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Wednesday, March 17, 2021

March 17, 2021

One year ago today: March 17, 2020, Taurus totalled.
Five years ago today: March 17, 2016, rather large undertaking.
Nine years ago today: March 17, 2012, not a jazz fan.
Random years ago today: March 17, 2009, Miami concrete pillow.

           You know those A/C cans of R-134a fluid they are always sold out of when your system needs recharging? The ones that come with that ridiculously short stubby hose that ensures you have to lean over the spinning radiator fans to access the low-pressure port? I’ve discovered a defect in the design. The kit is lacking one critical component. That’s the little set of jumper wires missing from the package. You know how the instructions say clip the adapter onto the port and tilt the can back and forth for 5 to 15 minutes? I’m going to invest in a shop-grade hose, I figure $40. From what I can see, these hoses are sold in packs of three, two which don’t fit your car.
           These jumper wires go from the battery to the nutsack of the engineer who designed the hose system. Not only is the gauge always facing away from you when charging, the connector won’t stay on. The engineer should be forced to stand there with the jumper wires connected to his nutsack and get a continuous jolt every time the clip comes loose until he reconnects it—and pays you for the lost time a freon. The connector will fail every time if you try to look at the gauge, and every third or forth time you tilt the can. As an option, this jumper wire could come with a regulator that increases the voltage every time that bastard engineer suggests you are doing it wrong.

           Later, I bought the $25 low end pro model and found that I had, thanks to the cheap brands, overcharged my A/C. The unit has a gauge that’s incorporated into the can nozzle and comes with a 24-inch hose. I used it in reverse to discharge my system to discover that was not the problem. Still no A/C, which means I could be looking for a new compressor, but before that, I have to eliminate the radiator fan as the problem. I drove around to get the engine hot and that fan was not kicking in. Check the thermostat and the fluid is churning, so it isn’t stuck shut. I bought a spare just in case.
           Next, the relay. Troubleshooting these parts seems to scare off some people. The basics are fairly easy. And I found something I don’t like the looks of at all. See the relay I’m holding in my fist? That K11, the fan controller. I swapped out other known working fuses and the radiator fan would not kick in. The way this system works is the two pins at the top I’m pointing at should always have 12 volts on them when the key is on.

           That’s why they tell you keep clear of the fan, it can start for no reason. The two bottom pins, one is a ground triggered by the vehicle computer, the other is a ground that activates when the relay is switch on. Even shorting the two pins with bare wire would not work because I could not find the 12 volts on those pins. This is a very unusual condition. I have to drive the van tomorrow and Friday, but careful not to stand idling. As long as the vehicle is moving the radiator will cool, but standing still is not good. I don’t have a problem paying to keep an older vehicle on the road. It’s that I have such terrible luck that the breakdowns happen when I have appointments out of town.
           Now we have bills being introduced to require the teaching of the Holocaust version of history. My objection is simple, this is the only version of history that is required to be accepted without question under threat of being severe punishment. I’ve always been against the one-sided presentation of many historical episodes in history class during my own grade school education, but these descriptions were not mandatory. Like many, I will pretend to agree, but I don’t think any such threats would cause me to believe a flawed account of anything.

Picture of the day.
Wooden calendar.
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           Chasing around to find an open A/C shop was a waste of time this afternoon. I was millennialized. The four shops that listed, two were closed and two had answering services where the hold time was longer than driving over there. Both said come back next week, so I drove way over to my regular mechanic who can look at it Monday morning. Do you see a pattern? One thing I never thought would become difficult in my lifetime was finding people to work on your car. If computers can become too expense to repair, I should have figured the same for autos.
           As for real work today, I wired up another nine receptacles and got the tools ready. Overall that is pitiful performance amounting to may two equivalent work days per week. It’s like me and the chicken sitting on the stoop. Trying to figure out why I’m just finishing my morning coffee and it’s already noon. Here’s another scene from Lake Wales, an actual place to sit down for a spell in Florida. Now, if they could only hire people smart enough to locate these benches on the shady side of the street.

           Don’t go thinking taking it easy defines the day. I was back and forth a few hours checking out that van. I’ve decided to chance taking it on the highway, keep thing six gallons of water and fluid in reserve. Things will be okay until I get to Miami, where I told you, the peasants don’t have to know what you are up to in order to maximize getting in your way. It’s like people who accost others not wearing a mask, which is not mandatory in Florida. It isn’t the absence of the mask, it is the power they’ve had for the first time in their puny lives to force others to do something and them sumbitches love it.
           Have you seen those FIXD plugs? They connect to the diagnostic harness on your vehicle and send you that info what’s wrong—and god knows what other info to whoever is listening at the other end. These require a smart phone, another nail in the privacy coffin. I’ll opt for a more expensive tool that does the job without announcing it to the world. It just doesn’t seem right to me that anyone drives a private car that is being tracked. They don’t track you anonymously without motives that range between profit and sinister.

           Now that Biden has become painful to watch, he has taken to openly lying so badly his own people are beginning to waver. He has zero credibility, but mark my words, should they Section 25 the guy, they will long for that zero when Kamela gets up there with a negative rating. Did you see the turnout for his tour? The MSM media outnumbered his fans as he drove past two blocks away behind a row of police. Pretty bad showing for the “most popular” President ever.
           I think the whole Democrat bunch know they’ve shot themselves in the foot and are bent on doing as much damage as possible before they are run out of town on a rail. The handlers that follow him around have facial expressions that sum up a lot. The entire upper echelons have wet their pants in public just often.

           Current events. This Biden guy is reaching to new lows, claiming credit for fixing the virus. They are still intense on bashing Trump rather than running the country. Something is going to give, but what is all guesswork. I’m back watching real estate and while prices are still too high, thing seem flat. Houses listed for over 200 days are common. The courts awarding Uber drivers things like holiday pay and pensions simple emphasizes how pitiful these people are at doing such things for themselves. Let’s scan JimmyR for his leftist take on things.
           I disagree that Australia is falling behind or being shut out over recent laws concerning paid Internet content, right to repair laws, and anti-encryption. If you look at moves in other countries, such as Russia and cell phones, I say these places will be the ones that cause departures from the big American tech sites rather than suffering from the loss. Software to hack T-Mobile tex messages is on sale for $16. For a glimpse into millennial mentality, check out Zoom Escaper. And a new term for me, “dark patterns”. It is very similar to what this blog calls “aarping”.
           Dark patterns refers to the deliberate use of confusing screens and web designs to trick the user. One of my favorite is the sites that say they will protect your privacy if you will fill out a complete background questionnaire on what you want them to protect. Other scams include the 30-day free trial that you cannot cancel (the “roach motel”) and the big green “Download” button that is not the software you think. Like the Democrats, these people would get nowhere if they did not lie and cheat, so you can expect them to do it every time.

Last Laugh