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Saturday, April 10, 2021

April 10, 2021

One year ago today: April 10, 2020, my music survey.
Five years ago today: April 10, 2016, still house-hunting.
Nine years ago today: April 10, 2012, but then, Apple changed.
Random years ago today: April 10, 2018, another 2-bit guitar player.

           I watched another twenty minutes of “Return Of The Man Called Horse”. It all seems realistically put together, but I never could figure out why anyone with a rifle would stampede the buffalo first. To make his job harder, maybe? Does anybody know for sure what they smoked in that pipe? At the 1:30 area, they begin learning strategy to divide and conquer the enemy. This I know about and the movie is strikingly accurate. The model of the fort, this is exactly how it is done, nothing important is not portrayed. In some countries, this kind of movie would be banned.
           The morning saw me taking inventory of what it would require to build another stealth shed. Lumber is still outrageous, but we would not need that much of it. Everything else, from the concrete pylons to the tarpaper is here, even the wiring. Plus the siding to make it look like an ordinary garden shed. It’s taking another chance, but another we can afford. There is still too much material stored inside the house that doesn’t need to be there. And I never considered before that others may not want on office in the corner of their bedroom.

           Electrifying and networking a shed is peanuts around here anymore. Thanks to Charla, we even have the underground conduit. Will this happen? Keep checking back, it’s more exciting than a phosphate museum. Who remembers Dawnster, the first lady I met in this area? I liked her instantly, but my spider sense said she’s still single for a reason. Turns out it was nothing I couldn’t handle, yet that is the important point. She requires an immense amount of, what’s the word, a quality exactly between tolerance and patience. This is not found in local men.
           Oops, check my records, you don’t know this name, Dawnster. It is blog for the lady who began her career as a server, trained by Agt. R, who we will be visiting in around a half hour. He’s got to get rid of that piece of crap truck he’s driving. It’s become an eyesore just sitting in the driveway. Anyhow, that’s how I met the Dawnster, not to be confused with Dawn, the shiny fingernail lady.

           Dawnster has little choice but to date said locals. This is why I knew her relationships won’t work out. She’s back from the latest and back at her old job. I’m going there tonight which I would anyway, and don’t forget the Van Houlton. Huh? You see, in the old days, I made it a habit to bring her an individually packaged pickle. There are more ways to get things done and one of the best is an appeal to a woman’s imagination. We’ve never done the wild thing, but only the pickle knows why. I will use the time tonight to do a materials takeoff on the shed. And let imagination work a little overtime.
           Nothing will happen between us now, she should have gone to that other museum with me back in 2016. That’s the science museum in Clearwater. I called for the date but no answer. Let’s see, if my calendar is right, next month it will have been five years since we met. Should I be mean and remind her of that? Of course.

Picture of the day.
Skyscrapers in Greenland.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           A couple things went my way this afternoon. I scored two monster A/C units fro $40. These are in good operating order with a couple of knobs missing. This is why you stay on such good terms with the church. They replaced these simply because they do not have remote controls. This solves the question of whether the work sheds get air conditioned. These are the largest units that can be operated on a 15 amp circuit. That church hall only got used a couple times a month, and these are American-made Kenmores, takes two men to lift them or it becomes work.
           I’ve got the spare slots in the panel and as the others, they will be 20 amp circuits. I’ve decided to finish up some electric in the next couple days. For example, I half presumed nobody would want to do laundry after dark before I found time to build a canopy. Nope, need that now. Another good event was discovering a piece of plywood at the pallet dump. These are gradually replacing the 2x6” planks I put in the attic crawl space. Those boards will be needed for the new shed floor.

           This took all afternoon, going back to get the van and trying to catch Agt. R at home. No dice, he must still be working over in Brooksville. Since I had the van downtown, I went on a major food shop. One thing I could not find is the pickle. Even the dollar store didn’t have their brand, “Oh Snap”. Don’t worry, I found her something that is longer than it is wide. I need a break, so let’s watch a rerun. I always did like the original Remo Williams.
           Later, I chatted with the Dawnster, she’s about to become a grandmother. She’s looking fine, all the regulars are back at the game. Her brother was also around, he’s going to be in town a few months. The shed will require around 80 pieces of lumber, which I think possible even at today’s prices. These developments are the reason I think my life sometimes goes in circles. Is it my influence, or progress, or changing times but the Reb has cancelled all TV service. She always has independent reasons for such decisions, but enough people do so that I like to think I had a part in it. It maybe only that I can always come up with something better to do. Although my family would not recognize it, the term is “setting a good example”.

