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Tuesday, February 16, 2021

February 16, 2021

One year ago today: February 16, 2020, neat junk.
Five years ago today: February 16, 2016, remember Moon wobbles?
Nine years ago today: February 16, 2012, noon-puzzles not allowed.
Random years ago today: February 16, x2015, rounded, not truncated.

           It probably should not take six hours to get out of town, but that’s today’s report. The broken tooth is a goner, no possibility of salvage. In the process I found a very easy-to-get-along-with dentist. That’s where you stop and wonder what other kind are there? Nowadays, dentistry is a job, not a profession. One of the worst types of AOLs are the ones you tell in advance not to come back with certain memorized scripts, and they do anyway. I’ve got family like that, so imagine how little I appreciate it from strangers. But let’s review the day.
           My physio draws to a close with barely measureable results. I’ll follow through because that’s the plan. It is clear my two injuries cannot be treated individually. I fired of a message to my attorney asking what options remain. Not so many. Let’s lighten things up with a food story. My neighbor has this insurnce policy that delivers really big boxes of food to his door. Which he and his wife don’t eat. Sure I said, don’t throw out perfectly good food. Except in the past couple weeks he’s been in and out of the hospital.

           My freezer’s full and so is the ridge. I have a 17 day supply, so help yourself. They are twice the size of TV dinners and there must be a real chef on the team. The box today got me behind a full hour because it takes time to unload that much food. I never left town until 5:00PM. This was the first trip to Miami in the minivan and it’s proving to be as nice as expected. Being beyond comfortable it reaches into downright luxury, which makes the miles go by quicker. This trip each was, on paper, 215 miles. By the time I got back two days from now, the clock said 650 miles.

Picture of the day.
Full length kilt.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           I arrived after dark, not my favorite driving. The only straight stretch is really that 23 mile part of Hwy 27 south of Clewiston, so guess which part they’ve go chewed up with posted 45 mph speed. How did they know I was running late? Anyway we had so much planning and documentation to go over we stayed put and drank half a jar of Folger’s instant. Well, at least I think, as JZ is known to put cheap coffee into labeled jars. Has not fooled me yet, but this batch was okay.
           We had planned on tearing up the Last Chance. No way, this is going to be a fast and busy trip. Yes, the house on Loquat is sold, but around the yard are a dozen clay pots and ceramic planters, some of the pretty fancy and equally heavy. I’ll explain again my pal finally got his forewarning that it’s time to slow down.

           He’s been cooped up in the house, mostly in pain but he won’t take the pills. That’s my buddy, won’t even go get a haircut. And his ex is bugging him for money again. We have to abduct this guy out to Winter Haven for a couple months, where there are nice girls of his own religion who have day jobs. Can you see him in this blurry picture? Good, because you are not supposed to.

Last Laugh