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Tuesday, June 29, 2021

June 29, 2021

One year ago today: June 29, 2020, worst blog day ever.
Five years ago today: June 29, 2016, oh no, termites.
Nine years ago today: June 29, 2012, foolin’ with the BOSS.
Random years ago today: June 29,2007, known for high prices.

           News from California. Ray-B is there, he drove it in four days. Now to find a room, welcome to San Diego. The first was too run-down, the second had a crazy lady on site 24/7, and the last was nice but with a parking problem. It takes political genius to create parking congestion in America, where we have immense wide-open spaces. I hope you like living in the truck, Ray-B. True, we did it in my day, but because it was fun and we had something the world had never seen before or since. Hippie chicks, by the thousands.
           Slim , clean, no tattoos, raised right and looking right sexy without putting on the lesbo acts. The real hippies, not the follow-on sad-sack facsimiles. It is not your imagination that 95% of all pictures showing groups of these gals have been removed from on-line. I noticed this when looking for designs of hippie vans. The photos of the sexy blonde, blue-eyed babes have been replaced by posed models of quite a different sort, like they don’t want you to know how many real ones used to exist. One more thing, hippie vans were 99% male-owned and cost a fortune and required a steady on-going stream of income to operate. It was hypocritical for those who drove them around the country to decry the system when they plainly did not have to work for a living. Today these phony hippies are called "Democrats".

           Remember the Mueller Report, the secret document linking Donald Trump to Russian interference with the 2016 election? Hello, you have finally met somebody who read this “report”. It is the size of a paperback novel, and worth even less. You would be hard pressed to find a more contrived and idiotic smear campaign aimed solely at propping up the Clintons. More than once I had to slam the thing down on the table. For after watching even a few of Hillary’s speeches, you can see her input into these so-called “official” FBI documents plain as day.
           It’s hard to imagine a newcomer like Trump could even be aware of the things she is accusing him of in such experienced and freaky detail. The only true parts are that in the course of governing, it is very likely that at least some Trump associates probably did remotely have contact with a Russian or two. The thrust of the investigation is to pin these distant and unrelated events directly on Trump as collusion, bribery, security leaks. Basically a laundry list of how the Democrats operate. At least two thirds of the report is strange gobble-de-gook justifying that the various pro-Hillary agencies had some right to investigate with the intent of destroying Trump. It is one disgraceful document. Mr. Trump, time to bring back the post.

           Sigh, I just ran over a set of the most complicated bass lines I know. Pardon me, not complicated, I should say tricky to play correctly. These range from “Lady Madonna” to “Hot Dog” to “Love Me Two Time”, all tend to be older, or should I say non-electronic style. I have around twenty such pieces I use to keep limber, most use many of the most subtle touches I’ve learned over so many years. This always gives me a brooding, since I do nothing today that I could not have done at eight or ten years old “if only” there had been somebody to coach me. Double sigh.
           The following is blog content, so you don’t know what, if anything, will ever come of it. Ray-B is in San Diego and has reported in. He has a job with a telecom company, and it has some excellent benefits. We seem in agreeance that I’ll go over the details and map out a plan that maximizes his pension. It seems I have more than enough experience at this. But also to follow how a fellow musician fares in these uncertain times. Like myself, he’ll never starve, but that’s not an ideal to strive for. If you are going to work, get the most you can out of it for yourself. I was born into a system where everything nice already belonged to somebody else, and they are never in a sharing mood.
           So let’s hope Ray-B gives us the updates. Out west, you can always park your vehicle at an RV joint with showers and live that way. It’s not tooth & nail like this side of the big river, but you still have to pay to stand still. If I’ve got this right, at just over 40, he’s finding himself in the situation I was in at age 25. That’s about right, considering he got married for 15 years. Other differences are he has a college degree, years of experience, and a supportive family by comparison. And he is a seasoned entertainer, even if his song list is not exactly as audience-orientated as mine. He will always survive. Did I say “agreeance”? What’s happening to me?

