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Monday, April 19, 2021

April 19, 2021

One year ago today: April 19, 2020, our vilest invention.
Five years ago today: April 19, 2016, a juvenile method.
Nine years ago today: April 19, 2012, the BB King Box (on bass).
Random years ago today: April 19, 2014, finally, a gig.

           The Marscopter (a title coined by this blog) has taken a one-minute test flight. But I can’t see it, because a Microsoft Edge update has knocked out my browser. It took 150+ deletes to remove the Edge virus and restore Firefox as my default browser. I’m still trying to figure out how the Redmond slimeballs got that one past me. They have nothing better to do all day. Good morning. It seems NASA got the Marscopter to hover and set back down. I guess they are waiting for a big windstorm to come along and destroy the unit, so nobody can be blamed. Call that “Operation Lack-of-Ingenuity”.
           Several sites claiming footage of the event were false. They contained only simulations and switched to NASA talk shows, an organization that only hires spokespersons with really annoying third world accents. Yes, I heard about the head of BLM buying a mansion in an exclusive white neighborhood.

           Here, have it fly over my K-cup coffee drawer and find me a Columbian light roast. This disorganized mess is because the boxes the pods come in are not designed to dispense them. When I’m in a hurry, which is usually, the whole box gets dumped in this drawer. This, while examining the new UID2 (I think) code that is designed to track you between devices. From what I see, they are just modifications of the old “supercookies” so easily defeated by Cookienator but keep an eye on them. If you do a download from this link, make sure it is CodeFromThe70s, and none of the mirror sites, especially Softonics.
           It’s also fun to read how some sources are applauding the FBI crack of Apple’s iPhone memory eraser. Keep cheering, you blithering fools. A constant drizzle has me indoors, listening to hypocrisy radio Tampa. Try as they might, cannot explain away the border fiasco and old Kamela has just sewered what little chances she ever had by pulling this disappearing act the past several weeks. A tad of real responsibility was enough to shut her big mouth.

           Another nail in the radical Democrat coffin as the MyPillow guy launches a campaign to sue big tech for violations of the First Amendment, including billions in damages for 19 deleted youTube channels. They are bypassing the obvious counter-claim by the defendants who will claim they are private outlets by invoking the fact those media used a taxpayer funding infrastructure and therefore had to right to censor anything. Interesting angle. What’s this, tap water is testing positive for COVID? It’s grown strange to see the extent that liberals must now go do deny the mountain of evidence prodding them from every angle.
           I like the British system in one context. They can use political reputation as an excuse to refuse service. It’s not illegal in America, where except for defined items like race or gender, the management can refuse service to anyone. It’s that I love it when the Brits can kick politicians, media types, and even outspoken libtards out of their pubs and off their property. That reminds me, my neighbor is still a Democrat in spite of all what’s going on. He says anything but the Democrat party line is racist, so he’d best not complain when the system turns on him. He’s rich by Democrat standards.
           Which is how I found out the house up on the corner, very similar to my own but a wee bit newer, just sold for $190,000. That’s still a pile of money, more than enough to head for Tennessee. (I discover later it was only $180,000 so I guess they went to bed hungry.)

Picture of the day.
Finland arctic coast.
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           The other neighbor, across the way, with the noisy dog, got to talking about the area in general. He’s lived here his whole life, went to the church on the corner. He owns around six properties, one of which I had looked at in my hunting days. He owns to ancient Corvettes and an airplane he hasn’t flown for 15 years. But he won’t sell it because the rule is the hangar goes with it and he’s got too much stuff stored up in there to move. He’s 75 and still rakes his own leaves. He was unaware of the new pending bylaw where if you own a rental property, they will demand you inform the city of the identity and specs of the tenants, plus set yourself up for a special higher tax rate.
           This is why, folks, you should listen when somebody like me tells you to protect your information. The left operates by distracting you, then changing the rules when you are not looking. I’ve been here five years and that tenant bylaw is a complete surprise.
           As a reminder, the difficulty I had with the code people was not due to any workmanship or safety issues. They issue was that they would not issue permits except to the owner of the property, which information I was not prepared to give them. They could not deal with the fact that the entire title of the property was established so as to keep personal information off the public records. The popular view is that as long as the property taxes are paid, ownership is not part of the city’s business. But since when were town councils concerned with what is popular.

           Next on my morning agenda is soon to be how to disable web push notices. At first I mistook them for originating with the web site. On-line instructions are again useless, as they describe options that do not appear on my version. I used the Firefox about:config to disable the push, I can only hope there are no side effects. Tomorrow the Frank network is scheduled to go live, that’s the latest from the MyPillow guy who is rapidly learning the ropes. The Internet does not like middle ground, they let everything escalate to Good vs Bad, with both sides claiming to be superior. Ha, but the leftists are losing ground because they cannot keep their traps shut.
           They are brainwashed, but they are organized. It seems they have finally figured out how to find people’s identities even when using on-line services that anonymize such as GiveSendGo. At this point, they are sending e-mails to let people know they have been identified. How long before they are targeted? Not long. The web address tomorrow will be, there is no membership requirement. (Did you get that, Rumble?)
           The MSM and Tech cartels are quick to denounce FrankSpeech as rightist, violent, a scam, the usual from the far left. But with initial readership predicted to hit 50 million, they are howling in pain. To illustrate their panic, before FrankSpeech went live, the page was just a static display and yet the eFAG group still tried numerous cyber attacks—only to find Lindell had spent millions on security. That likely means FrankSpeech logged every ISP address involved in the assault.

Last Laugh