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Tuesday, April 27, 2021

April 27, 2021

One year ago today: April 27, 2020, problems with Auvoria.
Five years ago today: April 27, 2016, due to monotonoous simplicity.
Nine years ago today: April 27, 2012, OMG, no Xmas card!
Random years ago today: April 27,2018, cats & Canadian women.

           You know, there are two seriously ugly people who need to get their faces and their personalities off the Internet. They come across as clones who do what they are told and project no sincerity whatsoever on a personal level. They make fools of themselves and the people they work for. I don’t have any names (who cares) but I do have their pictures. Please don’t hand us the “equality” crap, there are physical limitations to many jobs. If you are physically six-foof-six, don’t become an astronaut, if you physically weigh 97 pounds, do not go for Sumo wrestling. And if you are physically ugly, don’t get into the face of the public, even indirectly.

           They both seem as squat, and dumpy as lawn ornaments, way too deformed to get in front of a camera in any capacity. The first is the pin-head, and his head is really shaped like a pin, in those asinine free solar energy commercials on youTube. The ones where the “skip ad” button doesn’t appear until the ad is half over. The second is a zero-authority broad who keeps interrupting that Canadian church minister during his services. This is illegal in Canada. Note the police escort. These people are doubly disgusting because they come across as if you have a duty to hear what they say. They are pathetic.

           [Author’s note: yep, we called another one right. The Polish pastor in Calgary has become a focal point of the resistance. Dang, I wanted that job. Anyway, the ugly woman shows up with a fully armed police escort and a pretend warrant, a very common practice in Canada.
           However, this time she is met by a new guy who knows the law. This is not sufficient enough to send them packing, watch how one goon tries to stop the city mayor from taking her picture. In a parallel to what happened in the USA. Wait, we have a name, the ugly lady is Sarah Nunn, from Alberta Health Services (AHS) and has NO LEGAL authority to break up meetings or require the wearing of masks. Neither do all the American mayors, senators, or governors. They use the Israeli trick of punishing you if you don’t.
           Watch this situation in Calgary, Alberta, in Canada. For that nation of complacent arse-kissers, this is akin to violent revolution.]

           What’s happening with Tennessee? Nothing. Before this lockdown vaccine nonsense (half the new cases have supposedly been vaccinated, which tells you whatever was in the jab, it doesn’t work. Before, planning the trip meant putting a mark on the calendar and making sure I could be back for my lab tests. Now we have to dance around quarantines and idiots. I intend to use the lull to keep working on my spare bedroom.
           Another old idea of mine is back in view. It seems there is software available that accomplishes the task (not specified here) that would make the web page far easier to set up. Two graphics pages and a database entry forms. Time to schedule an in-person with Jag. Over the years, there is always somebody comes up with the same idea, but my version would not be allowed on the cloud. That cloud will just make data breaches universal and more dangerous. My version would not allow the data and ownership to be kept in the same place. Also, the on-line models I find are very restrictive in scope.

           [Author’s note: the police in the above picture are RCMP in Canada on a deliberate mission to harass a pastor. The RCMP are state police used to enforce government policy in contradiction to their oaths and defined duties. (Hence their nickname of “Gestapo”.) The priest is Pawlowski. He was initially targeted by a radical left-wing publication called the Edmonton Journal, who ceaselessly went after him for holding private church services.
           The RCMP are state police. They have tasered more than 20 people to death since 2001. The public image of a red-uniformed “mountie” on a horse is pure parade-ground propaganda. The RCMP have been called a cult and Canada is in constant conflict with Amnesty International for sinister violations. Before travel to Canada, be advised their criminal code allows them to change their laws on demand to get a conviction.]

Picture of the day.
Malabo, Fernando Po.
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           Here’s your mystery object of the day. Here’s my lovely assistant showing you an excellent view, and I’ll supply you with some hints. It is solid metal, quite heavy. It is not a stencil and nothing is missing from the picture. Stumped? You’ll have to return next day for the answer, it’s actually a fairly handy invention. It’s hefty weight makes me wonder if it would get much daily use. If you need it, though, it sure comes in handy.
           Next, we’ve got an incident in Mississippi, barely made the news. An arrest warrant has been issued for a notary who stamped absentee ballots. This could be momentous for two reasons. One is the obvious shock waves through the Democrat camp that this could be the first of many. Second, it puts the fear in not just the people who voted illegally, but the party hacks that allowed them. And this time, every RINO is listed and on notice.

