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Friday, February 12, 2021

February 12, 2021

One year ago today: February 12, 2020, impeachment annual coicidence.
Five years ago today: February 12, 2016, a pile of pineapples.
Nine years ago today: February 12, 2012, my first solo tip.
Random years ago today: February 12, 2014, full operational mode.

           Be advised Lakeland Toys & Games has many locations in Florida, just none in Lakeland. Yep, the millennial rot is just beginning to catch up on its creators. In their big rush to get everything on-line, they made practically zero effort to keep that information current. And they will suffer badly for it. Just don’t waste your time warning them, if you are over 40, what do you know? Sadly, in I’d guess 95% of the cases, that is a valid question. But, Brandon, it’s the other 5% you gotta watch for. In this case, it is another false positive. I found that hobby store, HobbyTowUSA, it is listed with mystore411 (no link) along with address and business hours.

           Except, it closed three years ago. The site has no provision for verifying if their information is still valid. We have words for those kind of people as well as solutions for their inconsiderate ignorance, but why risk getting banned? This nonsense was pioneered by MicroSoft. Throw the product out there and rely on feedback complaints to find the problems. Not fix them, just find them. There are still hobby stores in Lakeland, FL. As long as your hobby is painting or sewing, you know, the really challenging stuff for the people who do it.
           This is the Seeeduino I was looking for. Said the shopping center, they had to close down when Hobby Lobby opened in the same plaza, and more people were ordering the same merchandise on-line. I may have to try Tampa or Orlando, best known for their massive traffic jams. The is some news from Miami, they finally sold the old house on Loquat, but had to make alterations first. I never heard of that, nor of the requirement to remove one of the bathrooms, but then again, I’m not making millions. My interest was that my pal reports he has finally learned to be the foreman and let others do the heavy lifting.

           What could be influential is that he’s inherited a bit more, it must be swell to have wealthy relations. In my family, other than an aunt who married into money, they all worked for a living and got nowhere at it. One could say I never did any better, but that’s overlooking the fact I did not plunge into debt and spend my life paying for it. In three months, I will have been retired 25 years. So to those who ask why I didn’t work my way out of poverty, my reply is, I did. But I learned the limits of that. Put another way, there are an entire group of problems that most Americans have that you won’t hear from me.
           I’m pushing to get the wee doggie here for the summer. The Reb would never say but I know she likes the time off. Why not take advantage, I mean I know the dog’s habits, needs, diet, and I’m okay with vet bills. When we went to Memphis, she probably forgets she casually mentioned how long it had been since her last real break. Well, since I retired, my life has been nothing but a break, so hey, let’s see if we can map something out here.

Picture of the day.
Seamless high-waist body shaper, Wal”Mart.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           Before we get to today’s exciting episode on the double window, the news is the stimulus checks won’t arrive until late March. That does it Joe, you are history. Those were promised last November and it’s become to obvious you are paying off your campaign donors first. Thanks to your nemesis, Mr. Trump, your administration has become as transparent as my windows. Did somebody say windows? Yep, I spent a half hour priming the nail holes, but the focus was blocking the egress where critters can get in my attic. I’m mostly sure I found the spot, but it defies efforts to block it from the inside. Each scab reveals another spot just big enough.
           Here’s the best of the day, a clip of driving the new van through the car wash. It’s too big for me to attempt by hand. Back to the attic. So I looked at the exterior, and there is a way to get that blocked, but it means getting up there and having fun. Here’s the situation. I need the medium ladder to get into the attic, meaning I have to completely finish the window first. Then move the step ladder to finish the window interior, using the medium to get up to the eaves trough, it may save time just replacing a segment of soffit. As for the little holes, I may be able to stick a nozzle through and fill the cavity with spray foam. It’s an awkward shape where the two roof angles merge.

           Therapy. Today was an evaluation, which I was not expecting but it has to do with how Medicare works. I’ll give just enough detail that you can see my decision. It’s a total disruption of my retirement plans to get there. Did I say total? Yes, my history and planning shows I like the option to get away for weeks at a time. Having to keep schedules may be your cup of tea. The clinic uses angle measurements and I’ve increased flexibility to by around 7 degrees, enough to be noticeable. But no abatement on the pain, so you can figure out I’ll be back to normal by age 105.
Next development is they have finally realized they are dealing with two injuries. They like the old one, it is what they are trained for. The new one, if you want to look it up, is a supraspinatus wound, commonly called rotator cuff. This one I can keep from getting worse, I think, by doing the exercises at home. But we know those are not really directed as at the clinic, so it’s not likely another 7 degrees unless I continue—at great cost to me in time and travel. It is averaging 38.6 miles round trip because I have to zip down to Highway 60.
           See this diagram? That’s the test I fail. Although the muscle is located in the shoulder, the pain is where you see the hand on the muscle area. That’s the angle and direction of the pain and it’s not much of a leap to see how that is connected to my bass playing. And that’s not even discussing that on therapy days, often I cannot play bass the regular amount, which may look like free time, but for me it is frustrating lost time.

           Politics. What a bunch of bad actors, this impeachment spectacle. The Biden team has actually tried to present edited news clips as evidence. How about that “anonymous” source claiming Trump phoned a guy to influence Georgia elections. Ha, the guy was present at the trial and denounced the fake news claim. The Democrats pulled a boner on this one, they’ve even alienated many of their own formerly fanatical followers. It’s almost embarrassing to state you support what Biden and his gang have been doing. This sham proceeding is going to implode, Turley-style. My guess is the Pelosi posse just presumed their minions would go along with the charade as they always have in the past.

           Let’s see what Jimmy Ruska, the weirdo, has to say. I only read the tech news section, so let’s see what is technological today in Jimmy’s brain, which appears as limp as his wrists. Twitter will now identify government officials. Bill Gates announces once the COVID “crisis” has been dragged out to the bitter end, he has two more threats waiting their turn (climate change and bioterrorism). And MicroSoft says other countries should follow Australia’s lead in making on-line publishers pay for content derived from regular media. In other words, they should copy a system for free whose purpose is to prevent free copying.
           They’ve trained pigs to play video games over at Purdue. Allow me. Since pigs are not getting any smarter, the video games must be getting, er, less smarter. Anybody who’s walked into an arcade of late can tell you gone are the high-IQ days of the pinball machine. Since chimps can already beat many gamers, the question is why were pigs chosen for this experiment? To answer this, I pulled up a few web pages showing pictures of the women at Purdue last semester. I am not going to grace that with a comment.

           Real techie substance so far, Jimmy. Reviews on hangovers, unionizing, fashions for the disabled, and some issues with Google hiding certain job ads from applicants who don’t specify their gender. Old Jimmy has never revealed his obsessive fascination with equal rights for people with limited capacity to enjoy “normal” sex. I don’t mean nothin’, I’m just sayin’.
           My take on it is simple. If the application intentionally blocks the query, that is against the law. I did not say it was bad, only against the law. However, if it is a user setting, that is, the person doing the search is the one who sets the filter, that is their privilege and choice. You can make people do things, but you can’t make them like it. People who don’t list their gender on a job resume are out to prove some point, which they are free to do at their own expense.

Last Laugh