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Tuesday, June 8, 2021

June 8, 2021

One year ago today: June 8, 2020, both sides are lying.
Five years ago today: June 8, 2016, a book report.
Nine years ago today: June 8, 2012, the opposite of Florida.
Random years ago today: June 8, 2017, apparatuses.

           On-line publishing. It’s a good thing I didn’t know what I was getting into. It’s fun but time-consuming, doing research and trying to figure out what in hell these millennials are saying. You want a topic that sells, but not one with excessive competition. Trust me, all the easy categories are gone via Amazon and Kindle. Take that to mean there are medium topics still wide open, and I do believe the Reb & I guessed right once more. I just spent the morning being disappointed, but allow me to refine what I mean by all I just said. The “easy” topics are beginner’s level, and also the books that are essentially knock-offs, with a variation on the same theme as guides for single parents, LBTQ, the lazy person, the middle-aged, you know the books. All the same except the titles and the pronouns. The [Insert Fringe Group Here] Guide to Wiping Your Butt”, type of issue.
           If you get past all the intro stage books, there is a wide-open category of intermediate topics. Don’t go for expert unless you are one yourself. Intermediate does not mean advanced, but matters that build on the basics enough to satisfy the reader who gets bored by initial repetition. I mentioned we guessed right? By that, I mean audiobooks. I scanned the two top BS (BestSellers) lists (Amazon & Kindle) and nearly fell asleep. The sites display categories, such as Business & Finance, Computers, Education, and Reference. The reality is the same 50+/- book show up in each, a huge waste of your time.
           One thing I don’t get is the advertisements for these audiobooks generally display a Kindle reader, like the one shown here. Why, if the book is a digital file in audio format, would you need a reader? Would it not work on any compatible playback device? Something says I’m about to find out.

           [Author’s note: I had a lot to say about this brand of “advertising” long before e-marketing came along. I called it “Hindu marketing” because of what I’d seen in India back in the 80s. If something is good, why then one million identical clones of the same thing must be better, duh. This is not racist, it was an observation, for repetitive TV ads were already common by my teen years, but never to such Asian excess. Constant repetition of a simple idea always works on the low-IQ crowd. You used to be able to shut some people up by buying the product so they’d go away, hence, Hindu marketing. Not so with the Internet.]

           Why audiobooks, or as I have explained, “tapes”? Remember I remarked that you could do something else while listening, which is just about impossible to do otherwise. The more I think unto that, the more I see a strong selling point. The downside is the material must be engaging. Around half the tapes I ever listened to were to learn something and these are hard to find. I dislike motivational material, salesman topics, and self-improvement junk—and that is 90% of what you get. What I see is taking existing beginner material and expanding it a bit. Many would pay $14.95 for a tape like, “Computer Security Without Software – the Intermediate User’s Guide to Privacy”. Would you pay $19.95 if you could learn this same information while shaving, driving, or walking the dog? You get my point.
           I could do twenty tapes on that topic alone. I’m not afraid in the least to mention plans and dreams that go nowhere. Intermediate just means I’ll just mention a few things nobody else did. And don’t forget my plan for a series of books by the bass player. Best stage lines, how to steal the show, the country bassist survival guide, dealing with guitar egos, et al. The publishing modules are all geared to beginner level, so I will stick with that for now to make them happy. That, and I want my $500 rebate. So I can take the Reb to dinner real proper.

Picture of the day.
Ski fence.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           Golly, what’s this about a global Internet outage? And it is linked to what? Cloud computing, you say. Isn’t that damn interesting, but I’ll tell you what is even more unexplained. Look at the operations that went down. First, let me mention that if it really was a cloud, the entire spectrum would slow down, but not specific sites. What’s more, there should be no connection between the processes that are affected, but look at who got hit. Government files, social media, and the e-mail POP layer. I’ll be nice and tell you the connection. Amazon lost a big contract to channel all Internet traffic through a single government database. MicroSoft stepped in and is now working to record and spy on every data transmission on the Internet. Let’s not forget the Internet is an American invention. Any industry-specific outages are ominous.
           To those who can’t see the pattern, I have even worse news for you. Seven years ago, Forbes reported a study that showed women were able to accurately judge the intelligence of men by the look on their faces. I totally agree, women can tell, and so can some men, myself included. When I look in the mirror, I compare myself to this chart used in the test. Here, your turn. Ken, make a copy and staple it on your forehead. Remember Ken Sanchuk, “Cable TV is a utility.” That guy.

           And I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention the reception old Kamela Harris got down in Guatemala. She was greeted with posters such as “Trump Won”, “Go Home”, and “Mind Your Own Business”. Note, the misspelling of Kamela is intentional. However, not to ignore Mexico’s role in the border crisis. I thought they had thousands of soldiers in place to keep the crossings blocked on their side. If they quit that just because Trump stepped down, let’s take another look at foreign aid.
           What’s more, I think Trump knows something we don’t about the count over in Arizona. He is calling out the Democrats directly on issues that a month ago still carried doubts in people’s minds. Now he talks with the absolute certainty the election was stolen. The opposition are now evil people who know what they are doing is wrong. Entire Democrat strongholds, some of the right on the Mexican border (85% Latino) are flipping to Trump. Not the Republicans, but to Trump. Stay tuned, it might be the commie’s turn to stage an insurrection. That is the only chance they have left, the tide has turned.

           What did I tell you about Canada? No fair trials, and their kangaroo courts are allowed to adjust laws to make you guilty. The original priest who was arrested (not Pawloski, the other guy, Coates) and has now been convicted. The Charter of Rights proved useless as all rights in Canada can be suspended if there is “compelling evidence” to suspend that right. The courts and government are not required to make that evidence public. The judge agreed to try the case only if her identity was kept secret. That says it all right there. So, if Canada so decides, the health department has the power to take away your freedoms with full police support. All behind closed doors. You been warned.
           After the arrest, the Premier of Alberta, Jason Kenney, sat down to celebrate with several dozen of his bureaucrat friends at a rooftop restaurant, breaking several dozen of his own mandates. Kenney has also announced he will “crush Pawloswki”, the pastor who was arrested by SWAT team in the roadway. This is not uncommon in Canada. Pawlowski was arrested for “failing to comply with pandemic orders”, which is not a criminal charge on any Canadian law book. I’ll tell you exactly how their court system gets you. They hit you with some hyped up charge, and demand that to prove your own innocence. But the moment you do, you are defying the court order and are charged with contempt. That is, if you drown, you are innocent.
           Be aware Canadian jails are modeled after prisons in England, famous for being dungeons. Pawlowski was thrown overnight in a concrete cell with no mattress, pillow, or blanket. He was then driven to a detention center making it impossible for him to contact his lawyer or family. He was finally released on bail whence he was followed home by an RCMP helicopter. Pawlowski should run against Kenney in the next election, not to win, but to make sure Kenney doesn’t.
           But if you should win, you know what do do with Gestapo people.

Last Laugh