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Saturday, May 8, 2021

May 8, 2021

One year ago today: May 8, 2020, last year’s peach tree.
Five years ago today: May 8, 2016, no good outcome.
Nine years ago today: May 8, 2012, to meet women, of course.
Random years ago today: May 8, 2011, they shoulda used glue.

           It’s another blog coincidence that today the original drainage trench was dug a year ago. I begin to bury the drainage barrel today, it will eventually be covered over. It’s a perfect day for the work, cool morning breeze, I got to drink coffee instead of iced tea. These are small blessings for this kind of work. Here’s a shot of the most popular bird bath in the area. And I saw something unusual, three different bird species on the same feeder. All were too skittish for me to grab the camcorder. The cardinal, the nervous titmouse, and a mid-size bird with yellow markings.
           Using the mild morning to get a ton of yard work out of the way, before long I’m inside taking an extra break. Tampa radio is on about some Palestinian evictions, my interest in the matter is that Twitter is censoring one side of the story. I don’t care which, as long as Twitter gets a bad rep over it. Twitter, I never liked, and they cut into my blog readership which is an unforgiveable deed.
           Um, it should be noted the Palestinians evicted Jews from the same houses in 1956. Houses that the Jews bought legally from the Arab owners. It just took fifty years for the courts to agree. And we know who runs the courts. Protesting is the wrong approach, by now the Palestinians should recognize there was no world-wide organization supporting a takeover of land in their favor like the other side was doing. Tell the terrorists to stop spending all their money on weapons and buy the buildings back.

           How do you like the bird bath? It’s a rustic pipe and some oranges floating in the water. Birds need vitamin C, too. It’s a quiet morning, so I’ll describe how the band last evening properly arranged the Police tune, “Every Breath You Take” (no link). Give it a listen, but from the bass duo reference point. There is a distinct symphonic-like background, none of which is guitar music. The guitar is faking arpeggios up and down the scale, but it’s actually a simple guitar pattern. It’s the beat of the music gives the impression the notes are running up and down the scale tones. That’s where imagination takes over, the song otherwise is musically average.
           So, take the guitar and chord only what the drum and “down” notes are playing. This riff does not exist in the original, but let the bass player run through the scale notes. This involves playing a lot of thirds. By playing these together and sharing the rhythm pattern, the audience hears a nearly orchestral sound. It’s not that difficult, the hard part is getting a guitar player to agree to share.

           The RCMP have arrested the Pastor Pawlowski in what surely will cause the most serious consequences. It proves beyond question that the RCMP are state police who will commit human rights abuses and ignore human rights. They staged the arrest on a public highway for maximum humiliation. In a scene right out of communist China, they handcuffed him and dragged him into a wagon. They did not have the guts to do it at his church a few minutes earlier. This blog has repeatedly warned that the RCMP are Gestapo (political enforcement squads) and soon you will hear of the another thing this blog has forewarned for 30 years: there is no such thing as a fair trial in Canada.
           I worked for a Canadian company for more than ten years, crossing the border every work day. I saw first hand the power these goons had, I watched and listened to what happened to people around me. I stated in 1985 that everybody in Canada has a police record whether or not they have a criminal record. This is not the same as the public records the police use in the USA when they want your name and address. These are records of your every move kept and maintained in secret by the RCMP in anticipation of being used against you at some point. An accusation in Canada has the same consequences as a conviction. The Canadian Bill of Rights is meaningless as it can be suspended behind locked doors by anonymous parties. And Canada leads the list of countries that allow ex post facto laws, something civilized nations don’t do.

