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Wednesday, June 9, 2021

June 9, 2021

One year ago today: June 9, 2020, 100 million sold.
Five years ago today: June 9, 2016, doing a McCartney.
Nine years ago today: June 9, 2012, my last BOSS, ever.
Random years ago today: June 9, 2019, beer caddy field test.

           My air conditioner kit has not yet arrived, but it got me east to Winter Haven for half the day. I was into more research on business matters. The decision is up from 90% to 95% that it will be on-line publishing. Not writing, that’s a different matter. Knowing what I’ve learned, maybe it is not a great idea to start writing anything unless you know the publishing racket. For that reason, I’ve gone back and chosen what appears to be the only writing help site out there that keeps focused on publishing. It is a numbers game so pray you have a head for statistics. The time is right for this adventure. Also, it is long-term, don’t expect results this year.
           Here’s a pseudo-food product. I bought it to check what gives. Read the ingredients which includes palm oil. I like the wording, it is “creamer”. There is no such official definition of that. The label says it is a substitute for baking. What would you do with it? Methinks eating it may not be such a great idea in the long run. Ah, but live for the moment. Who cares if every disastrous decision is short-term and comfort-seeking? This blog isn’t big on such philosophies.

           But I do have a belief related to that. The Internet has created a generation of clone-users with zero concept of delayed reward. Want it? Click. Want it now? Click. Why learn anything. Click. It takes around half a lifetime before the mistakes just said begin to come back on you. Life expectancy being what it is, it should be at most another ten years before the crop of morons in the majority today will begin to really suffer consequences.
           I’m not singling out the latest generation. We had our losers as well, and funny, they seem to be the ones doing all the moaning today. Most of their woes stem from the world changing rapidly due to computers, but they are the ones who let it happen. Same as ever, they were too busy making a living to pay attention to silly old things like “databases” which eventually took over their lives.

           Ford is building a new Maverick. My first car was a Maverick, back in the Ford “pony” days. I wanted a Mustang but being I had to drop out of university to pay for a car, that was my tradeoff. The new Ford is a truck. A plastic & tin piece of junk starting at $20k. And how about the Feds hacking into DarkSide’s BitCoin and grabbing back the pipeline ransom money. Before you say, “Good”, ask yourself where you stand now on a cashless society. And remember back in the 2000s when I said never use your real info to open an email account? Too late now. Good morning. I’m driving to Winter Haven, where I will have coffee for an hour. Hop in.
           I do not yet use Gab much, but here are my favorites from today.

                      A) Good morning to everyone but Joe Biden.
                      B) Kamela refusing to go down to the border is the first time she’s refused to go down on anything.

           And you gotta hear this rap video that’s got the liberal’s goat.

Picture of the day.
Christmas tree lot.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           This latest guitar player, well, he canceled out. This is why I get them to commit to one jam session. That should be this weekend. Each guitarist is different, but I spot patterns instantly. This guy has management skills. Band management, I mean. He mentioned at least ten situations where he recognized the root cause was not musicianship, but attitude. I said nothing but I could swear he’s run into more than a few of the same worthless burn-outs who wasted my time. Biggest item was the same as for me, people who want into your band, but cannot or will not learn your material.
           He’s been in this area for years, has a lot of youTube posts. His original music is the usual too-many-chord-changes. I’ll learn his favorite for the upcoming jam. The purpose of this with a guy who does not want to play is simple. Sometimes you find you already know so many of the same tunes that it is possible to do call-outs or impromptus. One of the best ways to break into a club is to be ready when the other band isn’t. It works for actors as well.

           Ray-B is going back west. I think he’ll try San Diego, where a nothing room costs $1,000 a month. He’s driving a truck, which is good because don’t be surprised at how many people out there are living in them. Florida is a booming economy at the minimum wage level. So I piled up two wheelbarrows of wood and had me a two-beer fire while practicing my guitar. Yep, I can fake the new guy’s style. This gives me an edge on knowing how to best play to make him sound better. That’s my specialty, but it often backfires. How? Well, it makes the guitarist think his playing has become so good he doesn’t need me.

           Here’s one for you. The Democrats hand out billions in bail-out money and government contracts to the big corporations. Then they turn around and complain to you voters that these companies don’t pay any taxes. This, folks, is why Democrats are a dying breed.
          Here’s a picture of a ballot used in the last election, but information on the Arizona audit is very hard to come by. Rumor is that several hundred thousand of these ballots, which should be marked with a check or an X by a hand-held marker, have been machine printed.
           The ballots are easy to find because they are marked with a dot. Under magnification, the dot is “pixelated”, that is, comprised of those tiny little dots created by a computer printer. Upon this discovery, some ten more states have expressed intentions to conduct a similar audit. Many people still confuse an audit with a recount. Recounts don’t work when the Democrats recount the same ballots using the same people. Big trouble brewing for Joe & the Ho.

Last Laugh