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Monday, December 7, 2020

December 7, 2020

One year ago today: December 7, 2020, Internet, a human right?
Five years ago today: December 7, 2015, $4 trillion, huh?
Nine years ago today: December 7, 201162 miles in Florida.
Random years ago today: December 7, 2010, sold means sold, Ahab.

           Happy birthday, Eatmore. I was up early, that music room is taking longer than planned. Now I want to insulate it. The interrior will, I think, be rustic fence panel. It’s proven it’s worth all through the various phases of the shed with the advantage of looking like a fence. I found a rarity, a documentary on Tiger tanks I’d not seen before. I wish I had time to produce some footage that showed the other side, or at least contained less spiteful propaganda. This documentary was no better, such as when describing Normandy. The Allies were patriotic heroes but the Germans were Nazi fanatics. Here’s a photo of my now-overgrown chicken coop. A.K.A. the “camo-coop”, I’m afraid to go see what’s living back there.
           Sadly, a lot of war-time hype has become so buried in countless layers that the nonsense gets into even the finest research. There must be hundreds of accounts of the incident at Villers-Bocage a week after D-day. Wittman, a decorated tank commander, but otherwise just another of many highly trained German tank crews, found the British had advanced past where he was parked. Yes, he had destroyed over a hundred tanks on the Russian front, where targets were plentiful and easy. He was not anything special until the British turned him into a “tank ace”. They had to. The Germans picked up on the British newscasts and followed suit.

           What really happened is Wittman witnessed the ideal target drive in front of his cannon.. A line of British tanks and other vehicles strung out single file along a long narrow road. Wittman must have been giggling and rubbing his hands together as ordered his other tanks to shoot up the leading British Sherman, trapping the rest of the column. Accounts vary as to how many tanks he personally destroyed, but he was in command of six Tigers which between them blasted up 47 British vehicles,
           The reality was Wittman put five of his Tigers to stop the column while he attacked it from behind. Wittman was actually a tank driver before becoming commander and his crew was hand-picked. This included a rare and talented gunner who had an amazing ability to hit targets while his own tank was moving at speed. Wittman scored at least 14 tanks in the battle, less than half what he had knocked out in a single Russian battle before. The British had to make an ace out of him or admit German tactics, equipment, and training were superior. Wittman shortly thereafter made the idiotic blunder of driving his Tiger through the town where it was ambushed and knocked out. Wittman escaped but died a few days later making the same mistake again.

Picture of the day.
Kalihari Desert.
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           I widened and raised the passage between the sheds. That’s the opening shown in this photo. I’m no better at cutting sheet metal than I was when I was 18 and first tried it. The metal on the shed is so old it is somehow brittle and parts of it seem held together by the coating. I got it done and only cut myself once, a doctor would say one maybe two stitches as most. As soon as I put some new roofing material, the space will be on the cozy side. What a boon it would be to have a clean place for hobby work and that metal shed, if drywalled, would be perfect for my needs.
           That’s four hours work today that went in a zip because it was indoor, quiet except for Boss Hogg, and all the tools were handy. You know, it still made me more tired than it should. Time to rig up a coffee maker out there. As long as the weather stays balmy, I might as well continue. Other than start on the kitchen floor, there’s nothing much I care to start up that takes more than a couple days. Maybe it’s a COVID thing. Who knows what Biden will have to confiscate to pay back his corporate masters?

           What’s happening out there? Why have all the bigmouths except Trump gone into hiding? He’s out there holding mega-rallies that portend what will happen if things don’t straighten out. My opinion is that Biden should simply admit the fraud, step down, and turn State’s evidence to keep his carcass out of prison. The leftoid media is going bonkers finding things wrong with Trump rallies, but carefully never addressing the cause. On they go that the head lawyer tested positive, shrieking headlines over it. And all they got back from the public was a big, “So what?”
           Like most people, I’ve lost track of what State is doing what and why wasn’t there a better mechanism in place in case something like this happened? The fraud was suspected a year in advance, why was not the FBI and CIA on top of it? My guess is patronage. The same reason the KGB never turned on the Kremlin—they’re all on the take. And what is with this DRM player? I’m getting videos that say I must enable DRM to hear part of the audio. This must be some FireFox brain fart.

           This represents another setup of some sort. Copyright law was designed to stop the duplication of protected material. The crap starts when they try to apply that body of law to what people listen to. The average person does not care if something is copyrighted because they are not duplicating it. But once it is already duplicated, should people be policed over what they listen to? I say no, I’m against any such laws that invade personal privacy. If DRM was doing their job properly, the end user should not be concerned whether DRM even exists. It looks to me like they are setting something up, so wait for it.
           Ah, here we go. The DRM nonsense is part of HTML5, a standard in web-page code that nobody asked for. So it’s the same old. They don’t want to set up their own private showrooms because they know nobody will go there. They want the right to openly publish their material on a public media designed for free public usage, viewed mainy on privately owned computers—and dictate what you can or cannot look at. So typically millennial, it hurts. There’s no money in stopping the criminals, so go after the innocent bystanders.

           What’s this Maricopa County? I’d only heard about it before as a highly suspicious Democrat vote-scamming locality. I thought the Democrats were smart enough to not do too much in one location, then here is this report of an FBI raid two days after the election. The report says they seized flash drives, hard drives, and computers. Hmmm, considering the FBI kpet the Biden laptop secret for a year, this raid could be to hide evidence rather than reveal it. There is something funny going on at FBI headquarters as the senior staff bail with early retirements and the ranks are replaced with young indoctrinated bullies. What’s that smell?
           And what’s this Pelosi is using some obscure civil rights law to overturn elections that did not favor her? How can Democrats do these things without question but any hint from the Trump side of fraud has to go to the Supreme Court?

Last Laugh