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Monday, April 26, 2021

April 26, 2021

One year ago today: April 26, 2020, yes, they have yours.
Five years ago today: April 26, 2016, bring back the Argus 1600.
Nine years ago today: April 26, 2012, then Jerry disappeared.
Random years ago today: April 26, 2014, Broward Comm. College sucks.

           Hot Dog, my favorite Led Zep tune. I tried to pick the lead break on the bass, which is nigh impossible as it’s a form of chicken-pickin’. But impossible is part of my act. Keep reading to this afternoon for an update. Let’s do the news feeds first, since I had a cancelation that leaves me the morning free. So I pressure cooked a pot of chicken in 20 minutes. Need sandwiches for the upcoming trip. I know I’m getting out of town, but when and where. My hope is north, where it’s springtime. The way you tell its spring in Florida is by the upsurge in ant population. Here’s my trusty hand sledge, the one that now costs like $20 to replace. You can find them cheaper, depending on how much time you want to waste looking for a lower price.
           Here’s one for you. I don’t play computer games so the first time I heard of Twitch was around five minutes ago. First news item, over half the new COVID cases have been vaccinated. The clone media says Biden’s first 100 days have been “fearless” and “action-packed” Folks, you won’t need your whole seats, just the edges! The media hails his 100 days when in fact, his ratings barely make the 50% mark on his most generous polls.

           And a reminder to all this blog was first to warn the world that the A.I. being pushed today is not in any way real Artificial Intelligence. It is nothing but data mining, scraping, and pattern matching. It does not “learn” or “think”, and cannot be made to do so. The very term, “artificial intelligence”, has been usurped into a millennial catchphrase. The latest millennial videos claim Princess Diana is not dead and is transexual. A third of them believe communism can work. They are the first American generation who have halted progress in this country. They’ve invented nothing, contributed nothing, accomplished nothing on the scale of what can be attributed to anything that came before them.
           Ingenuity, the Marscopter has flown 330 feet but all the news reports contain only boring stills. I like the news article that A.I. could soon replace super-expensive CEOs. I’m unimpressed by the proposed hydrofoil ferry service, actually melding of old flying boat design and the hydrofoil with electric engines using the failed Soviet “ground effect” of Ekranoplan . Such “inventions” only succeed where they can produce the same service for a lower operating cost enough to undercut the competition until they fold, then scalp the public.

           As for the “confirmed” triangle-shaped UFO in the fuzzy videos, hasn’t anybody noticed the shape of all the latest USAF airplanes? Here’s something useful, get a lot of this robot weeding machine. The catch is uses off-the shelf components and software that boosts the price to nearly a half-million bucks. So you farm laborers still have a window left before heading back home makes more sense.

Picture of the day.
Wine, anyone?
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           How slow a day was it? This is a photo of a baby lizard basking on top of my mail box. There, that will give you the perspective on today’s level of excitement. I had one thing planned, which was to go to Wal*Mart and buy the highest capacity hard drive on the shelves to test it. Never got there. I drove to Mulberry to chat with the Thrift ladies.

           Music, or at least my tiny world portion of it. Sure it seems quiet here because I’m covering so much old territory for how many times is this now? Forty? Fifty. I was trying to get a better “guitar sound” and have always hit a barrier. But this time I purposely said I was not going to go for that sound any more. I’ve previously used the guitar as just a prop, making not pretense to sound like the cover tune. I’ve done this many a time on music with weak bass runs, in fact that is the only way I can play Eagles. I figure if I can keep the audience focused on other bits of the tune, I can fake my way through. Sadly, that seems to be working.
           I’m at a crossroads. All the guitar music I can muster is already on my list. I can add more tunes, but it projects a feebleness, like I don’t really have a handle on the tune. I don’t like it when others do this, so I’ve gone back and added the tunes where I do my strongest bass solo work. At this time, my plan is to play two half-sets of bass only, using the guitar to bring in the set and condition the audience to listen to the bass solos. There are ten songs I can play entirely through on the bass including the instrumental breaks, if any. They are, not surprisingly, some of my oldest material. Here’s the list:

