houses” on plots so small there are no trees. I’ll take a peek, I'll bet the prices are astronomical. That means the tenants become wards of the state--and that is how ocmmunism works. Everybody on file doing what they are told.

           Her view is that people will be evicted by the millions with nowhere to go on December 31. Since homelessness is not a realistic option, I wonder if they will start shoving them into these green subdivisions, where they live like sardines. But the landlords, who are also behind on their mortgages may find, once evicted, their properties sit vacant. If prices fall, I’ll be ready. Do I feel sorry for the people who lose everything? Nope, they didn’t listen. IN fact, if they voted Democrat, they are just getting what they deserve. It’s good advice they didn’t follow, like don’t live in New York City, where some districts are 75% rentals. I’ll be watching for what happens. Here’s my wish list.
           The housing market comes crashing down after the Biden crime family takes over. Houses once at $500,000 will flood the market, but this time none of that phony 20% drop in price. Let the entire market free fall. So if something drops to $50,000, I’ll put up the down payment and pay it back with inflated dollars. Remember, it was people living on the edge that got plunked by the lockdown. I have noticed no difference in my finances—and I’m on the verge of coming up with what is, locally, a dynamite stage show.

           I’m going to restock the shed with 60 days of food. I’m okay with ordinary canned goods, forget the military survival blah-blah. If this country goes 60 days without food, then hell has broken loose. Finally a town in Washington has grown a pair and declared they will not shut down. If the police move in, that will be the end of any respect they have left. If they follow orders from their paymasters rather than defend the Constitution as they have sworn, they deserve what they will get. While I don’t foresee a violent civil war, I do see violence. That in itself will be far away from here.
           The problem is the leftists will use it as an excuse to impose sanctions on everybody. Whose to say they won’t close down the roadways or cut off the food supply until you comply. Don’t put anything past people who have just spent 40 years lying in wait to take over. When they do, they’ll get no trouble from me because I believe in success, not in political parties. The food, well, that’s an insurance and doubling the amount is in case I have company. There was an item this morning about the average American family being $6,000 behind in rent and unpaid bills.

           What happens to them? I see a potential revolt right there. They just refuse to move or be evicted and you can’t arrest them all. Even then, who will the landlords rent to? In a way, there could be two good outcomes. One is to shock the hell out of people who presumed they could skid by on credit forever. Two, they ignored warnings back in March and did not unite. Nothing unites like a common enemy. That could take the form of millions simply not recognizing the Bindenistas as the legitimate government. Remember, unlike the leftoids, the right is fully armed, organized, and as pointed out many a time here, has combat experience.
           What happens to us? Not much. The cost of living here is next to free. Food and utilities. And I’m not done learning to grow food by a long shot.

Last Laugh