One year ago today: February 26, 2020, this means you . . .
Five years ago today: February 26, 2016, bass c hicken pickin’.
Nine years ago today: February 26, 2012, fresh new assertiveness.
Random years ago today: February 26, 2007, pedals & white rice.
You Biden people are not getting your $15/hr and you are not getting your $2,000 stimulus checks either. The money has been used to restart the bombing of Syria, so the Deep State can build the pipeline over there, where kickbacks are a budget category. And we have more GameStop trading, though I wonder what the hitch is this time. My advice? Sit back and let’s watch the fun and speculate on the rise of the real evil dictator of our time. It seems 30% of Democrat voters have remorse, it’s pathetic how they’ve learned nothing from the vote auctions of the past.
The double-window got two more hours of attention. I scraped and sanded the interior parts, noting which pieces of wood warped. The technology makes sense more and more. So does the message, don’t mess with old windows unless you have the time. It is the side pieces most susceptible to weather warping and I was out of finishing nails. So off to the lumber yard where I discovered 2x3s have shot up to $5.66 each. That’s over 400% increase in the past few months. And 8-foot deck planks are now $9.97 apiece. The store was nearly empty.
While this is happening, we got us a nice chicken pie in the oven. No, that shell is not overbaked, it is browned by placing a cookie sheet on a rack the next layer up in the oven. Enjoy, as you read below, it’s nothing but more soft food for the next three weeks. My tooth will have been broken some six weeks by then, it’s atrocious how badly the American infrastructure has fallen apart. I tuned the radio to a program on contrails, or chemtrails as the theory goes. Did I learn anything?
Yes, but most of it is useless but the idea of the clouds containing poison is largely due to misinterpretation of a military study. The origin is an Air Force paper on weather control. It was thought these high-altitude clouds could reflect sunlight and reduce global warming. The chemtrail believers say that toxic material are being deliberately spewed into the air, making people sick. The heat from jet engines passing through cool, damp air is the reason for contrails, so if there was anything funny going on, the bad guys would fly the planes at night.
Butterfly house.
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My first dentist visit in a long time, and it was not for fillings and such, but that broken tooth. I have the info. They gave me a long talk about how the underlying bone should be prepped for restorative measures and the option that I want, without any actual tooth replacement, weights in at $1,165 on top of the $196 spent already. A bridge or implant would cost extra. Just to get the broken tooth extracted is $340 and that’s slated for the middle of next month.
To mull this over, I stopped for a coffee and wound up reading for two hours. My generation’s time has obviously come and gone. Taking stock of all the people I’ve met and worked with, around a thousand of them, I can’t really quote one who has done more than become locally successful. Of those I grew up with, a few became doctors and lawyers. But not one famous writer, musician, statesman, celebrity, industrialist, politician, inventor, model, or criminal. If any one of us is remembered much fifty years from now, it could very well be from this blog. That’s a desolate thought considering we are the last generation able to write our own rules. Or that took any responsibility, such as it was, when things went wrong.
Here’s a picture through the shutters of the closed up plantation house from last Sunday. Several large rooms to the back looked like work areas, including a separate cook house. They all seemed sparsely furnished to me but I don’t know how many people would be present. All larger rooms had fireplaces but I only saw one chimney.
I picked up a section of the newspaper to note regular news has become what sports used to be. It used to be who won and the score. Now it is all about who was arrested, sued, divorced, diagnosed, or kicked off the team. It was TV, I say, that created a permanent American underclass of people absolutely convinced other people’s lives are their business. TV confirms what they suspect, that other people’s lives are more interesting than their own. Just watch “Golden Girls”. (I don’t but I can hear it in the therapy waiting room.) The duller your life, the funnier the disgusting humor in these shows.
One article mentions a minor victory for those accused of crimes. I’ve mentioned the huge imbalance created by crime labs, the places that supply evidence to one side but not the other. There are enough horror stories of lab mixups, unqualified technicians, fake credentials, and bad results to shake most judges back awake. Yet they consistently take these secret tests and results over the defendant’s right to challenge the evidence. But it is a small victory, for without your own usually government-funded laboratory full of the latest equipment, what can you do? The ruling is that your right to challenge the evidence means the “technology vendor” can’t refuse to disclose how the process worked by claiming industrial privacy.
This whole “expert witness” thing has become a decadent mess by lopsided favoring of one side. It probably happens, but how often is the defense able to call such witness rather than cross-examine one hired by the state? The prosecution is under no obligation to reveal except what they pick and choose. It’s not a healthy system. There is no comment hear on the validity of the science part, but meanwhile holding that scientists are more often wrong than right.
My kitchen 3-way light is eating bulbs. And it’s the type that requires a step ladder and taking down a delicate globe to replace. Remind me Saturday morning to try an LED bulb or if available a heavy duty trouble light brand. And get coffee. I so rarely go out for coffee now that I have the K-cup technology that I’m retiring the listing. Largest singe category expense these days? Gasoline. $627 so far in 2021. By budget figures, motorcycle gas was $66 per month and I drove everywhere. Beginning the day I started driving a car, monthly average gas has shot up to $192 with minimum local driving, as I have the Yamaha for that.
The Yamaha has the new ignition cutoff switch. I tapped into a battery wire and got an unexpected bonus. I found killing the switch did not cut off the motor, so I hit the thumb button for that. This means starting it becomes a two step process even if you find the switch, which is hidden under the seat, for which I have the lock if ever get to installing it.
Jimmy is gone. He passed away overnight, likely from a brain aneurysm. The Reb got up this morning and noticed his door was open, which he liked to do when the weather was mild. While he never quite recovered from his last bout, he was doing rather well with chemo and we talked of fixing things on his truck. He was 72 or 73 and has lived alone for at least the prior 18 years. He’s survived by a sister I’ve met only once a few months ago.