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Thursday, December 31, 2020

December 31, 2020

One year ago today: December 31, 2019, the dog won.
Two years ago today: December 31, 2018, I drank ten beers.
Three years ago today: December 31, 2017, my last guitarist.
Four years ago today: December 31, 2016, remember Bushnell radio?

Five years ago today: December 31, 2015, not romantic, charming, or uplifting.
Six years ago today: December 31, 2014, only till I was 25.
Seven years ago today: December 31, 2013, his hubba-dubba tune.
Eight years ago today: December 31, 2012, 9,042 miles.

Nine years ago today: December 31, 2011, remember SOPA?
Ten years ago today: December 31, 2010, smooth and pretty.
Eleven years ago today: December 31, 2009, my last “real” NY gig.
Twelveyears ago today: December 31, 2008, on privacy, written 1780.
Thirteen years ago today: December 31, 2007 that parking lot again.

Fourteen years ago today: December 31, 2006, a sworly haircut
Fifteen years ago today: December 31, 2005,WIP
Seventeen years ago today: December 31, 2003, my New Year’s Policy.

           Home alone, that’s me and the pets. The Reb is gone to Indiana for a week. It got cold enough I had to pass on getting the new windsheild. That will have to be Monday and I’ll have to leave it there. The shop is a bit in the middle of nothing-to-do-ville. With the dog on the now popular heated seat, we drove around for a half-hour without seeing a coffee shop. Here’s the dog on the back seat. Turns out the heated seats can get uncomfortably warm, so he’s learned to swap out his rest periods.
           We finally called off the search and found a tiny park at the end of a dead-end road. Smith Springs. Nice place, if you like bland. It’s also one of those places no matter where you park in the empty lot, the next several cars will pull in beside you to freely share their favorite rap music. What good is a $2,000 car “media system” if you can’t let others in on the show?

           Upon learning the Reb does not remember having tasted port wine, I purchased a bottle and left it on her counter. Then reverted to my old routine, a crossword puzzle at the donut shop. They were out of donuts. I did notice a tremendous number of people shopping or it might be some after-Xmas fad I would not know about it without watching cable. Um, and when I stopped at the club last evening quite late, that gal who is always smiles bought me a beer. She’s known me long enough to realize I don’t have ulterior motives, so I’m a safe bet to treat without anyone getting the wrong idea. There’s a reason I just said that, but skip it for now.
           I got to watch the cable news at the club. Well, one article anyway that caught my attention. CNN is broadcasting the Republicans are blocking the COVID relief. That’s crap, they are blocking the pork. It’s an omnibus, meaning probably 1% of the text has anything to do with COVID. This is a slimy old Democrat tactic. What I can’t figure iw the relative silence on both sides. If neither Biden or Trump say anything, the mainstream people are going to have to start making things up again.

           TMOR,, here’s quick history. The big Leftist-liberal press operations in this country, led by Washing Post, New York Time, and such, were all failing. Not only were people turning to the Internet, when these big outfits tried on-line subsription, people found they could search on a headline to get the same news for free. Ys, that is what is behind the big push by the media to charge re-broadcasters. They are just getting themselves in deeper all the time. Then along came Trump.
           Suddenly anything anti-Trump had a surge in audience. This surprise nobody more than the mainstream, who began spewing out something like 90% narratives such as “Orange Man Bad”. Their ratings were soaring. What they still don’t realize is that misery loves company. The communist left thrives on having their weird narratives played back to them. The left requires constant repetition of false facts until they beome real in their own minds. Four generations of anti-Americanism in the education system has provided fertile ground for the likes of CNN. And we all know what makes ground fertile.
           They have a problem. What’s to happen if Trump is not there? Instead of screaming conspiracy, the whole media apparatus may have to resort to using that angle. The effects of Trump will linger for years, and they will no doubt find it lucrative to keep flogging that dead horse. Otherwise, once Trump is gone, the big media will resume and continue their downslide. The movie theaters are gone was just the first phase. Of course, I’ll be watching. I love to watch anything far left collapse into oblivion.