           Like many Americans, I’m wondering why it took so long. Why wasn’t this done immediately after the election? I say it supports my theory that Trump knew if he didn’t expose the corruption, he would face the same claptrap all over again. The Democrats could have just stood back and thrown more impreachments, hoaxes, and frivolous lawsuits into the fray. He took a huge gamble that they were backlogged on their electioneering payoff schedules. They would "unmask" themselves by trying to ram through all their programs. while presuming the election fraud issue was successfully buried.
           If so, Trump’s an incredible risk-taker unless. Unless he knew something we didn’t. He would certainly have recognized to pull off the steal, the Democrats have to have had copious numbers apparatchiks in place right down to the polling booth level. To fight the Democrats, these underlings had to be first be exposed and discredited. That’s what’s shaping up and why a single arrest warrant in nothing Tennessee could be the catalyst. Somebody is going to turn State’s Evidence. Unlike Trump, nobody is going to take a fall for the likes of Pelosi or Schumer. The only thing Democrats hate worse than Republicans is each other.
           A new medical condition needs a catchy name. It’s the vaccine skin rash. People who are breaking out in horrible skin conditions, some dying painful deaths. The “Pelosi Plague”, or how about “Schumer Shedding”? “Warren’s Welts”?

           Later, I took Hwy 60 back and found myself at the newly-instated Karaoke. This is the one with the guitar player who took the easy way out. The point is, he is light-years ahead of the local crowd but has to tone it down. Since Bradford was there, a friendly competition resulted. Before long, only the best would get behind the mic, and that is not the way to sell bar entertainment around here. Wait and see. I left early over it.
           I’ll explain. We’ve all had a favorite hangout go downhill by going uphill. Huh? Yep, when a fun place of friends and locals gets taken over by city-trained professionals. While that’s improbable in the full context way out here, there’s the shows become intimidating to the real amateurs. And leader of that pack is our old pal, Bradford. The guy has either knuckled down or taken lessons. He’s got a ways to go with his presentation, but he’s got a loud, powerful voice and he can now stay on key through long, difficult passages.
           When I first got here, nobody did duets, or singalongs, or plain fun songs. I still lead by a margin, all my duets are with women only, and I remain the only audience-participation promoter. But they are learning fast and now they are right behind me. And because I’m not a vocalist, everything I do is easy to copy. Time to think this given Karaoke show over, it may not be what I want in a club I visit regularly enough.

           Oooh, the libtards are shaking in their boots over Arizona. They have a new problem of their own making. They’ve worn out all their talking points. Their accusations and dodging have become so routine they are predictable in minute detail—not a wise career choice in politics. What’s the rumor, that the first 100 ballots counted had 2 discrepancies. The Democrats tried to downplay it a “only two votes”, like nobody is going to realize that is a 2% error rate. With 2.1 million votes and a win margin of what, 10,700 ballots, do the arithmetic.
           I found more six word stories. Here’s a sampling of the ones I like.
I have mixed drinks about feelings.
Well, I thought it was funny.
She loved cigarettes more than life.
Home alone. But toilet just flushed.
Partied through life, all nineteen years.
Bed springs creak above my head.
Sand castle for sale. Limited time offer.
“Wrong number, “ says a familiar voice.
Positive mental attitude. Negative credit score.
First rules. Then uniforms. Then guns.
           You gotta hand it to the the VolksWagen diesel people. They programmed the engines that were being tested for to “know” they were being tested. Ordinarily such hacking gets a merit badge, not for originality, but for being first to show certain groups this has been going on for a very long time. Then, the VW people turned around and sued the retired CEO who orchestrated this stunt for billions. Gotta love it.

Last Laugh