Picture of the day.
Pre-sectarian Beirut (1960).
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           The Smithsonian is opening, finally. Maybe it was open long ago, but I’m not the type that listens to government schedules much. I’m only interested in one government schedule and that’s when they kick the riff-raff out of the White House—and I’m referring to the other violent, ruthless mob that illegally entered the place and caused irreparable damage. Typically, it took some reading to find out all the Air & Space exhibits are not, as suggested by the advertising, in the museum of that name. Goodies like the Apollo capsule are 25 miles away. Way to go, Trevor & Brandon. The original Air & Space Museum opens on July 30. I wonder, might this be the year I finally get there?
           There’s more. You can no longer enter the museum that you paid for. A “timed-entry pass” is now required along with a mask and other bureaucratic (non-elect) crap. The only place you can walk-in is (get this), the Museum of African American History. Wait, also the Museum of American history, like you don’t get enough of that crammed down your throat in grade-school. Nor can you just visit the museum, rather you visit will be guided by “way-finding signage” to “allow for social distancing”. Visitors who do not comply will be asked to leave, they probably mean asked at gunpoint. You can’t make this shit up.
           Here’s a scan from the French dictionary depicted St. George’s Hall, Liverpool. On the far left, facing left. Wiki says the building on the right is the Lime Street Railway Station. The hall is listed as a place for congregation though you’d best not try it nowadays. In keeping with English customs, the building also contained a law court that replaced the infirmary. It’s also the place where the filthy air corroded all sorts of statues and woodwork. Something tells me it would be more fun to visit the railway station.

           If you followed the link above, or any Smithsonian link, you may have noticed there is no place listed to get these free passes. Just pages of rules and restrictions. There is one spot that says the information is available from desks at the museums, apparently they think you will incur the expense if getting all the way to the building entrance before you know whether you are allowed in. These people bring shame upon the title “American”.
           Gag me with a spoon, Jill Biden on the cover of Vogue? I’ve rarely read that rag, but I walk past the covers at the checkout. She’s a quick way to kill one’s appetite. Nobody’s buying the tall tale she met Joe on a blind date. Married women aren’t supposed to do that. These things become bloggable on rainy days like this, considering the only other event was me falling asleep sitting up in my easy chair listening to training videos. The Arizona audit wraps up this weekend and we still don’t know any results. Ah, but we know there are results by the way the radical left is going ape trying to discredit them in advance.

           It is so long ago I almost forgot. The Cray. A search shows it isn’t posted here, so it is in that pile of hand-written pages. The Cray supercomputer was for sale, and I understand some data center in some desert state got it for a few pennies. There’s an article today of two guys restoring the operating system, since none of the 80 Crays built now survive. The low end models started around $5 million each. Most people today carry around many times the capability of these computers in the form of a cell phone.
           Scraping. The training modules are increasingly using this buzzword. I do a lot of research that appears identical. We bow to the snappier term even if it sounds like what you do to old paint. It’s wonderful, these great new buzzwords for outdated concepts. It keeps the latest people thinking there’s something new. Actually, that’s the same as it was, but back then we didn’t have the Internet to clue us in. Boy, were we dumb. Thank goodness technology came along and saved us.

           It has been said that if you look deeply enough, all bias and prejudice has a basis in fact. Once that fact is reached there it is no longer a prejudice. I read an article asking why Americans have such an aversion to paying for public goods, such a health care for other people. Such would only be asked by persons who don’t live here. It’s easy—this is and should remain a user-pay society. Why should I have to pay taxes for people who don’t work or save? Don’t hand us that crap that welfare motherhood is productive work. If that would true, Detroit would be the wealthiest city on the planet.
           And just when you think these wimp millennials could not get more self-serving, out comes CNN with this spanking report. I’m still trying to figure why IndieFoxx was banned, it’s not like she’s that young or pretty, nomsayn? (Actually, not even close.)

Last Laugh