Picture of the day.
DuckDuckGo headquarters.
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           An on-line with Elliott was the entertainment for this afternoon. I’ve known this guy around 35 years, but did not know he was a liberal until recently. I’m a plainclothes redneck due to my Libertarian views, which he takes to mean I am a pro-Trumper. Since there is no arguing with an Englishman, I let him run with that. He is also very much pro-Canada, sort of viewing them as Britain’s most successful colony. He does not attribute that success to proximity to the US of A. Also, I think his brother is an RCMP or something. This is a photo of Matilda, back in Florida, because she hasn’t been in the news lately.
           Back to Elliott. So his take on issues is sometime phenomenally warped. I don’t mean that he is wrong, but that he reads his own bias into situations that may have nothing to do with his view of the issue nor his talking points. For example, I am anti-income tax. He takes this to mean I would let mothers and children starve to death.
           Not so, I just think they should not be funded by income tax and there are dozens of alternatives that work better than welfare. But he’s stuck on the starvation theme. See the “liberalism” at work? Unless I can get him to agree on one of my alternatives, which will never happen (because it means people such as himself would have to shoulder more of the load), I’m the meanie.

           By coincidence, neither of us paid much attention to politics until Trump upset the liberal apple cart. I saw it as a godsend, he saw it as a threat to a world that was finally healing itself along communist lines. I should mention he is also believes that communism, if controlled, is a good thing, but has no ideas on what form such controls should take. But what got me today as his out-of-the-blue statement that Canada’s education system was better than Americas. That Canadians were better-educated.
           This threw me since in the 11 years we worked near the same location, I attended courses for 8 of them, often taking three part-time courses per semester. I know the trade schools, the colleges, and the universities out west better than downtown Nashville. If he took a single course or read a single book in that time, I am unaware of it. So, let’s see where this leads. I find the AVERAGE Canadian to be petrifyingly stupid.

           Bugged by that Meet Now crap that installed itself on your Windows 10 system? You and millions of others. As a year-end treat, I will describe how to defeat this spyware. (That’s defeat, not delete.) If you have Windows 10 and you have had their last pretend update, this horrid little program is hidden deep within your registry. If you are the least concerned about privacy—and you should be deeply concerned—you must prevent this nasty little app from running on your computer. The following clip shows you cannot delete Meet Now, but in reality, with a bit of Windows OpSys knowledge there is always a fix.

           Before continuing, I must point out that the bulk of instructions on-line are millennial grade. That means they only hide the problem, they do not fix it. Most tell you only how to remove the task bar icon, a lot of good that does. The problem is the code itself, which is malware by definition because it installed itself under a different title without your knowledge and runs behind the scenes without your permission.
           Also, the shit-heads that tell you to simply uninstall update KB4580364 are also bastards. Because MicroSoft will just slam the code back in on the next alleged update.. You cannot delete Meet Now by any simple means, but you can prevent it from running, which I will show you how to do shortly.

           Background: MeetNow is disguised as an easy way for the user to set up a ccopycat Zoom-style meeting, but in reality it is spyware lthat launches every time you start up your computer. It is based around the core of Google Chrome, meaning the application cannot ever be deleted permanently, so your goal is to stop it from running. The app inventories your hard drive contents back to Redmond, Washington, after every fake “update”. This information is permanently kept on file over there for “future reference”. If that does not scare you awake, you are probably reading the wrong blog.
           Dang, Meet Now is part of an EU regulatory issue. It was disguised as a Windows update to fix a gitch in the stylus code. This means I have to find a way to disable it digitally—not so because MicroSoft goes ballistic protecting such malware. From what I can tell, it is so completely dispursed though the code that finding every reactivation trigger would be a monumental task. It must have cost MircoSoft millions to pull this off and you can bet they intend to get their money back.
           [Author’s note: logical question: How can I be so confident I can defeat this Meet Now junkware? Does not MicroSoft have the leading computer coders on staff?
           Answer: Coders, yes. Programmers, no. I’ve seen no evidence that MicroSoft has any real programmers on staff. They would not last. Coding is more of a degenerate mindset than a career. MicroSoft coding began going downhill after Windows 98, and going drastically downhill after XP. A major part of the problem in MicroSoft uses the old IBM hiring format. Some idiot decides how many other idiots are needed to write some code, and that become their hiring policy. They could do better job flipping a coin or hiring by weight.]

           Hint to real programmers on how to make money off MicroSoft. Write software that sells a few hundred thousand copies. MicroSoft cannot take the chance it will continue to sell millions. Wait for one of their flunkies to knock on your door and offer to buy it. Start at $1 billion. Hey, it worked for youTube and Blogger.
           Later, I found a solution, but without registry editing experience, you may not like it. Return tomorrow where I’ll spell it out, and you can start the new year without MicroSoft combing through your private files looking for the devil-knows-what. Change that to you definitely won’t like it.

Last Laugh

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