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Friday, March 26, 2021

March 26, 2021

One year ago today: March 26, 2020, biggest USA export: jobs.
Five years ago today: March 26, 2016, mostly motorcycles.
Nine years ago today: March 26, 2012, ugh, big time.
Random years ago today: March 26, 2005, remember flight 502?

           Here’s a gif of the palm trees entering Pahokee from the south. When I first drove this area in my baby Cadillac in 2020, they were just potted plants. The Cadillac is gone but it was fun while it lasted. Touring in the Florida heat in style, the route to the west is nearly an hour faster so time will put Pahokee off the route for the time being. I looked at the Pilled website and was not impressed. Nothing new and that spastic “comic book” layout that encourages endless scrolling past crap with “recent” as the only date-based filter. I concede this to another bad idea that became a millennial standard.
           I also identify it as a bad idea that was tested by Marvel back in the last century. Educated people read from left to right and it made the storyboard tricky to read. The layout is not a new idea, but a forgotten idea that got repackaged and sold as new to the masses. Which suggests they are not as educated as what went before, is the key concept here. They love ambiguity, it is their salvation as the muck up everything they touch.

           I canceled out on the guitar player from Lake Wales. Just an ad I answered, but he is one of those. A good guitar player is one who can play Prine and Lovett, but doesn’t. There is a reason you have to go to a casino or that brand of establishment to hear such music. But I did find out the name of the lake. It is Lake Wailes, but the “i” got dropped when they named the city. That’s a microcosm of Florida, somebody downtown can’t spell, but it becomes official because everybody else has the IQ of pasta, and the next thing you know it’s a bylaw or something.
           He mentioned he owns a Tacoma acoustic bass. It’s a factory Fender bought and eventually sold around 2008. They just could not make them right and the finishes would peel. Anyway, it is one thing when a bassist buys an acoustic model but quite an air raid siren when a guitarist does the same. The main reason I decided to drop that offer, however, was the guy was looking for somebody to waste time with and I’m not so good at that. He was also on the verge of saying he would only play finger-style jazz and good-duck-luck with that, dude.

           Worse, without being asked, he put in the standard guitar-player dig at playing clubs and pubs, but then brags that he plays the gambling casinos, duh. I’ve been invited to visit another group in Auburndale. With a chick singer, it is much more what I’m used to, but caution. They could be rockers. Let me explain something. When I slowed down with rock I was quite young and at that time there was no way anybody could have known that not only would the music still be played forty and fifty years later, but that it would be the same songs.
           Thus, next time you encounter such a band, look a wee bit closer. You will see patterns to which I refer. Since I dropped out of music during college and got back into country, there is a 20 year gap which coincided with another facet nobody could have predicted. Not only was this 1975 to 1995 period when plain old rock music became “classics” but they quit writing new ones. Thus, it is not unusual for me to hear a rock band with a song list that I recognized, but unlike generic bassists, they are tunes I’ve never played for the ensuing 20 to 25 years. I never played a Mellencamp tune until last month. I learned the bass in twenty minutes, not because it was easy, but because it was rock which I have down to a science.

Picture of the day.
Faroe Islands.
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           I was unaware there had been a Maker club startup in Plant City, an easy drive from here. This photo from their web page shows plenty of space and they advertise having a 3D printer and CNC technology. Boasting 86 members, their last planned meetup last November was canceled when nobody showed up. They might as well advertise for guitar players, there, I said it. I was looking for the Tampa chapter of the Arduino, a strange listing that appears time to time.
           The Tampa Bay Microcontrollers club has not been active since 2012. There’s a picture below from their old site, showing all these meters. While some wiring is just visible, this arrangement makes little sense. Unless their goal was calibrating the meters, but this brand of meter cannot be calibrated.

           The latest commie-left-libtard word is, “Toxic.” Anything you way they don’t like, and evidence you present is labeled toxic and they walk away. Good, I have experience with this sort of people and I live it when they walk away. They are clones of the failed education system and I am not. Apparently, their limited brain capacity believes the term is best repeated up to five times. As usual, this will boomerang on them. Have not the alienated themselves enough, already? Their proverbial has not even hit their fans yet.
           Forget the exodus from California, have you see the droves of people leaving Seattle? That was one of the most beautiful cities in the world, I almost moved there in 1997. Glad I didn’t. The losers from California arrived and basically took over a complacent population who didn’t much care who was voted in. The leftists pounced upon this laid-back group with a fury.

           Places like Seattle and Portland fell prey to these ruthless Democrat tactics and the towns turned into a garbage heap. On the libtards go that they are homeless, but never ask why there are no jobs for these people. Because the Democrats sent all the entry level obs over to China and let in tens of millions of unskilled laborers, that’s why. I spotted the problem in 1995 but never thought it could get big enough to destroy a city, then a state. People are living on crime and the police can’t or won’t do anything, same coin. When people tell me they have no work, my first question has become, who did you vote for?
           If their plan is to let Creepy Joe botch things up so badly that Kameltoe seems like a savior, they are already way into the overkill zone. They are bussing undocumented aliens into the center of Republican strongholds so that in 30 years they become a majority. The left is organized, something the common American does not understand much about. He thinks because he is free-thinking and independent and respects others that so does the other side.
           Am I the only one that notices VP Harris is getting more haggard and older-looking every time she shows up these days? She’s lied and contradicted herself so many times that only the truly brainwashed really listen to her any more. It’s as if she’s worried sick that is the premise on which her planned takeover from Biden is headed. And she should be. For starters, she is not near attractive enough to sway anybody on some of the things she’s been trying to get away with. Mark my words, that repugnant lady is nothing but trouble.

           The latest RAM cards are boasting 512GB and most are installed in pairs. This is massive compared to my earliest computers, it sure took them long enough. As for identity theft, when the pandemic hit, the US unemployment system was hit by millions of claims using stolen identities for bogus claims in which they lost billions. Yet they still refuse to investigate cyber-crimes to the same extent as other illegal activity. Something stinks about that. I’m waiting to hear about the first crime where a person steals his own identity and gets away with it because he proves it was stolen.

Last Laugh
(Parallel sunbeams.)