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Monday, May 10, 2021

May 10, 2021

One year ago today: May 10, 2020, Forex trading, hmmmm.
Five years ago today: May 10, 2016, no pitchfork party, but close.
Nine years ago today: May 10, 2012, on Elvis impersonators.
Random years ago today: May 10, 2009, before Theresa went sour.

           Silver doubles in price over a couple years, then stays put in the $26 range. Tripled lumber prices add $30,000 to the average new house. The Internet biz-op swamp has gone beyond insane. And my search continues for some commodity that will survive the pending hyper-inflation. How about the splurge of these “survival” videos, as in how to survive occasions like box jellyfish swarms and being swallowed by hippos. Or the news that a big oil pipeline was shut down by cyberattack. False, the pipeline is fine, what was shut down was the computers of wired generation dipshits who failed to learn how to manually operate the pipeline. That kind of ignorance is the real pandemic.
           The morning was dedicated to looking at traditional hedges, what does big money do when inflation threatens? The instant problem is that you need big money to get into such things. But owning the place you live is the best option for most people. Funny it is to see somebody investing in commodities or palladium when his rent could triple next month.

           This photo shows the lowest price 2 bedroom advertising in Nashville. It’s a half-townhouse near the dam priced at $189,000 but there simply has to be something wrong with it. Other than sending the Reb over there, I was stuck with on-line research which rarely tells two sides of any story. I did notice that both the pictures and the blurbs pointedly avoided mentioning it was a townhouse and showed no hint of the other half of the structure. That’s where you look. What could be next door that knocks $100k off the price of this unit?
           I’m serious about finding something, serious enough the Reb got me to talk on the phone over an hour. There are options we have over others but my resistance to “buying yourself a job” is a strong deterrent. A good example is we are completely equipped to produce videos, complete with seasoned narrators and our own music tracks. What is my objection? I’ll try to be succinct—I know what is required to produce a quality video and I’ve seen pitiful results from doing so. Remember eHow, where my top quality reviews generated peanuts compared to people who simply regurgitated the package claims. They outnumbered me 68:1 by the time I pulled the pin.

           Hence, I again drew the same conclusion. Quantity over quality. You know why you see this profusion of crap like CIA pedophile secret islands, devil choir robe cults, and antarctic Nazi UFO pinky-finger codes? Because it sells and is easy to produce. I’ve committed, but only to the Reb, not you, that I will examine how those sleazebox mentalities are making money. I mean, I know how, so that should say how they are making the easy money without getting called out on it. The how-to posts always say the same thing. Post lots of short videos.
           What I can’t figure out is how they know I have some 1,600 such videos around here already on file that aren’t earning a thing. And quadruple that amount of raw footage that often has not even been reviewed. Like the coffee mug market, the really easy parts are over-saturated, so much that being original becomes not so simple as they say. What is a topic I know enough about that being a copycat becomes painful. Hmmm, all I have to do is think back to answer that. Anyhow, no promises.

Picture of the day.
Water-cooled credit card duplicating machine.
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           I’ve never owned a chain saw until today. They remain one of the highest maintenance consumer products of all time. The chain tension, gas-oil mix, storage, and operation all require special attention. I went for the smallest model, since my needs are modest. At 42cc, it rivals the displacement of my Yamaha scooter. The bar is 14”, keeping the unit light enough to operate just about anywhere. The manual is 17 pages long, and you know what they say, the longer the manual, the poorer the product. Drop back tomorrow after we test it.
           There are logs in my yard that have defied the axe, the Swede saw, and that gutless electric saw for years. Prepare to meet thy maker. The upkeep of the saw chains is another migraine in itself. Why nobody has come up with a better tool in my lifetime is a wonder. I’ve spent 45 minutes sharpening a chainsaw blade only to have it go dull after five cuts through dry old wood.

The old iron tub is staying, it is solid enough, just terribly discolored over the years. On the presumption at least one of the experts on-line has a formula that will restore the finish, I’ve decided to insulate around the tub while the wall is open. Then I found out half a bale of ordinary insulation is $33. I’m happy I’ve already completed most of the lumber parts of my renovations, but I will need some for the deck of the washer-dryer and I don’t want to look at the price of trim.
           Have I had the flu? Around a week ago, I got me a mild sore throat. No fever, no chills, just a sore throat, but I’ve had those. Then a few sneezing spells, but it is springtime. So I drop in to see Charla who is fine by the way. Bought a house up in Auburndale. Big place. Shre reports several people who’ve had the flu that sported very similar symptoms. For a couple mornings I’ve also had a cough of the sort they call a “throat tickle”. If this is the dreaded COVID, folks, we’ve been conned worse than we thought. Now in India, they’ve announced a variation or mutation of the flu, which viruses are wont to do, but watch them escalate that for another couple rounds.

           Homelessness in America. Yep, it is a problem, but that’s where I draw the line. You get too many people homeless by attitude, laziness, and design. Don’t expect me to feel sorry for somebody with three kids, no husband, no job, and $25,000 worth of tattoos starting to sag. In my day, we had the same bunch, who we called dropouts. They didn’t “like” school and figured they were the ones who could beat the system. I watched a documentary of people fleeing California over the homeless minions who turned the streets into refugee camps.
           It’s appalling to watch the cops in California step over drunks and bums to ticket some guy for chaining his bicycle to a city street sign. I’ll say it again, there is no such thing as true poverty or hunger in America. While not saying these people are homeless by choice, they are certainly living like they do by decision. There are hundreds of programs in place and I get it, some of them don’t “like” the terms and conditions attached. Listen, you clueless bastards, I didn’t like the same thing about the jobs I put up with for 25 years of my life. All the while listening to crap about human rights and immigration and now they complain they have to pay for it?

           My solution is the same. Equal but separate. Mankind has not evolved to put up with nonsense out his own small circles. I was poor, it wasn’t my fault, but I didn’t go around making it other people’s problem. And it’s not like anybody came along and handed me a job, so don’t go there. I’m just saying this libtardism has gone too far in the cities, these homeless people do not need to be in the downtown areas where they disrupt others. Nobody minds a panhandler or two, but when thousands of them start congregating, it’s time to draw the line. I know exactly what it takes to break out of poverty and they should be given the same opportunities to learn.
           Mark my words, the current bunch on government assistance now will become permanent Democrats, voting for more and more government forever. That makes me a redneck on one single count. And that count is that people who have money for smart phones, laptops, and body piercings don’t need or deserve a single thing from my world. If you want to help them with your own time and money, I would never stand in your way. But make a grab for my resources and you have an enemy. You see, I’ve got two brothers and I’ve had it up to here with hard luck stories. There, I feel much better now.

Last Laugh