                      Guitars, Cadillacs – Yoakum
                      Cocaine Blues – Cash
                      Midnight Special – Rivers
                      Jambalaya – Williams
                      Fireman - Strait
                      Folsom Prison – Cash
                      Oh Lonesome Me – Gibson
                      Spiders & Snakes – Stafford
                      One More Last Chance – Gill
                      Pirate Looks At Forty – Buffet
                      These Boots – Sinatra

           This taking a huge chance in that I’m trusting my own judgment. Would I be able to hold an audience through five consecutive solos? Didn’t I already to that for several hours in 2018? Yes, but that audience was trained, they were familiar faces who saw my guitar player sour-ass out and knew the tunes I loved to play. Most in the room had already sung along to the music. My vexes me is the unknown, something I normally shrug off. Is it because this is a small area and a wrong initial move could cost dearly? Where is this never-ending saga of my solo music career heading? You tell me.

           Come on, FrankSpeech, it is going on the third day with your same endless blah-blah. I want to see new input, the topics and categories that were there when you started. You promised a variety but I don’t see any. Get the rag out of your ass.
           And I can tell you what’s big laff around here. The constant warnings just now emerging about putting anything personal on a computer. Read this ZDNet article—it could have been lifted verbatim out of this blog twenty years ago by just changing my words to the nowadays contemporary slang. I never ever said you could avoid having information about yourself on a computer, I said that was impossible since 1981 (I remember the day).
           What I did say was to carefully nurture and control your personal information on a need to know basis. I regularly check the airwaves for my on-line profile, and occasionally find something. It is usually humorous, like a fake job resume from 2002 or a complete account of my high school sports career in North Dakota, where I’ve never been. Don’t give your phone number at the cash register, don’t recharge your laptop at the library, and don’t have your personal name as an e-mail address. But when they never listen, they never learn.

           Ah, here comes the radical left. Here’s the preliminary list of lies. The Arizona recount is not an audit, it is an effort to undermine caused by Trump’s baseless lies. It is a thinly-veiled effort to shake confidence in the 2020 election. The audit is GOP-controlled and an absurd and alarming consequence. Supported by far-right lawyers and newsrooms. Trump’s claims are without evidence. His goal is to extend conspiracy theories and make it harder to vote by mail. They are trying to find something that doesn’t exist and it is ludicrous because they don’t like the results. Notice how refined the Democrat claims are getting. It’s news to say it is an audit, it is propaganda to say it is an audit “caused by Trump’s baseless lies”.
           Jesus, Joe, we get it. But they continue on with saying the effort is so shoddy it isn’t a real audit. It will only stoke conspiracy theories and partisan gamesmanship. It is driven by politics rather than a search for truth. Liberals question the source of funds for the audit and say the people doing the counting are unqualified and are under growing scrutiny. They say there is voter intimidation by confirming people who voted actually live at the address given. The state senator says the audit stinks to high hell. Maybe that’s why it is attracting so many Democrats?

           That’s funny he said that, because two audits have already been done by Democrats who found no irregularities and had none of the objections listed above. The results were certified by county and state officials, all Democrats. Several sources say Trump got 200,000 more votes than were counted, it will be curious to see if that number crops up again. It’s funny to see this kind of narrative from people who technically should not give a twit if the ballots are recounted. Notice, they missed the chance to block the count, now they must focus on its validity.
           The Democrats had the ballots hidden away long enough to tamper, but there are just too many to catch everything. Remember, I am the guy who knows all about counting to a million (toothpicks) and I know exactly how to spot anything out of place. They have the right approach, count in batches of 100, three people on each. If the tallies agree, move on, if not, go for two out of three. If all three mismatch, count again. The Democrats scream it is a waste of time and money, but that’s funny, it isn’t their time or their money. Question. Will they say the audit still has all the faults they claim if it shows Biden actually did win?

Last Laugh