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Thursday, May 20, 2021

May 20, 2021

One year ago today: May 20, 2020, obviously Obama cheated.
Five years ago today: May 20, 2016, the down payment.
Nine years ago today: May 20, 2012, the difference is . . .
Random years ago today: May 20, 2007, rich men, younger women.

           My approach to medical billing just underwent major revamp. Somebody should publish a book on which procedures are not covered. You’d think the doctors involved would have some clue about that. Let me reword saying they know, but have no incentive to avoid the procedures or inform you about them. For most people, there is no way for them to know until they receive a bill for, hang on. For $806.32. There’s something inherently unfair about that. Nor is it like these procedures are not created and pursued by those in the know. This picture is an Italian mobile bar. It’s designed for weddings and other temporary arrangements. In the USA, it would quickly become home delivery.
           The van was back in the shop, I have divided news. The bad news is it is the identical problem, the A/C pump. The good news is the shop said they’d replace the pump. The pump or compressor if you would, is only 1/3 of the cost, and I wonder what caused the problem. Nobody knows, but this time we’ll be watching. I don’t mind paying $95 per hour shop time after finding out that the therapy sessions with Big Bertha were $11 per minute.

           Then, I broke the rules and had a cheeseburger with fries up at the Wild Rose. It’s one of the few places you can feel full without overeating. I remain off balance from the medicals, so I stopped at the lumberyard for some material to build a crosscut sled, then on to visit the gals at the Thrift. This is the only other time in history I’ve met another ex-phone company employee. She retired in 1999, with a $300,000 buyout. She’d been there her whole life. On paper, she got more than I did, but after taxes, it was about the same. I told you, spending the rest of my time there would not have changed today all that much.
           Back home, I forced myself to watch a webinar the second time. Millennials have such a hard time getting to the point. What’s funny is their juvenile sales tactics must work on each other. This time I jotted down the main topics, and they have inadvertently struck a chord. There are things known only to people who have actually done them, and this video upon inspection contained quite a number. Here’s an example.

           Over the years, I’ve had a hard time explaining to some people how my retirement calculation worked in reverse. That is, (as an example only) how much would I need to take home a monthly payment that was the equivalent of having $500,000 in the bank at 6% (reasonable numbers at the time). To me, it is simple. Or a million at three percent is $30,000 per year, divided by 12 is $2,500 per month. However, a few other considerations like inflation and taxes means $2,000 per month is more like it. These are hypothetical figures, but the concept is valid. I paid up my company pension until it paid $2,000 per month and quit work.
           That’s exactly the strategy I used, but the actual calculations included massive formulas that required some twenty spreadsheets and databases. You remember those days, where I figured out the breakeven point between waiting until I was 65 or taking early retirement at a discount. These were phenomenal calculations, another of the times in my life where my net worth sank to below $200. But I was never in the kind of debt that makes clone monkeys out of everybody around me. I’d have to look up the numbers, but I took option 20, if I recall. Then I bought this house, where my net worth again was something like $193. But never a negative number and within two years I was back in the game.

           While these numbers are representative, I basically “faked” having a million in the bank by arranging to have the same income via a pension. The same income without the agony of getting the million bucks together. The video I watched today did not explain this but it showed the business plan being pitched was soundly aware of this effect. Now I’m interested. This means there will be some serious talk happening shortly. But since I can’t get my van into the shop until middle of next week, there is lots of time for things to change. Another plus is that both the Reb & I were in the non-computer, non-Internet, non-social media brand of this business back in 1988. These so-called advancements have made things worse, not better. But they have brought prices way down, so time for another look.

Picture of the day.
America’s real first astronaut.
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           Every day has more of the lid coming off the Democrat libtard atrocities they’ve been pulling on the American people. Today, a judge allowed at least some private viewing (to reporters) of some tiny portion of the 14,000 hours of security video taken January 6. There is no violence, the police let them in, all the evil things the leftists claimed appear to be stills taken out of context. Of course, this tidbit was hailed as a concession by the far left thinking it is damning, but it just produces the question of why they are hiding it in the first place.
           The leftoids need a January 6. How about that Bongino video that compares Reagan and Biden at the same age telling the same joke. Guess who failed? Lindell has independently hired auditors and once again, they are not talking about voter fraud which they have undoubtedly found. They are, however, exposing criminal activity in the elections committees that goes up to the highest Democrat echelons. That’s gotta hurt.
           The ultra-left politicians in New York are still trying the smear campaign route, announcing yet another criminal investigation into Trump. He’s never been convicted, but the game plan is once more to sensationalize the headline. Can anyone recall ever once reading a banner headline that all such charges get dropped due to lack of evidence? All Judges in the Atlantic Northeast should be required to re-pass the bar and a severe examination of Constitutional matters. The Supreme Court now have a reputation as cowards.

           Not feeling chipper, I get this brilliant plan to use the afternoon to catch up on the paperwork. That explains all the public radio topics just mentioned. Finishing late, I decide to watch a DVD called “Nebraska”. About some old guy who thinks he’s won a million dollars and his dysfunctional family. It’s not supposed to be a comedy but there were spots I could not help busting out. It’s not in the movie but several scenes had me between laughing and wondering how some people manage to stand themselves. I can’t recommend the movie, it’s a black and white. Mind you, the acting is quite good.
           The premise is to humor the old guy and get him away from the house, his son decides to drive him to Nebraska to collect his publishing house sweepstakes. I cracked up at the scene where they stop to visit his aunt and wind up watching TV like zombies. The storyline was to portray how they had not kept in touch, but my message was how little I had in common with my family after being away just a couple of years. It’s not supposed to be funny, but can you imagine me in a room full of people who had done nothing in two years now thinking they were engaging me in relevant conversation? The conversation never moves above gronk level, but give any kind of straight answer and you are lighting the fuse to the dynamite. There’s six of them and they’ve just watched over 5,000 hours of television each since you last saw them. Why is this so funny?

           You gotta watch the videos that McCloskey lawyer is posting for his senate campaign. Did we now warn America the result of deadly protests would result in a backlash of people willing to protect themselves from the mob. I like that, “the mob”, it’s McCloskey’s term for the combination of Democrats, violent protesters, and their media backers. Said media is bawling that McCloskey is exploiting his publicity to run for office. I wonder if it was Kamela who said that.
           Anyway, the propaganda press is dead set on stopping him, they don’t need another Trump-like fighter to contend with. Most amusing was the CNN article, who portrayed the violent BLM people as marching peacefully past “on a public street” when McCloskey and his wife pointed guns at them. None of the photos showed any street, but the CNN article, co-written by five of their hard-line staffers (Kelly, Razek, Pathe, Jones, & Sanchez) who, for lack of anything better, emphasized the wife had “her finger on the trigger”. Isn’t that how a gun is held?
           He’s in, because he’s running against another Republican nobody’s heard of. I suspect he will be the first of a legion of tough new opponents the Democrats are going to wish they had not created. As for the five CNN people it took to write that one scornful article, there is no mention of where their fingers were.

Last Laugh