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Tuesday, April 20, 2021

April 20, 2021

One year ago today: April 20, 2020, a blank stare.
Five years ago today: April 20, 2016, 4 out of 5 points.
Nine years ago today: April 20, 2012, betrayed by my own heart.
Random years ago today: April 20, 2013, Steinhatchee, Florida.

           History was made today. Here’s a still of Ingenuity, the Marscopter, hovering some twelve feet off the Martain surface. I believe this is a true photo, not a simulation, although I did not see any sand or disturbance as the craft lifted off. This unit probably represents the best chance left to witness my dream of the discovery of life other than Earth. I do not like NASA or their sluggish performance, this event should have taken place in 1985 at the latest. Hopefully they have a follow up plan with a far larger and more capable flyer, but lately the agency seems content to featherbed with one flight every other year.
           Enough of this painstaking search for old rocks, we need something that zips around far and fast and sort the footage out later. The prize is signs of life and until they get a grand sweep of the entire equatorial zone, nothing else matters. If they find nothing, then NASA can settle down to it’s usual footslogging.
           And let's hear it from the people who will say the flight is a hoax. They got tabloids to sell.

           Happy FrankSpeech Day. Off to a sizzling start, I see. The Big Tech cartel is furious as their readership drops by the same millions. There were 31 million people almost instantly with the total expected to exceed 50 million in a few more hours. I’ve been saying (and writing) for some 15 years now I would have made a site like this if I could find out how. Every time I tried to find courses or textbooks, they tried to upsell me or left out the important parts. But this new guy has the money and I wish him the best. Though my soundproofed walls I can already hear the howling from the direction of the White House.

           Gutfield has his own show, I finally watched it. I’ve read a couple of his books. Great sense of humor, I think he writes his own material. To celebrate, I made an extra large helping of spaghetti with ground chicken. Say, have you seen the video of making the chicken? I’ll see that it gets posted. Anyway, I thought I’d try to best pasta available. They all claim to be so I went the route of buying the most expensive. Um, it’s okay but really, no different to the taste or texture. Identical if you ask me, so not worth the four times higher cost. Maybe it’s an acquired taste?
           And the day off. I should have tended to some yard work, instead I stayed inside the shed and build a box out of the pallet strips made up with the biscuit joiner. It’s a breeze to work with but the amount of advance planning is inordinate, enough to turn away many. Once more, the how-to videos are misleading. You literally have to think outside the box or the pieces can be confusing to reassemble for gluing. I mark each matching pair which means the marks have to be sanded away when done. You can try tape, but the pieces get handled a lot and tape doesn’t always stick or sticks too much.
           I say again, the tool is nice but there is more than meets the eye. Rule of thumb, it will take you four times longer than the video. And the pieces to not square themselves as suggested at many points. You’ll need plenty of clamps. The biscuits work best on thicker planks.

Picture of the day.
Alternative 3D farming.
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           Later, I toured the FrankSpeech site, it’s filling up fast. Too fast for some of the libtards who thought they had Lindell. They told him if he didn’t like the rules to get his own site and are now shitting their pants when he did. Trump has found something that works, the boycott. The Democrats grew cocky thinking they could buffalo anyone into anything. Their corporate lackeys, in particular Delta Airlines and Coca-Cola used clout to oppose voter ID laws, where their real motive was to ensure their supply of cheat illegal labor. All was okay until Trump said boycott them. It seems everybody figured losing a few conservative customers was no big deal.
           Ha, within 72 hours Coke was eating humble pie and Delta withdrew from a coalition of companies running anti-reform ads. This is huge news that it shows not just conservatives behind Trump. He may have found a way to unite a group that is not used to fighting as a team. Democrats rely on keeping opposition fragmented. Watch Trump closely now, if he hones this tactic, a lot of Democrat and liberal bullies are about to get a drubbing. Dollar diplomacy has worked before. Myself, I was eating these Italian perogies. They have the wrong kind of cheese.

           That boycott begs the question, who besides the conservatives are involved that it has such strength? Most Americans are not radicals, but there is a confusion with how they behave. While many support Trump, many others are afraid to not support Biden, who is guilty of many a witch hunt. So it is not like there is a clear dividing line. One thing for sure, the most negative vibes come from the left. Trump has hinted if he runs in 2024, he’ll do things differently, which should terrify the radical left. And although I was guessing, I think I’m right that Trump stepped down easily because, knowing the Marxists had to play catch-up, they would in the process expose themselves. And that has happened like never before.

           With the rise of FrankSpeech, there is a shift in opinions already evident in the mainstream media. They know they did wrong and acted as opposition, creating and spreading fake news. Along with their bum-buddy politico friends, they thought they had successfully buried the stolen election story. Guess what is rearing up again. Fact is, they picked on the wrong guy, Lindell. He counter-sued Dominion the same $1.6 billion they staged their suit against him for defamation. That will be a fun case to follow. Why? Because of public pressure. Look what just happened with the Floyd case.
           It was the excessive use of force, but it was not murder one (premeditated). I’m all for defunding the excessive use of force part. There are countless ways people can be apprehended without the 1850-style macho cop crap. But some sort of conviction was necessary to prevent widespread violence, and that is your strongest indicator that people were more than fed up. That is wrong, as the cop will not survive prison (although he is not sentenced to one yet). So I’m of both opinions, the force part of his actions should be punished as a deterrent, but it should not be punishment as if he killed on purpose. As for Floyd, the fact he stopped breathing when he did was not as big a surprise as all that. And nobody bought that portrayal he was a Trayvon-style poor little boy.

           The point here is that social media has emerged as a stronger voice than the courts. And the Tech Biggies have created their own worst enemies, led by Lindell. What’s happening with FrankSpeech is that while not everybody says the election was stolen (yet), they want explanations of the incriminating mountain of evidence they’ve all seen. Even if the evidence is as fake and phony as the mainstream media claimed at the time, people would still like to see it gone over. Myself, to listen to the hilarious excuses the Democrats will have to make to explain it away.
           And that is specifically the evidence that Lindell has announced he will make widespread, a scenario Big Tech in particular obvious did not want aired. I’m interested in all the coincidences. Like how the Dominion machines in six close-running states all malfunction at the same time? It is illegal for the machines to be connected to any exterior source during balloting, much less connected together via the Internet. This is where the media become the conspiracy theorists. Stay with me here, there is a distinction between those who say the election was stolen and those who just want explanations of matters like the simultaneous malfunctions.
           My curiosity is what happens if they prove election fraud? Is Trump back in the White House. That’s what some are saying. The problem is the left would lose face, a concept many Americans don’t think is such a big deal. But to a Marxist, it can mean a fight to the death. Trump is not known for making the same mistake twice. He does, but not this time. He knows the enemy by name.

Last Laugh