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Sunday, January 24, 2021

January 24, 2021

One year ago today: January 24, 2020, Hewlett-Packard sucks.
Five years ago today: January 24, 2016, oh boy, shuffleboard!
Nine years ago today: January 24, 2012, WIP
Random years ago today: January 24, 2011, my spreadsheet schematics

           Such a beauty of a day, I worked away the hours in the sunlight. At this rate, I might get things done. Here’s the inside view of the window, with all the structural parts completed. Other than a coat of primer, this window isn’t getting much prettier until I make room in the shed to take out furniture that’s been stored in that room for too long. I no longer try to stick to traditional methods, I just do what works. In this photo, there is a small piece of trim still to go at the top of the center post.
           This project has taken so long I’m afraid to post before pictures. The bottom window panes how slide easily upward to the full top position after years of being painted shut and blocked by mountings for blinds. Some day somebody will invent window blinds that work instead of binding up, tangling the cords, and will spring back into shape when they are bent. These windows face east and the morning sun finally lights the room up properly. Once the extra furniture is removed, the room is planned to have a single comfy recliner chair in front of this view.
           Funny, when I bought this place going on five years ago, just a place to sit and read in peace in quiet was most of what I had in mind. Five years this May, though I did not really move in until September. It was a double-whammy game changer. Not only did it cut expenses, the expenses now represented equity in a form that was mostly new to me. Mortgages tie you down and my memory of digging into every corner to buy this place cash is vivid. I had something like $193 cash left, I’d have to look up the exact figure. But I was not taking any chances, I knew exactly it was a smart move.

           Now, I get to look out my own window and watch the world go to hell. Let me qualify that, while the world of the numbskulls and sheeple goes to hell. Is this my chance to once more point out that long ago, I made sure my retirement would not be dependent on idiots and the choices they make. And my chosen method was to make sure by the time I even begin to suffer, others will be in agony. I clicked off the radio as the mainstream has gone from merely disgusting to sickening with their glorification of Biden. It’s nauseating, calling Biden’s wife fashionable when she dresses in her mother’s clothes. And I repeat what some guy said, that you ain’t a doctor until you’ve delivered a baby.
           Have you seen the incoming press secretary? Um, orange woman bad? I have the latest issue of Popular Science. It’s become more popular than science, and that is regrettable. I never liked the thinner comic-book style and now the articles are aimed at shallow readers. They did a feature called the history of maps, it was pathetic. Around five pictures and maybe five minutes of reading. You cannot cover such a subject in 300 seconds—it’s the hard-copy equivalent of click-bait.

Picture of the day.
X-ray vision.
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           What’s this, a new tax on the number of miles you drive? I thought they did that already with gasoline tax. But under the guise of highway maintenance, this plan to track where you drive with a transponder on your vehicle. They don’t give a damn about the highways. While I like the idea of renewable energy, I’m not buying the claim that electricity is now the “cheapest in history”. The fine print seems to indicate they mean it is cheaper than ever measured against coal and gas—an effect that could be accomplished by simply increasing taxes and regulations on fossil fuels.
           One day after my article on the UTC (Universal Time Code), the New York Times decided it was also a good topic. You see, GPS works off the UTC. And hackers have been spoofing the system for years. Airplanes and ships disappearing or arriving with different datestamps, border drones driven off course by drug cartels, and you can buy or build a GPS jammer. intended to block vehicle tracking when you park the company car at the stripper joint. (They plug into a cigarette lighter and are already illegal in the USA & Canada.) The cheap ones retail around $125.

           Here’s a curious one. The work-at-home bunch has a bill of rights, okay, but one of them is “a safe working environment”. I see a can of worms. I’m sitting on a plush ergonomic chair in a climate-controlled sound-proofed room. If I go to work, I would expect to be paid for all that. The question is who pays for what now? You put anything in my home, it belongs to me or I’m not responsible, but most companies would not go for that.. In a conventional office, there are no such questions. What about privacy?
           More talk about Trump forming a third party. The Patriot or MAGA party, and I’m for it. The conventional two-party system has been a joke since the Civil War. Many say the threat is such a move would split the Republican party, but not the Democrats. Yeah, well let old Joe continue on his course and we shall see. I would like to see the old Republican party put on notice no matter what happens, because they were not doing their job. Much talk centers on how no third party has ever succeeded, but none ever got more than 20% of the vote. Trump can count on a majority—and this time he knows what and who to watch for. I say he should do it, if only to shake things up. But not before I get my free shit from Biden.

           Politics again. Something is out of whack and it has more to do than what’s being kicked around by big media. My overseas news sources have gone bland after Trump, but that’s part of my point. There should not be such a vacuum. Why did Biden have to charter a jet to his own inauguration? Why were the troops not saluting him? My perspective is the military protocols have changed and there was a news quip that Biden had been denied certain intelligence and codes. In isolation, any of there could happen. My spider sense says otherwise. And why was the National Guard called out for the “protection” of DC. It’s an uneasy sense of Joe making enemies faster than Kamala and Nancy, if you can imagine that.
           The violence that was supposed to be anti-Trump has continued out west. Rather than serve us up another lame connection to the cult-terrorist theme, the media is simply ignoring it. Biden spent the last couple days signing executive orders that bring laws that are going to bite him in the armpit. But he needs to get money fast to pay off his donor and bribery debts. Those Republicans that switched sides didn’t do it for free. And big tech isn’t going to waste any time collecting their favors.
           Now we are awash in conspiracies that are no theories. My suspicions focus on how the new administration is acting funny. They want to continue diverting attention against Trump and away from serious issues. Trump failed a lot because not being a politician, he did not know how to get the judicial and legislative people to do his bidding. Like when he wanted to send the troops into the rioting cities, some “advisor” told him he could not do that. But that was a lie. Again, I’m not looking at the politics, but the strange impetus toward something I can’t see clearly. Or is it a big rush away from something? Hmmmm.

Last Laugh