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Monday, February 15, 2021

February 15, 2021

One year ago today: February 15, 2020, higher tax, lower percentage.
Five years ago today: February 15, 2016, Super rat, R.I.P..
Nine years ago today: February 15, 2012, offering an alternative.
Random years ago today: February 15, 2019, a supreme tourist trap.

           The Beat Buddy is around the sixth drum device I’ve used, so I had all the BPM (beats per minute) settings in long term storage. It took and hour to amalgamate them, only to discover most of them did not play the same on the Beat Buddy. I’m going to dig out my metronome and see what gives. There is also an annoying hiss but that’s likely my amplifier, it turns Bluetooth on by itself. I could have sworn I downloaded the full manual, but where? I went for a new pdf, and I see they’ve addressed the problem with such a tiny screen when you are standing on stage. Before we continue, here’s a better shot of the Xenon bulb, with the metal ring visible.
           They say to program the function of one of the foot switches to act as the pedal switch. Great, when and if I ever find the footswitch, half the buttons are not available. I see they’ve added a couple more products, but the jargon was so hard to follow, I left that for later. But if you wonder why so many indie music sounds alike, it’s these loop devices. They can only loop so many patterns and some have limits on the number of notes or the time.

           Guess who I got a contact from? Remember my favorite bakery? Each new contact means finding out how often they reply, so nothing at the moment. But the baby must be, let’s see, six years or so by now. Back to the pedal. The manual is only 44 pages long, meaning it glosses over everything. It’s millennial-grade, going on about how things are possible, but without detailed instructions. There seems to be a separate download, a type of IDE for setting up a “project” on the removable SD card.
           It refers to what I want in general terms. To have the machine save settings for each song and have the song title as the display—ideas the builder of this machine got from me. But he didn’t make it as easy as I would have. The downloads are also tricky, some you can download, others you have to open the files (not always possible) and download that. The song-matching tool has only 1550 tunes, all user input, but I’ll give it a stab. The only one I play is “Good Hearted Woman”. The setting is 1-Shuffle at 206 bpm. Are you ready?

           It’s what I figured. Rather than using the software to program the sound, 1550 people have used the drum-box mindset. Of the roughly 60 songs classified as country, around 45 have the setting 1-Shuffle. All low-effort. Let me check something. How many shuffle beats are there. Eight. How many are NOT 1-Shuffle. Around 10%. And the list contains duplicates, so it isn’t 1550. And it turns out the “programming” is MIDI based, so it’s really just an interface.                       There are the super-packs for sale, where you get extra rhythms, but the displays that list what they are stay blank. And the “BB Manager”, likely what I need, will only run 64-bit computers. But hang in there, we’ll get this. They are also pushing a feature called “AutoPilot”, which says it can be set to “play a song in its entirety” (as opposed to . . .) Hmmm, while it describes what I talked about with the owner ten years ago, it is nothing new. A drum machine programmed to play an individual song, but that you can add stuff, like extra bars or a second instrumental break. Meanwhile, we trundle along. I’ll determine a few bpm settings and call it a day.

Picture of the day.
L.L. Bean Factory entrance.
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The music setup. What a headache. I’m also testing new systems and BeatBuddy doesn’t like helping out. That’s the manual that tells you what the pedal does, but not how to do it. So I’ll chat about what went wrong. First, the tap button feature does not work well and tends to vary between drum beats. The plan is you tap the button to the music and BeatBuddy finds the correct tempo. But when you play it back moments later, you have to add 4 to 6 bpm. Then I find my chosen guitar does not like to hold the jack in all the way. It keeps popping out just enough to disconnect. Next, there is a way to get the pedal to start on beat, but it reacts a bit funny.
           I also connected by chorus pedal, the one I use to fake instrumental breaks. I still have not found a happy sound, but that’s related to how many hours I put in with it. Nor have I found why I get that annoying hiss when the pedal is plugged in. There is supposed to be a setting that detects the type of footswitch that is connected, which seems to work fine. But it says you can change the function of that switch, and that doesn’t happen. It is stuck on pause. The setup is a tangle of wiring that will eventually have to be boxed up. One problem at a time, we’ll get this.

           Here’s Matilda checking out the pecan tree, which is no more. I worked five hours setting up two new shelves in the scooter shed. One was not enough, you accumulate all kinds of things when you get your own place. One shelf for anything in the kitchen I don’t use every day, and a second shelf resting on concrete blocks for space to neaten up. Remind me to get at that bathtub, it has water stains that are hard to believe. Instead of siesta, I watched a DVD called “The Illusionist”. Pretty darn good, it also captured the period in history when European monarchs were just about to lose supreme power.
           This double-intrigue me because it represents the type of return to a ruling class that we call the Deep State. And how about “refeudalization”? The return to the feudal system, where the king and his entourage live in castles and manor houses. Everybody else is a peasant locked in that work which benefits the elite. No wonder the far left hates Trump so much, if he gets back in, some of them may have to go get real jobs.

           Pelosi would make a great taxi driver if she can break her habit of telling people where they want to go. Sanders, well, he could learn to code, apparently it is so easy coal miners can do it. And Aye-ock, with her looks she’s a shoo-in for a meter maid, but I dunno, look how far her clock has run down in just four years. And the turban lady? How about secondary school teacher, since she’s forgotten more about certain aspects of American history than most of us have even heard of.
           Two more things I don’t understand. Since the Democrats doctored evidence, why are none of them charged? Isn’t that perjury. Or is this another case of rules for thee but not for me. And I join the rest of the world in amazement over the COVID lockdowns, not because the tactic does any good. It doesn’t. But that Americans so quickly and willingly give up their freedoms. I was in the kitchen with Reb the day I first heard about lockdowns and automatically said, “Bullshit”. Because mayors and governors don’t have that kind of power. They do now.

           February 15, remember to check ifCoffee and Crazy is still there. I’ve prepared the budget for materials needed to complete the renovation of this cabin. Five years has seen a lot of changes and now I know what I’m up against. Importantly, I’ve learned one small chore per day keeps ahead of things. All newer problems have emerged and the update includes new matching appliances, though not as a priority.

Last Laugh