One year ago today: March 12, 2020, he’s saying hello.
Five years ago today: March 12, 2016, long & windy.
Nine years ago today: March 12, 2012, stolen.
Random years ago today: March 12, 2005, smart & single, both.
The network setup here finally makes it easier to find related blog posts without switching computers, as it was done. That’s why this picture of a FPGA from a gaming site got my full attention. Link to this blog on June 3, 2019 to see more details on these nifty devices, a current model is shown here. It should be familiar looking to my dedicated readers. The link contains other links on how to program, but I confess to not looking much. It got off to a bad start using C+ style.
But do look [at the link contents], it is similar to a shelved project just before I bought this house. The plan was to build a programmable ROM and that is kind of what this little board does. Before, you could only get a pre-wired “chip” to emulate other functions. They are some ten times more expensive than Arduinos and can easily top $1,000. The tech specs are a rat’s nest of jargon, but what I think is the diodes and transistors of an internal array are replaced by gates, probably NOR gates. A command configures then in an array, processes and stores memory, then configures another array to work on the memory. Am I even close?
Another morning gone, trying to contact my dental provider. It’s laughable, as I was there when the switchover from good to bad happened. And once again, it was caused by local businesses copying the crummy systems you get overseas. This began slightly before the Internet, so don’t blame that. It was more the influence of studies conducted on Germany and Japan, areas that essentially started over beginning in the mid-fifties. American research teams went gaga on their productivity gains. I warned those stats were wrong, and they were. Small numbers have misleading properties.
VOCL, have you heard of it? It’s a social media site proposed by the pillow guy who posted the election fraud material. That’s not the news. The important thing is I think the existing media are terrified shitless that people will flock to it and they are will go maniac to stop it. One case already filed is by a site called “Vocal” claiming infringement. It’s not, VOCL stands for “Victory Of Christ’s Love”. And I will be one of the first to use it, provided it’s what they claim it will be. The focus for now is if and how the biggies will try to stop this threat to their monopoly.
I’ve got a ready-made plan that operates out of my old office in S. America. If this site turns up, I may declare WAR. What is that? In a Jenn Psaki moment, let me say, that is a very good question, thank you for asking it. It’s an original idea of mine, but I’m sure there will be those who can point at some precedents, since nobody really operates in a vacuum, with the possible exception of most liberals. WAR is my plan to post videos on-line with a single quirk. With Ads Removed.
That’s correct. Few things are more annoying than Internet ads, and the more so since the stated purpose of the system was the FREE dissemination of knowledge. My system would simply follow that guideline. I believe all sites that have ads should be required to warn the view in advance and to use their own separate suffix. I know that dot com means commerical, but in the context of doing business, not interrupting our day with advertising. I’m especially annoyed by how many ugly people are at it these days. For example, take that pin-headed tosser who does the spot for smart electric meters.
My plan would be to simply find the most viewed posts that have ads, and strip away the ads. I know the implications, but my plan is not to get away with infringement, but to gain publicity. My game is to post the videos minus the ads using the original title, with the suffix “war”. If those people want money, let them go get jobs instead of supporting an annoying industry, but I won’t mix it up with anyone at this point.
My defense is that there is no law against this, that ads are not an Internet requirement, that users are free to still watch the version with ads, and it is no different that ripping the ads out of a magazine that you own. You put it on my computer screen without getting prior permission, it’s mine, buddy. Or as I wrote to Trent, don’t delete their ads. Just move them past the end credits. But, but, what about the guy who made the video, how does he get paid? He goes and gets a job, that's how. It's not like anyone invited him onto the Internet. How else but a real job is he going to learn what free information is all about? No jobs? Then quit voting for open borders, dude.
Baked Denver omelet.
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I took a look at Verilog, the language that is used in conjunction with FPGA, probably the array used to line up all the gates, which become another array. It was such a nice day I fell asleep with the door open and lost the afternoon. Bottom line, I could not comprehend the FPGA instructions or what it is trying to do. The beginner’s level is over my head, or possibly I have not found the right teacher. Remember with Arduino, I got little help on what was really needed.
It contains what looks like machine code segments. By 9:00PM I was red-eyed and half-asleep. I recognize some parts but face it, the wired generations have been deeply sold on the programming must be difficult concept. I get the things like pin assignments, but when all the pins do the same task (in this case, blink an LED), why does each pin require a different syntax. A bit later I found some tutorials, which helps. But the recurring problem remains, where they over explain basics, ignore the intermediate, and leap into fantastically complicated scenarios. It’s not quite like anything I’ve seen, this could take up a lot of time.
Later, I think I’ve found a Boolean logic code clip I think is used with FPGA:
A <= B0 OR B2 OR (B1 AND B3) OR (NOT B1 AND NOT B3); B <= (NOT B1) OR (NOT B2 AND NOT B3) OR (B2 AND B3); C <= B1 OR NOT B2 OR B3; D <= (NOT B1 AND NOT B3) OR (B2 AND NOT B3) OR (B1 AND NOT B2 AND B3) OR (NOT B1 AND B2) OR B0; E <= (NOT B1 AND NOT B3) OR (B2 AND NOT B3); F <= B0 OR (NOT B2 AND NOT B3) OR (B1 AND NOT B2) OR (B1 AND NOT B3); G <= B0 OR (B1 AND NOT B2) OR ( NOT B1 AND B2) OR (B2 AND NOT B3);And the Antikythera device is making the tabloids yet again How many damn times are they going to announce the riddle solved. This time they used computer modeling to make a reconstruction. This time London College used some kind of penetrating ray to map the gears. I’ll wait and see, I mean they say this is only a third of the original device. That makes making a model beyond guesswork. We have another crisis in another African country, this time Mozambique. It’s a mystery, they have no farms, no food, no fish, but the latest models of assault weaponry.
title, with the suffix “war”. If those people want money, let them go get jobs instead of supporting an annoying industry, but I won’t mix it up with anyone Later. I got in another hour looking at some FPGA diagrams. Like we figured, the technical side of things doesn’t explain how it works, so the directions don’t make a lot of sense. And the Internet if chock full of the usual low-effort how-tos. During the next nuclear melt-down, just you remember how many of those boys thought they learned better with “Hot In Herre” blasting in the background. Why, it forced them to concentrate. If the on-line tutorial is really free, why are you name and DOB required fields?
Another reason I suspect the FPGA is RAM is the delay evident in the demonstration videos. So far, none of them show what I want to know—can you change the gates around in real time? That delay has to be the time it’s taking to upload the gate information. I would not try this with my level of knowledge, but it would make “thinking” circuits a possibility I would like to recognize when I see it coming.
Specialty tools, you know I like them. I don’t care if they get used once a year. That Mikita saw from Agt. M has something haywire. I’ll try changing the blade, as he’s not fussy about what cuts as long as it does. The saw gets weak and bind on thicker material, so I’m considering making it into a jig for standardized 45° cuts. I can’t find plans for a DIY model, the important thing is to be able to cut the pointy angle at exactly the right length. This is tricky unless the saw blade is facing upwards.
The latest round of crazies are proposing billion-dollar schemes to make broadband universal. The common element is none are saying they’ll pay for it. Nor did it take long to spot all these people who are playing champion of this have a distinct look about themselves. I leave it to you to discover what it is. They are crowing that Alaskan Eskimos and three people who chose to live on the N. Dakota border are now suffering badly because they have no broadband. My question is why? And the rest can go to the library like I did for the first five years.
When it’s more artificial than intelligence, it flags on-line chess as racist. Black versus white crawls up their arses.