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Thursday, April 15, 2021

April 15, 2021

One year ago today: April 15, 2020, looking at Forex.
Five years ago today: April 15, 2016, agonizingly funny.
Nine years ago today: April 15, 2012, weak plots & old themes.
Random years ago today: April 15, 2010, Firehow = 1¢ per year.

           Food. What’s a blog without mentioning food and my calendar says it is that time. I cut, lifted, and fastened the new attic crawl space first, shown here. Breakfast. Here’s how to make slightly sweet scrambled eggs. Just the way you normally would, but fry diced onion in one tablespoon each of butter and coconut oil. Separately mix your eggs, one teaspoon of mild salsa per egg, a bit of cream if you like, and finely shredded cheese of your choice. I also like a dash of smoke flavoring and add baking powder to keep things fluffy.. Sprinkle pepper and paprika over the frying onions and pour in the egg mix, or the coconut makes things too sweet. There you go, quite the breakfast. Good morning.
           I also baked a non-GMO chocolate cake mix from Russia. Smoke flavoring has gone out of favor in some places. I recall many years ago this idiot kept posting articles that smoke flavoring was like cigarette smoke. Instead it would give you stomach cancer. He claimed he did a scientific experiment and boiled liquid smoke flavoring down to dry, and sure enough, it looked like tar. What more proof do you need, he repeatedly asked. His lab partner had some weird last name nobody liked, what was it? That’s it, “Fauci”.

           It’s plainly a slow morning, so let me editorialize. You know one practice I never liked? The mention of a lab reminded me of that crackpot theory that you team up a good student with a bad one and things will balance out. Bull donkey, the smart person is dragged down and the dumb one remains as dumb as ever. Try it. If you get criticized for using this method, and you should be, always fall back on the cop-out that you are preparing them for real life. They’ll thank you forever.
           Here’s some trivia. By 2373, the United Federation of Planets has 150 members, all in the Milky Way, says Gene Roddenberry. I also saw a video that says I put my tarpaper up wrong, that there is a way it can trap water between the siding and the house. But, I retort, it is still a useful protection for the inside and that will last far longer than me. Of interest is this Korean suit fabric that mimics human muscle movements. This allows for clothes that help the wearer lift an move heavy objects with a bulky exoskeleton. They cut and sew it like regular fabric and it works off electricity. I’ll take two.
           While scootering about for supplies, I found this excellent reading lamp for five bucks. Shown here, I’m testing it next to the old tiny reading lamp in the back room. Note the makeshift plywood stand and unpainted drywall. But when it is either too hot or too cold, that bed back there is the most comfy in the house.

           [Author’s note: there is also the school of thought that exoskeletons are a signpost of how humans are rapidly becoming lazier and weaker.]

           Final item this morning, the Feds have arrested an InfoWars reporter. This is part of the on-going embarrassment of the Capitol protest. The Left has wet their pants on this one and can’t back out of it now. There was no “insurrection” and now to save face they have to create one. They have to move fast, with Trump gaining the real power every day. And They are cramming through legislation with patriotic titles that fool nobody any more. They have an “infrastructure bill” that aims to bail out their failing cities. And nothing proves more than their upcoming gun grab that they are way behind on their payments.
           I’ve lost track of which of Trump’s sons is which, but watch out Biden and double-watch out Kamela. Don’t ask me much about the issues, but Trump’s supporters have not budged an inch despite the millions of dollars in attacks on his person and policies. To me the issues are so contorted by the media that they seem unrelated. Like some parallel power groups are posturing for position over some deadline most of us can’t see at this point.

Picture of the day.
Dan’s Western Wear.
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           Dropping by at Agt. R, I picked up a damaged cabinet which I have the tools to repair. Upon doing so, I tested various stains and fastened any loose pieces. It turned out so nice he only thinks he is getting it back. I strung out the chain saw and got around sixty pounds of wood into bite size pieces and stoked up the fire pit. This took well past dark and I used the time to sand and clamp the cabinet in place. Look at the stain test, can you see the lettering of what each was? No? Me neither, the difference between them all is almost indistinguishable. So I’ll use pecan because I have a whole can of it.
           It was fun repairing this furniture, I suppose because a sheltered, easy place to work makes so much difference. Plus, the burning barrel, this always entails drinking beer. It’s a tradition. You have three-beer, five-beer, and six-beer fires. Today was a three. I got rid of most of the deadfall from the storm, but the randomness of this weather means I had no potatoes or corn to bake in the embers. This is not the way we do things in Texas, so now I have to make up for it. I don’t know how to bake clams, which I don’t like anyway. We’ll think of something.

           A pity it was to miss the chance, as this was a very well-behaved fire. That means it lit easy, quickly burned to a bed, giving to okay to pile on larger logs which glow forever. See photo. Monitoring the burn is one of my best opportunities to do nothing. Kind of sit there and think. If I could find all the parts to my coffee pot, I would have had some brew right there. Not that campfire coffee wins the awards, but it keeps you awake and keeps the ants away. Instead the three beers went down easy as I resolve to get some way to make coffee out in the shed. Because every time I go into the house for coffee, I wind up taking up to an hour’s break. This happens when you are the boss.
           My alert is set for any disputes or feuds in the media, meaning I get the spats between Democrats mostly. Was I surprised to see a laid-back guy like Bongino mixed it up with that bozo Geraldo, who blew up. I recognize every trick Geraldo was using, I grew up with this. Watch the video (link is to an edited version, the original is too long). I would pay extra to see Bongino or Hannity hand that freak Geraldo his arse, but Geraldo needed no help making a libtard goon of himself.
           Watch the tactics, especially how he continually tries to introduce side-topics in an attempt to confuse the issue. Blowing out false facts, shouting over top the other man’s answer, trying to drown out facts, constantly misquoting statistics like they are common knowledge, to name a few. I loved watching Geraldo strangle himself. He’s used to facing a camera with his ridiculous bombast but this time he came up against a better man. Geraldo did what any Democrat would do when cornered. He blew up and started swearing. I hope this is good-bye, for Geraldo, take a valium, calm down, back off, better yet, go jump off a cliff. It would improve your social abilities.

           The Verge (no link) reports on how the FBI hacked that terrorist phone in LA. You remember the one, where there were no grounds whatsoever that the phone contained any evidence. The Feds focused on it as an excuse to force Apple to build in a backdoor. In the end, the phone contained nothing, but that was never what was at stake. Anyway, today’s news is how the FBI did it. The Apple phone erases its contents after a certain number of failed password attempts. They were able, with the help of the Australians, such a liberty-loving people, to disable the code that counted the password tries. Simple and easy. The good news is Apple did not bow to this Constitutional breach attempt.
           TMOR, American law rests on the twin presumptions of innocence and the right to remain silent. This are the two most misunderstood freedoms. The correct procedure is the authorities are required to state in writing specifically what information they want and get a warrant. If the Feds have a backdoor, why bother with formalities? People’s personal records are protected by the same laws. No warrant, no search. Although it has never really been tested, the law also protects citizens should in the course of a legal search, the authorities uncover anything else.
           A reminder is due here. It is the abuse factor. Every right ever given to the police has been abused. If the backdoor exists, the police will abuse it. How? We’ve told you before, the police don’t bother with a warrant unless they intend to present the evidence in court. That’s tedious and no fun. They no longer work that way, abuse is far easier. Instead, they snoop and use what they find to set you up. This is a major reason why television camera crews stay glued to their police radios.

Last Laugh