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Friday, April 9, 2021

April 9, 2021

One year ago today: April 9, 2020, my raised planter.
Five years ago today: April 9, 2016, collaboration beats effort.
Nine years ago today: April 9, 2012, nobodies to me.
Random years ago today: April 9, 2013, yeah, that Angie.

           Do I drive into Miami to make those appointments? It is useless trying to use the on-line system. That’s a sort of give us your information and we’ll get back to you, something that only works for the airheads with nothing else to do all day. So, the King is dead. Prince Phillip died one of the two ways allowed for royalty, that is, peacefully in his sleep. The reaction of most Americans was, “Prince Who?” and I personally thought he was long gone. Nope, the dude was 99 and looked every minute of it. He’s the guy who married Queen Elizabeth, so was not really King, but what is it, the Duke of Edinborough. What do I know of primogeniture, it’s not like I ever got anything.
           The libtards continue to propound their phony insurrection at the White House, now indicting people who just walked in because the door was open. The position that the goal is to terrify anybody from opposing their regime is not fundamentally known to most Americans, including the Democrats who are pushing the agenda. But the big item is how the nation is noting, like this blog did so long ago, that Trump stepped down a little too easy. It is now plain rather that take on another term of violent opposition and press attacks, he gave them enough rope to hang themselves. And they are doing a fine job of it.

           See this photo? That’s the big phosphate deposit, biggest such operation in the world they say. Why the mention? My report on the museum visit had record numbers of hits. My amalgamator brought up a series of interviews asking women if they would date men who are shorter than them. Since the women were Swedish, I took to watching this. The universal answer was no but I had to laugh—they asked the mousiest, dweebiest looking Swedish women I have ever seen. Tell me real Swedish women don’t have to dye their blonde hair, because that’s what I saw.
           I’m average height so I’ve dated many women taller than myself without a thought there might be a problem. I also noticed these women being interviewed were all under 30, so that might say something of their media exposure. In my time, the movies told women a catch was “tall, dark, & handsome”. But the women I mean were teenagers, by the time they hit 20, they had dropped first the dark, then the tall, conditions. That’s who’s opinion I’d like, not the pudgy dating club stock in the videos. There was only one I’d consider a babe. Would I date a woman that wasn’t a babe? Let’s just say I have, but generally no.
           Lookie here, the next videos says they can instruct me how to get a Swedish girlfriend. Let me guess. First you move to Sweden and then you grow taller than them. Hey, that’s just as helpful as anything on the videos. By the looks of Swedish women these days, make sure you pack your wallet. Did you know my first girlfriend was Norwegian. We lasted just two years until I went to college. I have fond memories, but she never would have lasted in my world—once I found out what my world was.

Picture of the day.
Kentucky derby hat.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           That headlight is going to be a chore. None of the local yards have that particular part. Most of the models that year had regular style headlights. I’ve used an old Texas trick in case I have to drive at night. Only one thing to do—take the afternoon off and watch “The Return of A Man Called Horse”. By the half-way point, they are still dancing around that stupid pole and will somebody shoot that guy pounding on the drum. This was not a fun-filled day, but at least I wasn’t in the phosphate museum. Wait, Alaine called and we are planning a big get-together in Miami soon. I’m still waiting for a schedule from the eye clinic. I’m due for every eye test possible.
           She is still doing volunteer work at the pet shelter, but that is one of the places that has really gone overboard with the security COVID nonsense. Masks are not mandated in Florida, but they make you wear one and get a security pass just to enter the lobby. It’s as if anything connected with the government is trying to make showing ID into standard procedure. If I know people, they will just quit going to these places. But not because it is wrong, but because it is inconvenient.

           Internet fun time. You may have guessed I do not consider it wrong to misinform certain types of people. Don’t lie, I mean tell them what they want to hear in a way that protects you from any party trying to pull a stunt. After all, they started it. Included would be web sites with false advertising. Click-bait is but one part of a larger problem. When information is offered as free, the scam is to pump you for information first, which I rarely go along with. But to that effect I have some established on-line identities that link to throwaway e-mails.
           This photo is predictably what I found. The headlamps, exactly the parts I want, missing. It is not only an expensive part, but the bulbs are very difficult to replace. Unless you have small hand, such as I do, the bumper has to come off to get at the back. Even then, the wiring only lets you move them a couple inches. Notice that small grey box on the bumper mount? That is often the culprit. I may be mixing up regular and HID headlamps, this photo is only representative.

           Today, I tried to get information about an advertised finishing carpentry course. Six weeks, eight hours a week, focus on trimwork. Just try to find the price or get any information. So while I was there, I pulled up a generic “find a school” page. Yep, they’re all skunks in the same hole. It’s the Career Now Network. They won’t even tell you which schools teach a course until you “qualify”. That means having the credit to pay up front for a diploma or degree. Pay as you go is a distant American memory. Don’t bother with other searches, they just provide the addresses and a link back to where you started. That’s the page that demands your identity to proceed.
           Trade schools that teach trades have given way to cooking classes, cosmetology, and criminology. Now there’s a few skill sets on which to base an economy. Right up there with child care and cashiers. I belong to the group that says America’s biggest export in our lifetimes has been good-paying jobs. We’re only beginning to see what happens to people when the only way to manage a decent living is to operate some kind of scam. I still get calls from the vehicle warranty people and Marriott Hotels. The telemarket recording says push a number to be taken of the list as is required by law. But nobody enforced that law.
           A few courses in lab tech work caught my eye, my motive is just to learn to operate the basic equipment. No way, they seem terrified if you don’t want to sign up for a diploma, career, and job placement assistance. What a bunch of crooks, like some teenager is going to have all that mapped out.

           What’s this news item (no link). One person in six who has the COVID vaccine is now suffering some form of psychiatric trouble? Come on, millies, get in line. That kind of condition is an improvement for most liberals. You know what I like to do to let off steam. When I’m in the library, I like to change the computer settings. You know why? You might say it’s because gimps go in there and change the settings under ease of access, but you’d be wrong. You could say it is because most special needs types are flaming liberals, but wrong again. My favorite is to slide the mouse speed to the highest setting. Not because they are libtards and change the settings, but because they don’t change them back when they are done.
           What brought this subject up? There is no need for handicapped beggars in the streets of America. If you are handicapped, you have more disposable income than people with $10 and hour jobs. Welfare and foodstamps net something like $250 per week. If they need more than that, they ain’t getting’ it from me.

           Let me see, what is my basic weekly budget on food, clothing, & shelter these days. Hang on. Okay, my no-frills spending money per week is $168.02. All basics including rent, which they get subsidized. Food, clothing, shelter, and running the household. If I need more, I have to rob Peter. If they need more, they’ll have to do what others do. Manage somehow and begging is bother in other people. I especially don’t care for it when certain types of people beg, you can figure that out on your own, you ladies who were once good-looking and squandered it on the bad boys.
           And so you’ll know, Democrat appointed have basically ordered adoptive and custodial mothers if they don’t get the shot, their children may be taken away. Welcome to left-wing America. Trump, forget presidency, you could become crowned Emporer.

Last Laugh