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Wednesday, April 21, 2021

April 21, 2021

One year ago today: April 21, 2020, secret formula, my eye.
Five years ago today: April 21, 2016, a generic day.
Nine years ago today: April 21, 2012, I couldn’t name five.
Random years ago today: April 21, 2007, Robert is here.

           Another day headlined by FrankSpeech as the old media reacts to their first real competition. One can’t say right or wrong, only that rivalry finally exists. The Post & Huff are again headlining election fraud tipping us off they know it is about to become an issue they thought they had locked in the bottom drawer. Not so much the Times and CNN, who seem to be hedging their bets. The Huff also made a big deal that the cop wrote something on his hands, plainly alluding to an Israeli incident. Turns out, it was his lawyer’s phone number. Question—why are defendants denied paper to write on? Who’s brain-fart was that, or is it part of the American specialty of public humiliation? Good morning.
           How about George Bush, the “weapons of mass destruction” liar, weighing in that he is concerned about the spread of “untruths”. Yeah, JeeDub, that’s really gonna fly. Good morning again. The Feds are claiming they used facial recognition to track down an insurrectionist. Nope, not buying that either. We know a cover story when we hear one. The so-called insurrectionist was wearing a mask. He was tricked into talking, another confirmation that you do not fall for the old police scam of telling them “your side of the story”.
           And not only did FrankSpeech pass the magic 50 million mark, by end of the first day it was 90 million world-wide. In essence, everybody is watching, hoping the platform becomes the voice of freedom, the place to get uncensored news. But, we also hope they get rid of the nonsense that BitChute has become. Alien Nazi Pedo-Zombies everywhere.

           The picture of the guitar is part of the planned series intended to follow the construction of this very expensive instrument. Alas, our friend, Bryne, is unable to continue. I’d hope to get some first-hand description of the parts, such as shown here. Maybe answer questions like what the copper springs. Fact is, I’m well past the age where medical complications can alter anything.

           If FrankSpeech persists more than a few days just as it is, the other media will have to begin a frantic search for something to pin on them. Probably hate speech, because that is what the left does every day to moderates by call thing right-wingers. They’ve spent decades enacting vague-worded laws to prepare for any effective opposition. Like the hoaxes they pulled on Trump, although they are still stunned why they didn’t work. They have to do something, right now they are attempting to portray it as a clown-filled aberration. It won’t work, but give them a break for trying this angle first. They are always surprised by any opposition, I mean, how dare!
           Today the media, who censor any mention of pro-Trump or anti-Biden sentence, plug vaccination like it is the new normal, and have cancelled 19 major web sites, are trying to blow FrankSpeech banning of three words (n, f, & c) and profanity as total negation of free speech. Hell, you can’t say those words most anywhere, but there go the brainless. How about Channel 9 who can’t say it is Trump’s first appearance, but his first appearance “since losing the 2020 election”. We know where these clones are coming from.

           Another thing. These interviews with homeless people. The first question is never, “Did you vote Democrat”? What’s scary is the numbers who have post-grad degrees. Does this reflect the lack of jobs for them, or the declining worth of our college/university degrees? The latter is nothing new, look at the Hippie. Claims to have a bachelor’s degree but acts and talks like a dropout. But damn, that boy can play guitar. Just don’t expect him to learn anything new.

Picture of the day.
Southern Colorado.
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           Talking to the neighbor again, there are some unanswered questions about the $15,000 fine received by the guy who electrified his garage. Apparently this was some years ago, but the question is timeless. The question is, how did they find out? How did they know whether or not it had electric before, who kept those records? Where? How did they get inside the garage to find the wiring? Nobody is getting on my property without a warrant. It’s a pity, but I can guarantee you it was not the homeowners of this city who ever voted in this form of government. They’ve been had.
           So, still thinking you can fake the vaccination passport. Careful. The system is on to you. The big hoopla is at the airports right now. Danger, nobody gave airports the authority to check your medical history. Something is up. The next step is we’ve got to do something to help out these poor, poor overworked airport personnel. Say, how about a passport. That freak Bill Gates is in on the passport idea, so you might as well look at what he’s pushing.

           These are implants made of silicon. They are injected to rest just below your sikn, where they are normally invisible. They are permanent, since your body does not reject silicon as a foreign substance. When a phone app is held nearby, the silicon glows in a pattern that links to a database Initially, this data will state if you are vaccinated with what, or if you are recovered from COVID, and a schedule for which vaccines you will be required to be allowed to participate in normal every-day life.
           The plan is that every time you enter a restricted space, such as a grocery store, library, or school, you will be automatically ID’d and your picture taken to be matched with facial recognition software. The passports are already mandatory in Israel, a common place to test such “technologies”. The scary part is the shadow mode.
           This is where if the system detects any forgery or anomaly, it does not set off an alarm. They let you go through, now flagged for observation in case you do anything in the future that interests them There’s a special place in Hell waiting for Bill in the creep ward.

           One of my feeds, which I don’t usually reveal because there is some jerkface out there who will denigrate no matter what YOU listen to, is the tech news part of Jimmy Ruska. Lately, it’s every day with the data breaches and the court cases—very little actual tech. But, now is the time to bring up another point. Ruska is constantly linking to sites that conduct “studies”. I cannot be the only one that notices his predilection with statistics that “prove” the following things are good for you, beneficial to society, or increase IQ and popularity.

                      - binge eating
                      - pot smoking
                      - prostitution rights
                      - chronic masturbation
                      - living with parents
                      - gender confusion

           Um, Jimmy, do they still give the Captain Obvious Awards? And what about all those pictures of female cosplay? If you don’t like Trump, just spit it out. We'll understand. That you're an imbecile, I mean.

Last Laugh