One year ago today: July 15, 2020, my ATM stats.
Five years ago today: July 15, 2016, fixing the floor.
Nine years ago today: July 15, 2012, the lazy man’s campfire.
Random years ago today: July 15, 2014, at the writing club.
Me and my perfect timing. I finally decide to check for replacement 18V batteries and it seems everybody else had the same idea, but a month earlier. Nothing to be found. Hop in the van, we are going driving around this morning according to the pre-Tennessee checklist. This has never been a reliable predictor, but I choose to be ready. We are off to the east end, then Winter Haven, a long enough trip to listen to more of the “Hell Hole” audiobook, which is getting kind of interesting now that they’ve discovered aliens, the liquid database, and we kind of know who is doing the wild thing with whom.
If Tennessee calls, this time I’d like to take the scenic route. So think a three-day trip because that means staying off the freeways. Pay the utility bills, fill the birdfeeders, load the van, get everything ready for an indefinite stay, and get the financing together. That should take us to mid-afternoon since it’s a bigger operation than meets the eye. Yeah, come along for the ride this morning as we are also $80 under budget so we might find something. We can work in the shed after I get back, always a favorite around here. I need a nicer sound system out there. How about my Yamaha speakers? I never use them any more. This is the letter Q from the French dictionary. Just because.
Moments later. Oh, snap! I knew no good would come of the takeover of the hospital system I’m using. New administrators, the ones who changed from cash payments to checks. They can’t afford me any more. And just when I was beginning to rely on that money for my trips [to Miami]. Then again, this means I don’t have to go there regularly unless I feel like it. They can’t just cancel, so there will be one, maybe two more paid trips. It means the days of JZ & I heading over to the campus pub to chat up the Arts Major-ettes are drawing to a close. Well, at least with me picking up the $100 tabs. Dang, only one more check. Over the years, those made notable significance to my lifestyle.
This forced me to take an hour to adjust some calculations. I think the real impact is I must now certainly get a source of passive income, if only in preparation for the looming inflation. If I didn’t say, the admin did not just cancel my appointments, they closed down the study. I have gotten to know all the regular staff over the years. I needed a break, so I read more on charting. I felt it in order, as most books advice the use of pre-printed nautical charts. I have a bunch of them around somewhere but thanks to GPS, they are also getting rare and costly.
I learned that there is a reason early captains took a noon latitude reading. The implication was that noon was just a standard agreed on by naval convention. Nope, there is more to it. With such a reading, neither massive computations nor sight reduction tables are needed. Your LOP (line of position) is due east-west and you simply add or subtract the declination (GP of the Sun) to get your latitude off your sextant reading. Then by advancing your morning LOP, you get a quick fix. If this makes sense to you, congratulations. Took me hundreds of hours.
Next, here is something to ponder. People often associate spyware with big tech, but here is the results of a brand new installation on a clean computer. This is Windows XP and the latest Firefox browser. Both these companies claim to protect your privacy. This is proof they are liars. This log shows the biggest offenders still remain MicroSoft, followed closely by your chosen browser. Of the 16 offenders, 11 were Internet Explorer despite the fact it was never activated on this install. Another 3 were Firefox, which is in bed with gmail, and of course, your ubiquitous MicroSoft History. Careful of trying to disable the Edge tracker, it simply flags your account and enables even deeper tracking.
On the Danube.
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Another Google goose chase. I specified a scooter repair shop within 15 miles, the address was an empty field beside a junkyard. But I found a shop nearby. Oh, says the owner, we get that all the time. The other shop is 165 miles from here. Maybe I shouldn’t blame Google because this brand of nonsense is typical millennial-think, synonymous with third-world macho. They’ll knowingly give a false answer rather than admit they don’t know, that’s their belief system, and I am very familiar with the mentality of people who do this. This is a photo of the Wal*Mart booze section, the tonic water is on the bottom shelf at the far, far end. For explanation, keep reading.
What’s this, Arizona has released the first hard information on the ballot audit. Some 73,000 more mail-in votes were received than were requested. Oops, I can imagine the panic setting in with the scum who pulled this one. State law requires these ballots be requested, but the laugh for me is how their operatives tried to save money. They printed up the fake ballots on an inkjet printer using cheaper paper stock. Ink jets cannot print a truly straight vertical line. These are predictable ways that stupid people think, trailer courts are typical of people who try to save money the wrong way. Um, er, I mean, most of them. Plus they used magic markers to fill in the fake votes, almost totally for Biden. Game over, Joe.
