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Monday, June 28, 2021

July 28, 2021

One year ago today: June 28, 2020, some Forex terms.
Five years ago today: June 28, 2016, toothpicks, socks . . .
Nine years ago today: June 28, 2012, they don’t confuse me.
Random years ago today: June 28, 2013, 6,000 calories for breakfast.

           I didn’t wake up this morning so much as fall out of my chair laughing. That idiot Kamela was trying to sound technical over the COVID shot. She’s insane telling people to knock on the doors to demand if they got the vaccine. That’s downright dangerous, since anybody who would accost you on that issue is a die-hard leftist and they are not too popular at the moment. More like they are in a panic, wildly covering their tracks and preparing to shift blame for what they know is coming. The Biden team has failed to convince any real number of people that the Arizona audit is a Trump-inspired fake. They found something, alrighty. Just don’t expect them to announce it any time soon. They are being exceedingly careful.
           Here’s that eight person video poker table. Or maybe it is a game. Either way, it is gambling and this picture does not convey the huge size. It’s almost the size of a pool table. Eventually I went over to take a look. No thanks, plus it had that distinctly “asian-karate” look to the graphics, the sort of machine that makes grunting sounds. I’m still off balance from the trip, that’s happening more frequently. Is this my telepathic message to head for Tennessee? If I do, I will stay there longer than the 13 seconds Kamela visited the border. It’s widely accepted she did it only to upstage Trump.

           I’ve fallen behind on my studies. I returned to read the fine print and there is no indication they can hold anything to a schedule. Fact is, I took a very long time to assimilate the three modules that covered the key issue of the program. For exactitude, that is how to determine which product will move the best in certain categories determined by a keyword search. I grasp the premise. Find a hot topic and take a different angle, get the book ghost written, and away you go. What could go wrong? Well, glad you asked.
           Top of that list is that, like most on-line start-ups, it is geared to the semi-desperate need-money-asap, here’s the easy way crowd. Myself, it is the underlying principle of filling a want and that should be given more than a passing thought as to content. Like this blog, it is content that eventually pays off. Ha, did I just say that? Yes, and I mean it like so. I’ve mentioned the trade-off between keeping things moving but not falling too far into the daily same-old. That balance done wrong is a blog-killer. I have a small contingent of readers who’ve been with me since 2008 when I began asking. (Just send me a nickname in the comments.)

           What’s going on is the modules are going rapidly over the selection process, hoping you can glean enough to get underway. To newbies, this may sound like a great scheme, but to me you had best see if for what it is—a shortcut. I’ve learned a thing or two about writing over the past forty years that is not in the lessons. People over 45 who need to make fast money tomorrow are (to me) losers and last-chancers. I’m reporting that the lesson modules don’t favor material that allows for my more systematic approach. There’s times I’d like to tell that narrator I don’t care if I don’t make money for the first six months. For that matter, I don’t possess any worthy life goals any more that could be pulled off in six months or less. I got past that stage twenty years ago.
           I’m philosophizing here but like my other ventures, I have no motive to spare you the details. That’s the cute way of saying don’t make the same mistakes as I did. I “lost” $800 ovr the Forex, but I learned exactly why it does not work. I’m into this venture largely because it is a good match for what I already know about the writing business. (Note, I do not intend to do any of the actual writing, that is a different business.) The changes I’ve learned about recently are momentous and I want in. Be warned, you must be prepared to unlearn plenty. I also like what I’ve seen—that what get’s published is no longer the choice of the bookbinding establishment.
           So darn rights I’m serious. Joe can’t conjure up a few trillion dollars and expect no backlash. I’m (for instance) increasing my metal holdings, transferring what I really need to keep out of this jurisdiction, and tomorrow I will instruct my people to settle up all outstanding accounts, which I should probably have begun doing last month. Something has to give, it’s already overdue. And so is every project around this cabin, so let me go price out some 2x3s. The shed roofing has finally worked right, meaning I can move more things in there.