           From Tennessee, there may be an option to drive back west. If so, I want that, as well as taking the train back here This will have to be planned to a tight timetable, but I know the system out west and how to connect with the AmTrak. Is this the unexpected chance to turn the next visit into the adventure of the year? Stay tuned. I know the area so well we would not even have to drive anywhere near the dirty Democrat cesspool that Seattle has become.
           Oooh, what’s this? Another 500 million profiles lost from LinkedIn. I’m so glad I spotted such places for what they were—a place to sell your identity. Talk is unless you have a social media account, your resume goes into the trash bucket. Serves you right, serves your right. I was a lonely voice back in 1984 warning about the databases and in 2003 about putting personal information on-line. The only regret I have is people who did not want their info on line are caught up in the systems the masses have enabled. The most insidious is the “sign up a friend” scam. This is why you cannot give out too much info even to your closest friends. Friends can also be idiots.
           What’s this, another 1.3 million Clubhouse users. They don’t have that many. Moments later, I stand corrected. When a Clubhouse user “invites” his friends to join by giving Clubhouse their personal contact information, even those who actively decline are now members. Are there really so many imbeciles in America? Here’s a way to test if you are in that number. Log on to the site they advertise to check if you are part of the Facebook data breach and fill in the text boxes on screen without asking any questions about the information they want to “check” your status.

           Nope, being cautious with your private data does not turn one into a hermit. I have a social life, early retirement, and array of involvements a lot of people could barely dream of. Pssst, Patsie, Ken, Theresa, Glen, that’s you. Well, not so much Glen. He may be a supreme little prick, but he is a musician so he has some contact with a dynamic lifestyle. Even if he lacks the flexibility and sense of humor to make much of it. You know, I once heard the guy try to tell a joke on stage. If it’s any consolation, I, for one, got it. Well, jeez, the guy has no delivery.

           I’m reading articles on the decline of life and population in Bulgaria. It’s a rich farming district but if I know the side-effects of the Internet, that spells doom. In my life, only the uniformed stayed on the farms, and I’m in America for christ’s sakes. The rural population of Bulgaria has fallen 20% beginning the day the first browsers came out in 1991. The young people have no reason to stay on the farm, although I imagine a percentage of the city losers will wind up back there. What caught my eye was the number of farms for sale.
           Here’s another kick in the head for anybody who thinks digital currency is a great new future improvement. Apparently China is considering a currency that will drop in value if it is not spent. That opens opportunities for me, but for most it is the final step toward financial slavery. The cover story is that it prevents workers from hoarding money to use it over their neighbors, which fools nobody. You cannot save for your retirement or to put your kids through college It will have the effect of causing the rich to move assets out of reach and the poor to invest it in things that cannot be force-shared or confiscated. Of the latter, one such hot investment is revolutionary philosophies. The rich would be picking a fight with somebody who has nothing to lose.
           The system is already creating a new round of enemies and heroes. Did you get a load of that preacher guy kicking the Gestapo out of his church? The fat crumb of a woman was not even a police person, but some obscure department showing up with a police escort. Some guy like that is going to become the figurehead and his message is unmistakable—communism is not a future threat, it is already here. And these people are using the oldest trick in the book. Keep the empty minds clouded with the masks and the border issues while behind the scenes they’re coming after your guns.

           We’ve covered that many times in this blog but one thing such money would do is prevent inheritance. One of the few liberal standpoints I can agree with, I have a partial solution. Repeat, until the age of 21, everything you give your kids is tax-free. So about the best thing you should bequeath them is the ability to work damn hard the rest of their lives. After 21, all income would be taxed at the same rate as, for instance, investment income or the highest tax bracket.
           This has been kind of tried before, but it lowers political life expectancy. Capitalism hinges on those willing to scrimp being able to invest their money Having money without scrimping is a social evil, the world has enough Paris Hiltons. Whatever happened to her anyway? She turns 40 this year. Says here she is sliving away attaching herself to causes and guest appearances. I know, it rings a bell, but for her it would be a move in the right direction. We should hope with all that money, she doesn’t actually look 40.
           This just in (for me). She’s engaged to the son of the Reum dynasty, the billionaires who run the railway undercarriage works. Amsted, that’s it, they make boxcars and their kids are worse than Trump for claiming to be self-made. Didn’t he buy that vodka company, Viva or something? I don’t have time to research it but they are the spray-tan crowd. I give it two years.

Last Laugh