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Sunday, February 14, 2021

February 14, 2021

One year ago today: February 14, 2020, Urdu telemarketers.
Five years ago today: February 14, 2016, use Agent Ransack.
Nine years ago today: February 14, 2012, proof of delivery.
Random years ago today: February 14, 2018, XP is still tops.

           Happy Single Person’s Awareness Day. Unplanned morning off. One neat part of having a tooth injury is soft food. How about butter mushroom scrambled eggs and WildRose spaghetti. That’s regular spaghetti, but with a quarter cup of ripple wine in the sauce, so the meat stays on top, but the sauce oozes nicecly around the noodles. Heated first, of course, so there is no alcohol left in the mix, hey this is breakfast. And K-cup hot chocolate, also shown, it isn’t bad, actually. But always read the label. It’s true, my old band in Hollywood actually got a gig. Should I show up and cheerlead?
           I searched through the van and found the former owner had put two of the expense Xenon bulbs in the glove compartment. Brand new in the box, a matching pair made in China. Great, I thought. I knew from y’day I could just get my hand inside enough to remove the old bulb assembly. And quite an assembly it is, replete with high-voltage sticker. Replacing the bulb too ten minutes, but an hour later the thing will not turn on.

           I tried both bulbs, and Chrysler in their wisdom fixed it so each bulb will fit in two ways, so I had to try every combination. And no chance to test the bulbs on the other side since that is inside a different and by the looks of it, weatherproof housing. So as not to waste all that time, I replaced the high beam, a much smaller bulb at only $16 in case I didn’t say. Going on-line was useless, the ones where the title actually matched the video used bulbs that were notched to fit one way. Scotty Kilmer should know to address that topic, but no.
           There is a large plastic ring that clips around the bulb base, with an elaborate set of metal pieces around the inside perimeter. It does not hold the bulb in the socket and doesn’t the bulb or the base. I suspect it is to hold the entire assembly into the frame, but if so it is junk. There is no obvious way it attaches, that would be a useful video. Worst, whole piece is quite loose and when almost into the frame socket, it can catch. You think you are twirling it into the socket, but you are unseating the bulb. Tried it five times.

           Later, I found a low-effort youTube video that indicates the base can be unplugged and removed, but it’s one of those moronic millennial numbers with no audio to explain why he pushes the teeth on that retainer ring. And of course, these AOLS do it while the whole headlight piece is removed, clean, and resting on a table. One angle shows there may be two retainer clips, which may indicate the ring does not have to be turned. Moments later, I found a video that says it does. Yet another said the air cleaner can be easily lifted out of the way. Remember the plug is facing down, twisting in from 8:00 to 6:00 o’clock position.
           I see the last owner tried this and gave up. He also misplaced the rubbery shroud that seems to waterproof, but I’ve never had that sort of headlight trouble. The last video roundabout said a shop will charge $400 to replace the bulb, so I’ll keep at it a long time before I shell out that much.
           I now have the entire piece removed from the frame and on the shop bench. But I don’t have any way to test it, yet. There has to be a way. I think that metal box contains a ballast because the bulb has no filament. That means 25,000 volts. The igniter looks like it is inside the bulb. That makes the bulb probably the cheapest part of the lighting. I’m tempted to take that other headlight off for the test, but not until I find out how the thing reassembles. There is a goof on-line that videos how to do this test in the dark, duh, and does not explain where he got the components used in the test.

Picture of the day.
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           Do chickens love or hate styrofoam? Matilda pecks at it, just making a mess. Must be some instinct, since it would not be anything lacking in her diet. Trial and error shows that bird won’t eat anything but the best. Her favorites remain orange infused budgie seed, her least are dry lentils. She eats them last. Then again, how do I know what chickens save for desert? Here’s something that grows in my yard. Remember the little pieces from JZ’s big agave plant? They grow as a function of sunlight, and this one got the best spot. So, the best yard plant so far is one I don’t care for.
           I got up the ladder and filled the gaps in the soffit material with spray foam, that is nasty stuff. They’ve never come up with a nozzle that really works. I’m leaving it for a day, then setting baited traps out, see how things change when they are hungry. Is it mice? Is it a rat? It might be another chipmunk, but they go outside in daylight so that’s when I plugged the hole. It was hard to find and I may still seal it off on the inside as well. These are the nicest days of the year so time to get off my tush. I need a complete new 8-foot shelf in the scooter shed. It ain’t gonna build itself.

           In addition, the times I most test different wood stains is when I get some from the recycle. This time I found a tin of the color “Provencal”. Most of my experience is on box wood of two limited types. That’s how I gauge what I like, and most stains are too dark. Take this test on rough cedar wood. It really soaks the oil, but it’s free so I’m experimenting. This might look good on other base wood, and it does give an impression of rich old furniture. I’ll stick meanwhile with what I know I like, familiar old American walnut. I’m developing a liking for pecan. Mahogany and maple are too “red” for my taste.
           This is one of my early boxes, now an open tray for corner clamps. They still come in useful with the pocket drill, as that apparatus is not good for straightening even small warps in the wood. In all, I was out there six hours today, just not on the chores I should be doing. Supper was collard greens salad, with a main course of boiled potatoes and chopped chicken. I’m so easily distracted.

