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Wednesday, March 17, 2021

March 18, 2021

One year ago today: March 18, 2020, he had no insurance.
Five years ago today: March 18, 2016, self-defense costs $8 million.
Nine years ago today: March 18, 2012, an Avatar clone.
Random years ago today: March 18, 2007, I dunno from radios.

           That fan is just not going to work and I have to get into Miami today. Thusforth, I planned out the trip to take freeways the entire length and hit minimal red lights in town. That means I was there in three hours, including a break and gas-up without incident. It was not until you get to Miami itself that you encounter one AOL after another. I was able to outdrive, cut off, and block enough ignorant lane-changers to get into the hospital parking lot on time. Made a lot of enemies, but please understand, these people think they have a right to get in your way and cause delays.
           You’ll get a couple of disjointed reports today and tomorrow, that is how the pattern of things emerge in South Florida. That’s the large portion of why I’m happy I don’t live there any more. It’s become one of those towns where the losers think they are entitled to pull their number on you and get offended if you don’t let them. But, I have potential eye trouble and I’m not about to put up with any shit I don’t have to. It’s a matter of driving even more aggressively than they do, and remember, I used to own a taxi company in Venezuela.

           I require an MRI scan of the eyes, which has pre-requisites of labs and other exams which need references and appointments scheduled by who needs what. They even want an exam of my neck arteries since that’s the route of the blood supply. Of this, I understand little, but JZ can usually discern the difference twixt what is medical-based and what is insurance-driven. And he says when everybody starts covering their asses with these circular tests, it’s because they are not sure what gives.
           This is a pic of that mall I mentioned in downtown Lake Wales. With a couple vacant stores next door. I have no other pics for you today. I spend most of my attention watching my dash temperature gauge.

Picture of the day.
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           I arrived at the condo to find JZ had slept in until noon. So I’m exhausted and he wants to go carousing. Knowing just what to do in this scenario, I reminded him we had all those pork chops I bought last time. By the time he finished eating, it was a good idea to stick around watching old DVDs. I don’t mind watching repeats if there is somebody in the room who has not seen the movie before. Did I just say movie? Well, hey, Miami is in the past century so I could be following suit.
           He still knows the restaurant suppliers from the early days, so often buys veggies by the whole tray. And today it was okra. More okra than I eat in a year and first time I had it by itself. It’s okay but to me vegetables will always mean peas, corn, and carrots. What, I’m going to change that at my age? The thing is, I ate two pork chops and I’m not used to twice my normal intake. This meant I was asleep on the sofa before dark. Which is good, because that means I won the contest about going out. I like the Titanic because campus babes hang out there. He thinks the $8 craft beers are too expensive.
           Remember that early attempt a the alien clone theme, called “Starman”. I dug this one out of the trunk. Seeing it again after a large interval and I realize how close these early plots to the science. Clone and cloning behavior for instance. It might be the granddaddy of all the sci-fi scripts of the renegade alien who befriends an Earthling and goes on the desperate run from the evil government agents.

           Much as I like plinking with a .22 caliber rifle, I have never fired a .22 pistol. These have a reputation for being heaters and Saturday night specials, but that doesn’t define everybody’s intentions. I’ve picked these pistols up at gun shows and found nothing wrong with something solid and well-built. There are only two brands I thought worth the $300 price tags. The Ruger and the Sauer, I think the correct name is Sig Sauer, that’s how much I know.            These are also the only economical pistols for target practice, as the bullets are rim fire and have been in production over 150 years. They will kill a squirrel if you can get close enough. There is finally ammunition for sale again, I don’t know much about the shortage other than that it happened right around the time all the funny stuff with the ballot counting was going on. Meanwhile its sold out all across the country.
           No, I’m not looking at buying a gun, but I may run some numbers to see what it would cost. It could be an eye-opener. What does it cost to own and operate a gun?

Last Laugh