           Much as it is against my better judgment, I’m going to load Google Chrome onto on of my computers. This horrid piece of spyware has a huge following amongst the lower orders and is used in most of the business applications I’m studying. Which goes to show you. It srevelas the powerful effect of the bandwagon appeal on the simple-minded masses. I doubt the people using it ever gave a thought as to what the thing does to your computer. The catch is, I have to finish setting up the entire second work station before I can possible connect another computer up. The good news is I can now run the process manually, something the original owners can’t do themselves—or they would have used the spreadsheets differently.
           And when I saw that picture of the black athlete at the Olympic tryouts, the one where she turned away from the flag, I had not seen the caption. So I thought it was a photo of the Special Olympics. Athletes who don’t leave their politics at the door should be banned from public sports. I further watched a video on the latest “definition” of narcissism. According to Margolis Fjeldstad’s list of symptoms, the slightest notion or motion on your behalf that is not bowing to the whims of others rates you as having a personality disorder. I’d say Margalis deserves a slap in the head, but she covers that by saying it is your need to feel superior when, in fact, that is her position on all this.

Picture of the day.
The size of Australia.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           Wow, Trump is back, but what he’s up to is mysterious because it appears he’s moving in a manner that the Biden libtards can’t touch him. As a private citizen, the left seem to have no practiced routines to impeach, hoax, or besmirch him. Those rallies are incredible already, it’s like watching reruns of Woodstock. The only way they can stop him now is to pull some kind of fast one and that would, methinks, spark an instant revolution. Many outlets are already saying “President Trump”. There is no hard facts from the Arizona audit, but parties close to the events are saying the results will be “a nuclear earthquake”. That can only mean a few things.
           People have had it with the hard left. I’m amused because what the radicals did was so similar to the Russian invasion of Finland in 1939. They thought they had prepped the way so well that they would be welcomed by the populace as liberators. It seems our American commies have not learned that lesson.
           How about those leftist “charities” refusing to help terminal children unless they’ve been vaxed. (I don’t like “vaxxed”.) Um, what part of “terminal” don’t liberal bastards understand?

           Here is the battery you do not want. Despite all the databases on-line that state this is an equivalent replacement for an Alcatel battery, it isn’t. They lie. This battery is to small to fit snugly in the case so as to engage the pins, and it has four flanges instead of three, all in the wrong place. You just know the databases are in C+ and coded by graphics designers. The ones who are now saying “Black Holes” is racist. What a bunch of champions. They are a humiliation to we real programmers.
           Get a load of those demonstrations in Europe. No more lockdowns. The globalist agenda has its roots in Europe. And the people at the receiving end are pissed off, call them facists if you want because that’s what the radical left will do. Europeans were generally more cautious over handing their personal info over to big tech. In return, they’ve got more anonymity, which makes protests a fearsome thing to their overlords.

           I found FrankSpeech a disappointment. Too many weirdos got in on the ground floor and it was the natural first target to be flooded by organized leftist posts. I’ve become more interested in block-chain architecture, not the money part, the decentralized part. Twitter & Google only get away with what they do because they are computer hubs that store all you information. You are the product they sell. For years I’ve hoped for something that eclipses the server-based Internet and it could be block-chain. I won’t delve into an explanation except to say it gives users control of the data. I have been more vocal against centralized databases than I’ve been pro block-chain, partially because it is just not a new idea—I supposed nobody was doing it for a reason.
           My feed said something new with Arduino. There is nothing new, but I took a look. It was a chart of that pea-brain < href=> “shorthand” operator concept. I avoid using it not only because it is too cryptic, but it totally assumes anybody working on the code later has a good grasp of the system. That is one screwy thing to do. I suggest this “system” was invented people who’d been drinking heavily the night before. It is just such a pissant concept I’ll never bother with it. Here, I’ll give you two statements, you tell me which one is clearer. Both take a number and increment it by one.

                      i) x = x + 1
                      ii) = x ++

           In the second case, you need to know what’s going on and have no clear indication that the value of x is increased by 1, nor any indication some bozo does not change that elsewhere in the code. It happens all the time. Case closed.

Last Laugh