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Friday, January 22, 2021

January 22, 2021

One year ago today: January 22, 2020, they own you.
Five years ago today: January 22, 2016, carrots to the right.
Nine years ago today: January 22, 2012, $50 plus tips.
Random years ago today: January 22, 2010, like-minded quitters, they were.

           They put me in therapy with Loretta again. A nice lady, her strength does not wane as she regrinds you a new shoulder socket in real time. Possibly, in a former life, she was terribly wronged by a musician who drove a motorcycle, but she doesn’t know anything about that side of things. Afterward I got a lengthy chat session with a new lady doctor, there is not much more they can do than continue at this point, so expect another couple months, whence a decision must be made. But I cannot take 40 minutes out of every day the rest of my life to do exercises that merely hold things constant. Today’s pictures are from work around the house to give the page a little color.
           The therapy takes place just short of too much pain, a policy I understand. It’s unmistakable that I’ve adopted a bass-playing posture which is not, they say, ideal. I get home, not in pain, but in a weakened state where typically I’ll work a half hour then require up to a four hour rest, usually a nap. That is also not the way I want to spend the rest of my life. In a cruel twist, one of the few things I can manage for more than an hour is to play bass with poor posture.

           Sea Hunt. I searched on it once and now no matter how I clear my trail, Google has plainly defeated Ghostery in some way. The minute you get a repeat or targeted ad, your system has been compromised. I’m not too worried since I never put private information on-line, but remember what my cardiologist was doing. Selling my private data under an escape clause in his “privacy policy”—but a clause that was overridden by my header sheet in big black felt pen letters.
           Watching a few episodes reminds me of a time when America was really free, before the Feds began the creeping takeover with regulation after regulation which were country-wide—and which the Constitution set to forbid. Like the EPA, it does not control the purity of the atmosphere, it was always intended to control where and how you built your factory. Sea Hunt was in an era when salvage laws meant something. If you found it and salvaged it, under most instances it was yours. And it was more yours the longer it was down there.

           I support such freedoms. I’m no expert on marine law, but it seems to me if a company claims a wreck, they should do so before somebody else does. Nowadays, we have insurance companies laying claim to the hard work of others. Practically every nation where there was or could have been a shipwreck is laying claim in waters far beyond any national or agreed maritime boundaries. It sucks. And while you’re here, take a look at the MIGALOO, the future of yachting. If they make laws about the ocean surface, just buy yourself a submarine.
           At 10,000 tons, this baby can stay submerged for 4 weeks, about the time estimated to wait out most disasters and the chaotic recovery period. The sub still requires surface tenders to keep stocked up, and a port with things to sell them. But it’s the best survival plan I’ve seen yet. It bears a strong resemblence to the late-war German Type XXI. The hull design uses a design from the Zumwalt class American destroyer class, but it’s an XXI, no foolin’.

           I keep an eye on personal submarine development, in particular the bubble canopy type, such as the Triton. Just like cell phones and digital cameras, I have a budget to buy one—if they drop below a certain price. That price is $50,000. The Triton carries a price tag of $3.6 million, so I guess I can say don’t hold your breath, ha-ha. A few words on the bubble design. First, the boasted full view is bogus, only the pilot sitting up front gets that. The passengers get a best a side view, and as for the view upwards, there is very little to see.
           Also, the ocean floor is boring except where there is reef life. Unless you can identify lots of fish, there is not that much to look at and ocean fish, particularly the deep sea species, are not all that colorful nor pretty. My interest in the small subs is 90% treasure hunting.

Picture of the day.
IKEA indoor garden.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           I drove to south Lakeland for supplies and toured the area. Other than a couple main roads, I get lost in that part of town. But it’s new subdivisions and acreages, so the band is located in nice digs. Next week, and I’ll be seeking information. Where do they play? What’s their going rate? If any of them say they are not in it for the money, I won’t ask for their share of the tips. I am in it for the money, probably because I’ve actually made money at it during my life, something you discover is rare in Florida.
           I will also need to determine what sort of amplifier I’ll need, or if I can play through their PA. My days of humping road gear were over in December. 2003. Most say no until they realize I am not a loud bass player. To get familiar with some of their music I’ve never heard, I play it while working and there is a message in it I’ve never identified with. No wonder I never listened to it. This go down to Mexico and spend all your money in a whore house is not even a whimsy, much less something I’d sing about. But since it is the world’s oldest profession, there must still be beta types out there who can’t get it any other way. I’ll let somebody else take the vocals on those numbers.

           Getting rid of MicroSoft Edge was tedious. I finally used regedit to delete or modify every instance left in the registry, which was something like 40 instances. A few could not be changed, so I’ll be on the lookout for them to try another covert reinstall. This whole millennial culture of them telling you what you want could only have taken root on the real cult in our society, the education system. That PBS has to be defunded, it is totally gone propaganda. Suggesting white people are having “far too many white children”.

           So, the MSM have, in Rush’s words, not inaugurated but immaculated Biden. The ho-hum acceptance speech, a collection of worn-out clichés, is being heralded as an epic. Gag me, four more years of this? The disturbing trend is their classification of the rally on January 6 as an “armed insurrection” incited by Trump. That his voters are a cult of domestic terrorists who require deprogramming. You’ve already got big leftoid factions saying this is not what they voted for. There will be no good if the Democrats pursue this course.
           The suspicious thing is that this reaction by the Democrats was not only preplanned, but it was intended for a different enemy. You can’t turn 85 million citizens into demonic crazed cultists overnight by chanting it on the media. At some point, there will be reaction, especially if the left tries to take away guns or children. Enough is already enough in many parts of the country. The left are looking at each other and asking, “Have you ever flown one of these?”

Last Laugh