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Tuesday, May 25, 2021

May 25, 2021

One year ago today: May 25, 2020, spores.
Five years ago today: May 25, 2016, the additions never happened.
Nine years ago today: May 25, 2012, I met Billie-Bill.
Random years ago today: May 25, 2019, Me? Play Nashville?

           One super nice feature of the van is it has a great cargo space. Here’s sixteen concrete blocks I picked up at half price. These are for my new fire pit. When the price of burn barrels hit $30, I opted for these. I got the design on-line and it will take longer logs than a round barrel. My older metal pit rusted through in less that two years. Them blocks don’t load themselves, you know. Zoom sucks. For the second time, it failed. That means it failed on my Win 10, Win XP, and on the library computer. (There is a non-obvious reason this happens so often around here, and it is not what you think, Ken.)
           Same as last time, it comes back and asks for information that isn’t here (“coding pair”) or with instructions to choose an option that does not display. So, I missed the first meeting. The help like says to cut & paste and other beginner’s nonsense, the equivalent of pre-Internet (did you check if it’s plugged in). That means I got my fill of Tampa radio while waiting for slow screens to refresh. To a liberal, it is not a free speech issue when a Twitter account is blocked, but it is a free speech issue if you tell them they can’t do that.

           Ha, the panicked Democrats have geared up their well-oiled propaganda machine to now claim the Maricopa audit wrecked the voting machines, saying the county will have to buy new ones (says who?), and that “chain of custody” refers not to the ballots, but to Democrats stopping the machines from being tested. Do they think they are fooling anybody? It’s another case of learning what the Democrats are doing by listening to what they accuse others of.
           Did you catch that item of the lady who got a petition together to go after this guy that tried to strangle her after consensual sex? Sure, he should be punished, but my shock was that anybody would have sex with something that looks like her, consensual or otherwise. If that is what a 22-y.o. college woman looks like these days, I got out of post-secondary school just in time. I ain’t never been that drunk.

           China goes on about its Mars clone rover mission. From what I can see, they’ve got back some monochrome stills of the ground. They even stole the NASA cover story of a search for life. The fact is, the first people that discover a trace of alien technology will own the planet Earth within a few short years. European dominance of the globe shows that any advantage of this sort, if exploited before the other side can catch up, is enough to take over.
           I’ve mentioned listening to modules as part of our search for an on-line business, and it is becoming time to make a decision. It has to be on-line, as traditional business startups have long been prohibitively expensive and subject to governmental overreach. We also need something where the market is not saturated, a common problem with ease of market entry. I can tell you now that publishing is leading the list. Not that I would write, but I know the publishing ropes. And I’ve always both liked and hated that you do the work now yet don’t get paid until later, often much later. It gets rid of the riff-raff, but it also populates the field with sissy’s who still live at home. I did not know that James Patterson does not write his own books.

Picture of the day.
Nepal-China border.
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           Those blocks in the van y’day are now my new firepit. Shown here is the rudimentary design, complete with breathing holes along the bottom. The new blocks are on the bottom, the rear and sides will be build up another layer so as to not send any radiant heat into the neighbor’s yard. While it came in cheaper than acquiring a barrel, this was no easy job for my condition. Including leveling the ground, these twenty or so blocks too me three hours to drag into this configuration. The other advantage is when I find a grill somewhere, I can claim this is a barbeque.

           When I say work, I mean I was drained to the core. The good news is I can still do it once in a while. My cardiologist would have a heart attack if she saw me do this. The finished product will be another layer or two higher. The pit is usable right now, and if I get the roof panels underway by tomorrow, I’m planning a six-beer fire for late Thursday. Come on over, buy BYOB. Oh, I’ve got the money to treat, but for bush fires, self-help is a tradition. I got the blocks on sale for 91¢ each.

           Now back to publishing. I’ve done this the hard way, so let’s see what the Internet people have to say. Hmmm, I see the libtard ban has turned Dr. Seuss into a bestseller again, just like their anti-Trump campaigns and audit bans are going to backfire in 18 months. If I didn’t make it plain enough, humping those concrete blocks tuckered me out enough to watch a Will Smith DVD, the Yoda lookalike. But the theme of this movie, “Hitch”, well, that had me smiling. He’s right about one thing—some men early in life establish a rapport with the opposite sex. I’ll say it again, the easiest thing in the world to do is get laid. For guys like me I mean, not my brothers.
           This movie is a comedy, because he resorts to all kinds of tricks that are just not necessary for those of us with the real Master’s Touch. The plot is amusing enough s it accurately portrays how to interpret the reactions of women. I said interpret because it is beyond belief how many men get this part wrong. I noticed it was men making all the wrong moves long before society said I was supposed to. Put another way, I never went through a girls-are-yucky phase. Three years later, I created my own rock band out of thin air.
           Of course, the movie is going to be about how he met his match. I met mine, didn’t I? I enjoy movies of this brand, they did not exist when I was in my prime. Because nobody would believe them. Just like I know my wild tales of being super-selective will be rated a fantasy. I know women are no better at choosing men, but they have so many offers, they learn which ones to avoid. So let me ask the next question. Um, on second thought, forget the question. I’ve got rooms full of witnesses if I ever need 'em.

           Then I took time to watch a group of “newsreels” showing how bad Trump Derangement Syndrome has gotten in the lower IQ parts of the Democrat party. They parlayed hate Trump into a pretty good chunk of who voted for them last round. No way they will ever pull off that stunt again. But you can’t say they know it, because such people never learn, and they will definitely try it all over again. What hoaxes will they pull out of their asses this time?
           Nonetheless, the countdown has started. More than ever Trump and his (if the truth were known) 100 million supporters this time know who the enemy is. There will be no trucking in ballots after midnight and the poll watchers this time may be biker hards. The libtard press will have fun with that, but let them. They are sinking in the polls to the upstart middle of the road press they call right wing. They have to call them right wing because the bastards are telling the other side of the stories.
           Here’s those super nice blue flowers that grow in my front yard that just will not transplant to anywhere else. Have I ever found out what they are? Don’t remember. They grow in the shade, but die anywhere else in the yard.

Last Laugh
(Is that the Mexican flag?)