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Sunday, December 6, 2020

December 6, 2020

One year ago today: December 6, 2019, CoolPad anniversary.
Five years ago today: December 6, 2015, not an educated lot.
Nine years ago today: December 6, 2011, up yours, Ford.
Random years ago today: December 6, 2009, the dance floor “critical mass”.

           A virtual meeting of the club results in agreement that inflation is again on the way. And the thing to do about it is that which is unaffected. Since it costs too much to invest in gold and real estate, that leaves selling to tourists. But I’m the only musician in the group. Thusforth, the only lucrative schtick left in Florida that doesn’t involve stocking shelves or involve the wrong people is what toursists are left. Toward that end, I went over and checked out that Treasure Barn.

           Here’s the deal, I think. Look at this picture and note the squares markied with blue tape on the floor. You can rent that space for $140 per month. You can sell stuff thereby displaying it and you don’t have to be there. Each item has a sticker, the staff at the till records your sales. The house takes nothing untill you’ve made your first $140 in sales and thereafter 10%.
           It’s clever marketing for Florida. Most people would never figure out they are losing at $140 because that does not cover your wholesale costs, but meh, this is paradise. I walked around what you see here and it is mostly flea market stuff Yes, there is some dude who scrounges the thrifts for stuff he can mark-up, but he must not get around that much. The store concept is great, they apparenty have several locations around. I noted the number of empty squares and something else that was missing. Customers.
           Still, we have a ton of stuff that is just takng up space. While prices were super low from what I could see, there was nothing much to draw potential buyers to any one display. Is it against the rules? Is there a commitment? How do we get paid? I can immediately see ideas that would draw customers, but again, are there rules? Can I give an example? Sure. I would rent two adjacent squares. In one I would put free toys or something for kids, and a comfy sofa facing the right direction. Then, in the next square, the stuff I have for sale.

           This would entail leaving Agt. R in charge while I was away and he’s proven not that consistent on other ventures. He still has those sheds full of civil war and farm gear that now he has to sell or he can’t move when he inherits the house 100 miles from here. My cut is the standard 25% of the profit that I calculate. I’m right now thinking this comes in at a lot less than I’m used to spending.

Picture of the day.
Italian Alps.
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           Due to the uncertainty caused by the election cheats, we’ve canceled Xmas travel plans other than maybe a short visit. Suits me as I’m just glad to be home where things are quiet except for the noise I make. And that means get off my tush and drywall in that laundry area that has no laundry in it. That’s tough because my system says relax, it’s the holidays, sleep till noon. Agt. R and I ran a half can of carb cleaner through the scooter and it quit blowing all that much smoke. The problem may be a worn gas can gasket letting condensation into the tank. I’ll get to that but these short winter days make it more likely I’ll work inside. Now that I have the option.

Last Laugh