The audit people have finally stated the will release more results within 48 hours. Think about that, “more results”. There are numerous sources saying the bad ballots are just the beginning. Posts on are laden with terms like “more to come”, “just a very small part”, “appetizers”, “other issues already identified”, and there is talk of recalling the electors. As said, I have no complete answer to the problem. What I’m thinking should happen is these states should hold new elections, but NOT decertify the election. Let Joe and his gang continue to poison everything they touch. Allow them to serve out their time but with a Republican majority, who will shoot down every one of their socialist bills in flames. I don’t know enough that this would work, but the object is to let Trump run in 2024, see addendum.
I’m waiting for some turncoat libtard to spill the beans. These people are natural low-lifes and one will crack as the noose tightens. DC Democrats are pouring resources into trying to find the minutest flaws in the audit process, but people are reacting more to the sheer number of indicators. Like this one Democrat broad kept asking the audit speaker, “is there any other way this could be checked”, as if he’s consistently leaving out something important. Yes, I do believe in maximum punishment for those who I am now certain will be caught, and long prison sentences for anyone, including lowly poll workers, who abetted this crime of the century. Mind you, this whole upset is going to make it a very long century, indeed.
Oh, and remember how this blog pointed out the fake audio when Trump walked into the boxing match last week? It has finally been posted on-line. But, I’m not in the reporting business, just the commenting business. Now, if I could only predict the stock market in advance we’d all be jolly.
Buried way down here is the unusual event of the day, since I know posting this really bothers the sort of men who have trouble getting any, which is most of them. I stopped at Wal*Mart for groceries and met with a situation I know too well. Some women’s magazine has again posted another article on how to meet men. I know because I have an aversion to it all. Real women don’t need advice. I knew something was up as soon as the doors parted, with six or ten women walking the aisles of “men stuff”. Scoff my observations if you want, but you don’t all that often see 60-year-old women wearing opera gowns shopping for jumper cables.
Or this one who insisted I needed her help lifting my bottles of tonic water into my cart. So rarely I get assisted by a strange woman wearing a diamond necklace and matching earrings. Do you think she could help me drywall the shed? I get it, they were coached on what single men shop for. I would have been a dead giveaway. What, with my habit of not wearing t-shirts, but making my own short sleeves by cutting the arms off old dress shirts. It was akin to wearing a tux to O’Brady’s on lady’s night. To me that means, hey, Taylor, I’m the one. To those women, it spelled something else. I was lucky to get out of there with my organics.
Wow, the growing backlash against the Democrats is boggling. The average person now believes there was election fraud and that those who did it should be castigated with a large kitchen knife. I’m steering clear of anything around that conflict, except to, you know, make snide comments about liberals, who as you know are not a political bloc in my book. France and Greece have taken to the streets over government mandates, and no, it is not about the masks or about health. It’s about personal freedom, so I’ll keep an eye on that. Europe has much better protestors than we do. And watch out, they also organize faster. They’ve had their Bidens before.
A dozen feeds have declared proof of election fraud has been found, but they’ve cried wolf for seven months already. But one thing that’s for real is all the cowardly Republicans suddenly cropping up in States that never contributed a thing until now. Sure, now, when the hard work is done, the trail is blazed, and they fear the next round of primaries. Your typical example is Smith from North Carolina, who few people ever heard of until she jumped on the audit bandwagon. Mr. Trump, don’t be fooled by these spineless pansies who just want a place in the new regime.
TMOR, I do not want Trump to “win” the 2020 election. Because the two-term limit would mean he cannot run in 2024 and after 2028, he’s too old. The horror story is that if Biden is thrown out on his arse, that Kamela creature steps up to the plate. And people, I think, will not have that. They both need prison time, but without Trump, that leaves a huge vacuum. I have no solution except to put somebody in charge who simply reinstates everything Trump was doing until 2024 comes around. DeSantis comes to mind. What he lacks in grit, he makes up for by following well. Following Trump, I mean.