           Back to the solo act, I’m starting to retrain myself on the Beat Buddy. So far, it’s set the beat and play along. They’ve worked hard to make it more versatile, so I intend to put it through the paces. The irony is, I may have an easier go of it than a more experienced guitarists. Some of the innovative features, like starting a riff part way through the measure, are downright distracting and have to be hard memorized. My first attempt was around 35 repeats and the discovery that by next day, I had to do that all over again. Thus, I have $20 that says most people with this machine play it like they would a drum machine. Factory settings only.
           Starting tomorrow, I have a calendar to tackle this systematically. It’s going to slow things down but it will pay off, so no shortcuts at this time. Now I know why the box has a headphone jack. I predict around 200 hours of time will be needed to master this, but the basics will be ready in a week.

           Last, I checked my unused accounts, many of which have been in place before verification was even thought of. I see one of my accounts has 708 unread messages. Let’s take a look. So far 18 offers from my bank for a car loan, 4 toward a mortgage, and 2 saying my account is overdrawn. This account has never had less than $500 balance, the amount to avoid monthly fees. And on March 22, 2015, somebody sent an eerie e-mail to me using a nickname I have not heard in 30 years. Could be somebody who recognized me in some on-line video.
           And I see Google has finally picked up on circular references. That’s where each of my original accounts uses another as a contact until it gets back to start. Hey, what’s this, incoming from the Hippie? Shit, that guy should know better than to use his real name in e-mail correspondence. While all e-mail is recorded, messages containing names & phone numbers are routed automatically for database entry.

           Nope, he’s the same spiteful twerp as ever, alone in thinking his guitar music is an extension of his personality, and doing the medical marijuana thing to cut down on his jail time. I think his 15 minutes was a single appearance on People’s Court. He won not for being right, but because business law strongly favors the party that did the actual work. Thing is, the other two band members never saw a penny. He’s still stuck in the Grateful Dead rut, never crawling back to the surface.
           He’s followed my lead and has a blog, but he’s till smoking the funny stuff. Some months three posts, other months identical copies of the previous months, possibly he doesn’t realize it. His posts are also fringe material. Papyrus scrolls, quasi-religious satyr, and a lot of the “noble savage” bunk. He still thinks the Indians had no concept of land ownership. Except when a neighboring tribe trespassed on their hunting grounds, that is.

           The Democrats have lost face so badly with this faked impeachment that they don’t seem aware they are shaming themselves. Even Hillary, still seething over her 2016 loss, isn’t helping with her comments. She’s saying now that if Trump is convicted, it’s not because he won, but because the jury is full of his “co-conspirators”. What’s happened is by now, most people on both sides have figured out that Trump, like most Americans, did not even know what Russian collusion, ballot harvesting, and the whole bag of dirty tricks were until they accused him of it.
           It took far more experience at political subterfuge than Trump could possibly have had to create the situation we have today. They seem furious that all their tactics aren’t working on Trump, which leaves the impression that all their accusations are false. Worse yet, their past is catching up with them. Clinton is claiming Trump is obsessed with her, but again, the world can see the opposite. It’s become so if you want to find out what the radical left is up to themselves, just listen to what they accuse Trump of doing. While he’s actually out playing golf.

           I take it Trump was acquitted, the way the MSM is exploding with anti-Trump rhetoric. I only watched the parts where Hillary and ilk make asses of themselves. If a poll was taken now, she would probably rate as the most hated women in the country. It’s hilarious to hear these people talk because they are so off the mark they simply have to know they are lying from up in loser’s balcony. Can anybody tell me what’s going on? Because to me, it looks like these people have painted themselves into a political corner and are lashing out in panic. Why?
           Where have we seen this before? I think I know, it is people who owe a lot of money to bad people, and who are about to lose their jobs. The problem is, the source of this is all the detective and crime movies I’ve watched. But the plots are consistent and this brand of movies don’t do well unless they contain large swathes of evident facts. So I don’t believe the media claims that 58% of Americans want Trump convicted. I don’t knew where they are pulling these numbers out of.

           Hang on, what’s this? Trump was acquitted, 57-43. Ha, I love it when liberals prove themselves wrong. Instead of bringing in hard evidence, they focused on bullying Republicans to change sides. I say the Democrats, who never know when to shut up, are lucky nobody started calling witnesses. Ha, put Pelosi on the stand, she must have known about the “terrorist” attack far before it happened, but nobody’s picked up on that.
           Will the Democrats admit they were wrong and lost? Of course not, that isn’t how they roll. They will start flinging all kinds of accusations and try to divert people back to climate change and COVID, a tactic that has long since lost most of its impact. No, the libtards will just move on to the next hoax. But you know, they are almost out of options—they know now that it is them who just lost the next election. They are paranoid of Trump, who they know could not have survived all their scheming and attacks unless he was really innocent. And they’ve taught Trump all he needs to know to play dirty pool.

Last Laugh