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Tuesday, May 4, 2021

May 4, 2021

One year ago today: May 4, 2020, it’s the odds of failure.
Five years ago today: May 4, 2016, the Trump upset begins.
Nine years ago today: May 4, 2012, a boring similarity.
Random years ago today: May 4, 2004, Kent State Day.

           The first day of a viciously hot summer, heading for a high of 96°F which is not my idea of a nice summer day. Maybe in the Sahara. Not to waste the time, I looked closely at many of the publishing sites that say they will make your blog into a booklet. All have serious shortcomings that I recognize as bad HTML/CSS coding. You’d think these times the average user would have some clue how HTML works, but the wording of the complaints shows even basic knowledge isn’t widespread. The usual problems are the placement of pictures. Now a few of my readers will better grasp why I do all the hard coding myself, leaving nothing to Google.
           Some point out that the daily title of my blog is the date, which Google repeats in the frame of the blog. Why bother duplicating the field? That’s an easy answer. People who don’t are trusting Google to always have that date, or change it, or omit it. You are talking to someone who does not have faith that Google won’t arbitrarily screw things up. How do you suppose that came about?

           Here’s the plaque from the Hotel James in Palatka. It’s vacant. I was unaware the preservation societies were private groups. They go around seeking such properties to be declared historic, then apply for government funding. After the restoral is complete, they flip the property at tremendous profits. Wish I’d found that out fifty years ago. I think many a room I rented during college were from the same era, when running water was considered an amenity. Did you know the dorm room of my second year was the newest, fanciest place I had ever lived?
           Next, I put more hours into investigating the demand-printing operation. You come up with a snappy phrase, they will print it on a mug if somebody buys. Who remembers the outfit that I looked at so long ago, they called it JIT for just-in-time. The product did not exist until there was a confirmed sale, then they drop shipped it for you. Once I sift through the millennial hype, I’m sure it’s the same old deal. I’m wary of keeping any inventory, if I find a place that let’s me avoid that drawback, I’ve got some unused Tennessee money this month.
           I threw on the DVD “Jakob The Liar”. It’s fantastic to see every myth and lie about the subject compressed into a single story. If you like one side of the story, these Hollywood productions have honed it to expertise. But I never did think Williams was all that great an actor, always playing the same role. The misunderstood underling doing a great but unrecognized service to everyone around him. But, for that perpetual role, you got to admit he is better looking than Streisand.

Picture of the day.
Data buoy.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           [Author's note: the news item of the automatic buoy that washed up in Australia is another blog coincidence. My picture link about was ready six or seven hours before the press story.]

           Heat or not, something has to be accomplished every day. I’m going to put up the drywall myself, which requires a temporary prop on the wall. I figure I can work ten minutes at a stretch in the heat before an iced tea break. So, stay out of the way and let’s see how far I get. A lot because I moved slow, which gave me time to find a surprise. The peach tree has bloomed. This was dead, dry to the bone with twigs that would snap off if you brushed past them. Look at the pictures, folks. Those are not only new twigs growing, but we know from last year those are peach blossoms.
           The only green thumb involved is that even when the tree had so apparently died, I kept up with the watering and fertilization for, let me think, around six months now. The fertilizer was 4-8-4, normally meant for flowers and now the potential reward. There are six flowers and that means six peaches if I do it right. Also, the twigs I trimmed to get the tree shaped for easy picking have around 70% sprouted. That’s the bright green leaves you see.

           I braved the heat another ten minutes and hoed down part of the spring weed growth in the yard. All that was fertilized also. The weeds are different but I’ve no clue if that means anything. My goal was to clear a small path for some extra lumber and the brace for my drywall. That’s all done, sadly, I lost my ¼” router bit. It came loose and flew into the woodpile, never to be found again without incredible luck, a factor that has avoided me for life.
           What’s this, Wealthy Persons described Melinda Gates as a “businesswoman”. They claim she made $20 billion of her $75 billion net worth. How so? What has she invented, what has she sold, what did she come up with. I would describe her a lot of ways, but not as a businesswoman. Oh, I get it, I see what they mean. Talk about successful product promotion.

           Now that her and the turtle-man are getting divorced, let’s see how great she is at making another $20 billion. Anybody can hold onto money, let’s see if she can create any. In another telling statistic, CNBC studies show nearly half of 40-ish millennials are already showing symptoms of physical and mental decline that are bordering on defective. They word it more cutely, but folks, this is the generation that was supposed to bloom on the Internet. We got something woefully different instead. Take a look at the list. Hypertension, diabetes, morbid obesity, substance abuse, and an endless set of mental conditions exhibiting a disturbing consistency related to their attitudes and personalities.
           What, I wasn’t supposed to say that? Too bad. I noticed it all from a non-medical standpoint decades back. Think I didn’t pick up on the common traits of women over 30 who weren’t married? Think I didn’t spot how older liberals got smarmy? To say these people are experiencing high levels of the same characteristics just now tells me how slow others are on the uptake. The problems seem related to diet, you can only consume so many pop-tarts and corn byproducts before your system gives out. You ain’t seen nothing yet, I say, these are just the leading edge of the demographic. I predict these are the symptoms related to excesses. Wait until the ailments related to deficits and defects start appearing.
           Any good news? Yep, since they smoked less tobacco, certain cancers stats have improved. But let’s not put the cart before the horse, they have not tallied up the effects of vaping and weed and cocaine, nor the psycho neo-maladies caused by indoctrination, liberalism, and the credit-card mentality.

           A little yard work was enough, I watered the bigger plants and sawed up some pallet lumber. Big day, listening to Tampa radio. They are broadcasting dire alarms about the governor’s ban on future restraints. Not only did he remove the mask mandate, he made it illegal for businesses to set their own rules about that. He should have made it easy for people to sue for damages over anybody who accosts them about a mask, but he’s playing it safe. What I like is he limited all pandemic-related restrictions (except for hurricanes) to a maximum of seven days.
           This has the hard-line Democrats in an uproar. It overrides local shit-heads like mayors from issuing their own “emergency orders”, a favorite radical left ploy. Let some non-elect try something, if the public follows, expand on it. Many say the law did not go far enough because it allows businesses to set their own policy. It is not true that businesses can refuse service to anyone, they may only do so under certain conditions that do not infringe on people’s rights.

           Last for today, a status report on my music. I’m reliving every hurdle and barrier as every other time I tried a solo act. Sometimes, especially with piano and bass for me, you can leave a terrible piece alone and pick up a day or two later and sail through it. This is expressly not happening with my guitar playing. I’m dealing with it with two approaches, the first is to emphasize I can’t play the guitar, that it is just a prop. (Careful here, I’ve been told my guitar strumming is quite adequate and I know it is better than some around here.) My guitar playing will never meet my own standards.
           The other item is distraction. I learned I can fake voice intonations just as easily as how I fake singing. I’m aware how many singers get tired and don’t carry their notes as the evening progresses and I work at avoiding that mistake. I leaves me mildly gasping at times but even that can be a useful distraction. Take a big noisy breath between lines and so on. As for progress, I’ve gotten about one week of real music done in the past two months. It will be a challenge to find places that won’t laugh to much when I get out there.

Last Laugh