Picture of the day.
Poverty in New Hampshire.
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           The window screen lets me enjoy the climate, but it also prevents clear pictures of the bird area. The new location of the birdbath is popular with the flocks. And today, the largest bird yet. A hawk, a dusty colored female who takes over. This causes the remaining birds, such as this bluejay, to queue up. I’m immune to the racket that gets set up. The big bird cannot be hurried. There is something wrong possibly. Because there is an even bigger bird who likes the dripping water, and that’s Matilda. She is nowhere to be seen all morning. And she has not touched her food.
           These birds do not share. One bird a time in the water, on hot days like this they will stand with their feet submerged and flutter. Do I really want the bigger birds getting their way? The option is to build a cage with holes just big enough for my favorites and smaller. Keep checking in, there’s no telling what may happen. The next six hours was yard work. If I’d known, this activity was to become dominant in this blog, I’d have gotten a smaller place. Now everybody thinks my wild, dynamic parts if my life are over when they are now just placed notably further apart. That was rather a keen way to put it. On fleek, dude.
           I was up on the roof, clearing the leaves and twigs out of the valleys. I took the hoe to a quarter of the front yard, what tiring work that can be. I transplanted a flower hoping it will cheer up the spot near my door. Matilda is definitely gone somewhere. She often follows me to the clothes dryer but even that favorite sound did not bring her about. I’d hauled the drywall into the house y’day and now I cut the large piece. It’s a two-man job, but I actually had it up myself. Dang, just before I put a holding screw in place, it slipped just enough that I have to take it down and start over. That will have to be tomorrow.

           Have you seen the throngs of people everywhere Trump goes? If not, you’ve been watching libtard media. Thousands upon thousands, somebody should phone up Pelosi and tell her about his because maybe she doesn’t know. She thinks he’s dead and gone and buried under a mountain of leftist Democrat accusations, never to be heard from again. I mean, this malicious hankie-pankie worked on every other candidate they pulled it on. Same with that Maddow dingbat, she could argue the crowds must be fake because Trump isn’t running for anything.
           This is interesting. Albertans don’t like being called Canadians. And the RCMP breaking down church doors to “get needles into people’s arms” as the premier of Ontario puts. Not a good brand of publicity for the self-acclaimed most free nation on Earth. And what did this blog warn you about government handouts creating a whole new category of welfare dependent? These are the ones who have now learned that being on welfare gives you more free time and money than most jobs. Up to now they suspected it, now they know it. These folks are not going back to work until they face starvation.
           This could have an interesting side-effect. Now that so many have had a taste of the easy life, they may collectively accomplish something the workplace did not intend. Demand a living wage. They’ll now want to live at least as easy as people on welfare, or find a way to go on welfare. If so, the Democrats have again shot themselves in the foot—they can’t do a thing without raising taxes and that is political hara-kiri as long as one person alive still remembers Trump. Will the working class go commie or start to wonder why companies bailed out and on life support with their tax dollars are paying such shitty wages? I think we’ll see more unions, which spirals right back to higher prices.

           Today’s movie was so bad. “Custer of the West” is what the movie audiences wanted at the time. A sanitized version of heroics about wiping out those savages who wanted whites off their land (which is not racism when they do it). Custer good, Indians bad. The actors are unknowns but much of the scenery is accurate and well-presented. And the shocking love scene where he almost puts his hands somewhere cleverly defeated the censors by showing it as a reflection in the riverboat mirror. Having said that, the movie does delve into post-Civil War politics and the injustices to Indians.
           There’s an interesting passage where Custer points out that the Indians, who claim to have no concept of land ownership, regularly attacked other tribes and established hunting grounds. Hypocrisy doesn’t play favorites in the game of who own’s what.
           I worked past dark so I’m just sitting down for tea and my news feeds. Australia is full of pea-brains, but they do have news outlets that tell both sides. And I see the Arizona audit has opened a can of worms. The audit people are wisely not mentioning any interim findings, which would give any bad guys time to cook up a story. The media is now reporting what you read here long ago—that there is no procedure in place if fraud is found. Myself, I can’t believe the left allowed the audit, it seems to have taken them by surprise that the issue did not roll over and play dead—as has happened every time before.

           Election fraud is not new, dozens of lower level elections have been overturned. There are two known remedies. One is to order a new election, the other is to declare the winner to be the person with the most votes after the fraud is removed. None of this has ever happened in a Presidential election, but that is the likely course. Trump would be declared winner, which is why the Pillow guy is saying Trump will be back by August.
           His name is Lindell and he’s done fine over this. His fame was assured when he refused to back down when the MSM tried to cancel-culture him. Him and Dominion voting have sued each other for $160 billion or some ridiculous amount. But Dominion is the one under fire, plus rumor has it Lindell has gotten hold of some Dominion machines which won’t make them too happy. States are passing laws to restrict remote ballots. Another important issue is that if Biden is kicked out, it means all the executive orders he passed are also nullified. Hmmm, how can I make money on this?

Last Laugh