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Saturday, May 15, 2021

May 15, 2021

One year ago today: May 15, 2020, the youTube runt.
Five years ago today: May 15, 2016, doing a Ross Perot.
Nine years ago today: May 15, 2012, yeah, I play the dots.
Random years ago today: May 15, 2013, if it's on sale . . .

           What, another batch of $1,400 stimulus checks? I haven’t finished spending the last two yet? Huh, you say some people are in desperate straits and need the money? Well okay, that makes it pretty obvious they belong to the rabble that can’t take good advice from sources like this blog. Let us not forget, I know what it takes to go from beyond negative poverty to where I am today. If they don’t want to make the transition and they want to live on credit, let them pay for it all just the way they are—reliant on government handouts. Good morning.
           Step one to getting rich in America? Get rid of your credit cards. But how will you live? If you need to ask such a question, keep your credit card. It means more for me. The requirement to have filled out a tax return to get the stimulus has increased the “IRS population” by half a million. That likely includes a bunch who think afterwards they can just melt back into the system.

           An early start had me pulling up all the spear plants from the front yard. While they thrive in mostly shade in the back, they had a mottled appearance when transplanted. I was hoping they’d form a hedge of sorts. Whatever I put along the perimeter must be low maintenance and I’ve had zero luck. The Devil’s backbone grows, but not with the bright green I want, more a reddish tinge not at all as attractive. I also did some raking before the sun got perpendicular, meaning I’ve earned the evening off and I’ll likely go downtown or over to the old club on Hwy 60.
           This picture is what hard work looks like, Glen. All the spear plants have been carted to the edge of the yard for pickup next week, whew. Next, the weeds and undergrowth had to be pulled out and raked. There were old logs and rotted what-not everywhere. You can see two piles of black ashes from the burn barrel. This is wheelbarrow and shovel work, I’ll rake the material into the soil another time. In grade school we were taught forest fires released otherwise hard to get plant nutrients back into the ground. I figure why not, I’ve tried everything else.

           Facebook posters have discovered a trick this blog commented on back in 1984. That is, the letter A and a picture of the letter A are computeralistically different entities. Close to 40 years later, the millies have figured out you can get around hate-speech and anti-vax censors by posting a picture of the words. For that bunch, 40 years is practically overnight. I guess they’ve been fully occupied earning money in their sleep.
           A five-hour day by noon, I’m ready for a break. More coffee and a good book. What’s this, a horoscope for Scorpios, all of 2021. I read ten pages and see the pattern. Written by social justice workers or some queers like that. Where strength, boldness, decisiveness, confidence, and independence are character flaws. And reminding those that plan ahead and think for themselves that help in the form of therapy is available.

Picture of the day.
Early stealth antenna.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           Before everything else, look at this photo. What a surprise. The elm tree died almost instantly last year, while the peach tree went on to grow one crop. I kept up a basic fertilizer and water routine out of habit. So imagine my surprise to see these green sprouts today. This tree also has a lining of ashes as of today. The newly sawn wood from the limbs looks like around a four hour fire tomorrow and I checked the fridge. Only six bottles of Bud in there. This won’t do, remind me this is an eight or ten beer fire. Gotta do it right. Did I just say “computeralistically”?

           Wow, look at the hits over my comment on the Israeli Iron Dome anti-rocket system. Since I don’t know the interest point, I’ll describe how I would work around and enemy who had such a system. By looking at the missile trails, I see they are launched at the last moment, indicating they are short range. It also tells me they have invested very heavily in the radar control systems, meaning they are likely to continue using them. Tempting as it is to attack those radar sites, it’s smarter to let them keep placing ever more faith in them.
           Instead, I’ll start keeping track of radar activity for later analysis and approach the problem more empirically. We noted last day the Hamas rockets are already over the target when destroyed. The missile tracks give us plenty of information about time to target. There are a number of options which include:

                      a) detecting the Iron Dome missile plumes
                      b) calculating rocket arrival time
                      c) out-maneuver the powered rocket

           These can be exploited as weaknesses, so let’s find the easiest way. We could put a simple “eye” on the rocket to spot the missile launch. Leave that method until we try something even simpler. Go down to Wal*Mart and buy some of those wind-up kitchen timers. Attach a strap-on air brake to the rocket. During that nice long interval between the missile launch before it begins to arc toward its target, have the brake spring open and drop the warhead like a stone. This works even better if it causes the defenders to hold their fire to the last moment. Or if it causes the missile to follow the rocket into the ground.
           Another option would be to have an observer on the ground with a cell phone. “To activate air brake in Spanish, press one” takes on a whole new character. No, I’m not giving away any military secrets. These are ancient solutions to ancient problems. The real Hamas players are way ahead of this, for the US of A has been letting them send “scholars” to our best engineering schools for decades. That is who is at fault, so don’t go blaming bloggers. As for the next round, the USA has been attaching fins to smart bombs since Nam, so adapt that to the rockets which, as we examined last day, are flying fast enough to become aerodynamic.

           Windows 10, what a scam. We love that message saying your computer has experienced a problem. Accompanied by “we will collect some information and restart your computer for you”. The hell you will. Folks, shut off your computer manually and restart it manually. When it comes to your personal computer never let a stranger help your nor themselves or you will be sorry. Read my lips.
           Who remembers Art, the database programmer? I laughed him out the door because of his attitude. (Actually he stomped out because I would not tell him what the database was for.) These days, I get reminded of his craziness a lot when researching on-line businesses. The way it works is whenever anybody has an idea and wants information on how to promote it. They get a flurry of answers that show an entire layer of society has become as narrow-brained as Art. Because they aren’t answers, but attempts to trick the first guy into revealing his trade secrets. A whole generation of Art-like buffoons.
           Seriously. Ask Art if he knows anybody who will publish a book and Art, well, if you ask me, these people think they are smarter than you. What’s the book about? Who wrote it? How many pages? Is it fiction? The funniest people are the sort who think once they know you are up to something, you are compelled to answer. Sorry Art, I was raised around people like you. Anyway, I’m wondering if there is a word for such people or the situation.

           You gotta have a hoot at how far the radical left has sunk in the media attacks. Splicing together old Tucker Carlson clips to isolate keywords they don’t like. Saying he cannot criticize the military unless he is a pregnant woman. As the Arizona audit gains evidence, the Biden bunch have switched from denying the election was stolen to claiming it was “fortified”. Hillary continues to call for world governments to censor wrong-think. The same Democrats who denied vaccines work under Trump are now calling to enforce them.
           The Democrats deleted an election database ten days before turning over the drives over to the auditors. Rumor is silver mines are beginning to sell directly to consumers, bypassing the silver cartel (known as Comex). Trump has resumed his rallies despite not running for anything. Kamela is nowhere to be found. Biden barely shows his face in public. And Biden just said if you don’t get vaccinated, you will have to wear a mask until you do, adding (Canadian-style) that “the choice is yours”. If you ask me, the whole Democrat fabric of corruption is beginning to unravel, no doubt a source of pure glee to the patriotic.

Last Laugh