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Wednesday, May 19, 2021

May 19, 2021

One year ago today: May 19, 2020, a science project day.
Five years ago today: May 19, 2016, two days in Lakeland.
Nine years ago today: May 19, 2012, Assbook.
Random years ago today: May 19, 2018, Murphy’s Battlefield Law.

           Bad news Wednesday. What a boon it would be for Florida if everything that goes wrong could be confined to one day. I mean for the good stuff, they have Sunday, so let’s address the opposite. I spent the day signing documents and driving around. I’ve essentially “lost” the action against the drunk who ran over my motorcycle. He’s protected by a public service cap and a very stubborn system. No big deal, I was never counting on that—but I am now very reminded of the chunk of cash needed to operate a motor vehicle in this country.
           That picture is symbolic of the day, my favorite coffee mug smashed on the hardwood floor. The floor that is getting replaced with because that wood is too old and brittle for re-use. I’ve got the upcoming week slated to complete the computer wall, the big push is to clear out the front bedroom. It looks like JZ might finally get out this way and if so, the idea is to get him to stay long enough to realize it’s time to get out of Miami.

           I know what people are like who spend their entire lives in one place. On the other hand, I know JZ always has a great time if you can get him even to tag along. But on his own, he will never chase adventure. My contention is that by now he should own a couple houses out this way and dating some blonde babe half his age. Unlike Miami, we got a surplus of women in that category. Why, if they were my type. Unlike me learning to play adequate guitar, this is something JZ could do.
          The medical tests of last day have, on paper, no side effects. That’s because, methinks, zonking out for up to five hours isn’t considered a condition. They advise drinking plenty of water to clear one’s system. Yeah, you try drinking four glasses of water in this summer heat and not lying down for a nap. But five hours is no nap. Much as some people think it is, to me it just throws off my rhythm.

Picture of the day.
Copycat China.
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           Surprise, I’m not going to Tennessee this week. Time for some consolidation of events right here. Over time, I’ve succeeded in getting myself to stay home almost twice as much. For me this is a feat, because I used to love movies, driving, and libraries in my spare time. Strange how those very things became so negatively affected by the course of life in the past five years, don’t you think? Recall how I flopped at training myself to watch television? Turns out I can stay at home but I can’t waste time.
           Here’s a picture of the diner in Palatka a couple weekends ago. It shows the ridiculous proportions some people will go over public pressure and propaganda. These are the plastic COVID screens on the counter. They shield half the space, like some virus is going to respect the barriers. It does little but destroy the traditional ambience of the place.

           That’s 10 hours I’ve spent driving time in the past two days. The van is comfortable but it was all local driving over roads I already know. Par for the course, the only radio stations that come through are the public funded far-left stations. On they go about the “insurrection”, a word most Democrats can’t spell. They want to fund a big investigation in an on-going effort to turn what was mostly a protest into something big. Until Trump arrived, I never paid that much attention. Now, it is shoved down your maw.
           Admittedly, I do not know the implications, but these mid-term elections are not something the pretend government in DC should be looking forward to. That much is obvious. The rising term for what is to happen to the Democrats is “bloodbath”. Trump is still very much in control with his exceedingly popular America First platform. Plus the radical left, in trying to play catch-up, has pushed far too much Marxism on the public than they can tolerate. Gun confiscation, DC statehood, queer agendas, and Green deals are topics best approached very indirectly and not all at once.

           I listen to the commentators acting like these are all things that have already happened, a lie that has not worked since election day, when the Democrats tried to fakeout they won some big landslide victory. In fact, he won by less than 50,000 votes which are in the process of being scrutinized. More than 40 states have passed election reform laws that will block most Democrat cheating in 2022. What is going to happen instead?
           My opinion is the Biden farce is over, except for the crying. Big media is sinking, long-term Democrats are disgusted by the route the party has taken, I think Biden’s approval ratings are far below the claims, and have you seen the ads by McCloskey? That’s the lawyer who pointed guns at “peaceful” protesters who were setting fires nearby. He may exaggerate a bit, but the guy knows exactly who the bad guys are and says so quite nicely. Other bad guys include the increasing number of Tesla drivers who are being caught sleeping at the wheel. Tesla cars have no coding to pull over when the sirens start, another in the long list of mental lapses in their software. And we know what causes that.

           Blurbs for web businesses all come across as pyramid scams. What gives this effect is the pitch. It’s all “what if I told you” and “did you know” and the one that mysteriously grabs millennials by their primordial brain stems, “while you sleep”. Most business people would automatically work twice as hard if it made twice as much money, but it usually doesn’t. I watched a webinar that went through on-line publishing. It made it sound like a snap. There reality is there is grueling amount of work involved, but they insist these days you can get others to do if for you, all incredibly on the cheap.

Last Laugh