One year ago today: July 21, 2020, we cut one (1) limb . . .
Five years ago today: July 21, 2016, IBM’s 5-year prediction . . .
Nine years ago today: July 21, 2012, nine years, same diet.
Random years ago today: July 21, 2009, Wallace & the babe.
Are the voting machines secure? Depends. On whether you are talking about who got in. Not who was elected, but who got in. If it was Trump, the machines are insecure, hackable, and untrustworthy. If Biden, they are the most secure apparatus in the universe. I’m spending the day on the new office setup. These things take time. If I got anywhere, you’ll see a picture of the shelves getting populated. And how about the church official who resigned after his cell phone was tracked into gay bars? Two questions, you mean people are still stupid enough to carry a phone when doing something they shouldn’t? And is that all it takes to get rid of some annoying son of a bitch? Good morning.
I just spent twenty minutes on the phone, never something to put me in a good mood, but this was a call from Canada. What a joke, how those people point fingers at how “corrupt” and “unfair” the American system is becoming. They do not grasp that the Canadian system has been many times worse for precisely the same things and more since before they were born. State police, corrupt politicians, monstrous taxes, gun control, mass surveillance, kangaroo courts, propagandized media , controlled banking, bureaucratic eliteism, de facto one-party rule, bloated public sector, conformist culturalism, vote-auction elections, enforced mass compliance, institutionalized privacy invasion, group-think social pressure, and fake national pride exhibitions. It goes to prove, when sheeple are raised in such circumstances, they blindly regard it as normal.
And Venmo has finally stopped letting strangers monitor who watches on-line payments. And I’m like, wtf? This happened after hackers traced payments by the Biden family. I rejected Venmo on the spot since it is a sub of PayPal, but I had no idea anybody would be stupid enough to use a system that allowed strangers track their money until now. That, folks, is a whole new low in millenialism. But what can you expect from the bunch whose concern of the day is that the Bezos rocket is penis-shaped and, they rightfully fear, so many millions of times larger than their own. Silver prices continue to drop, the clearest indication yet that is a controlled market, which I personally think happened the day after I invested. And I never for a moment doubted that those electric vehicle charging stations were wired together to keep you well- scrutinized.
Metal coat hangers. They’ve become as rare as on-line photos of Dolly Parton without the wigs. A few years back I found a huge supply in Dade City, around 130 of them. I bought all thinking that would be the final need for the rest of my born days. I kept them for exclusive use in the main bedroom closet. You guessed it, this morning I went to grab a bunch and there are no spares left. It’s not like I lose them or give them away but 2/3 of them have disappeared. That was JZ on the phone, I’m trying to get him to drive to Tennessee next time I head up there. Which I hope is soon, it is too hot in Florida again.
Have you seen the Swedish girl team that waxed the US 3 to 0? Total babes, I imagine I’m not the only one to spot the implications of a non-diversified, non-woke, non-integrated, and from what I could see, non-dyed, non-tattooed, and non-indoctrinated group of amazingly beautiful young ladies. Um, we in the US were told that diverisified and integrated teams were supposed to be physically and culturally superior to anything else out there. How is it a team of pure blondes handed our team their asses back? That was supposed to be impossible, they said. Could it be there are grave flaws in this “diversification is our power” theory? I mean, I notice American women have gone downhill the past 30 years, but that soccer team, whoa, it was like walking into a place I’m not gonna say.
Baseball stitching is patented.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.
This $15 an hour wage nonsense is back in the news. It’s like the debate on tipping, most people who are for it want to force others into it. I disagree with high minimum wages because some jobs are just not worth that much. I listened to some of the protesters. If you want $15 per hour, you should get it by making yourself worth it like the rest of us had to. Finishing college and learning to speak English are excellent ways to start. Maybe assimilating into Americans and leaving the old culture that let you down behind is worth considering, as well.
You want to see irresponsible politics at work, look at Canada. They announced unrestricted travel to people who’ve been vaccinated and right after who knows how many people booked flights and tickets, they decided to shut it down again. That joke of a Prime Minister with the past-on eyebrows, I think something awful is going to happen to him if he sets foot in western Canada ever again. He really, truly, needs to be beat up badly and left for dead. This treatment as amazing curative powers for all the mentally unstable, including liberals. You know the old saying, the definition of a conservative is a liberal who’s been mugged.
These are my Star Trek injectors, could be the last batch. These represent around $6,000 worth of cholesterol medicine, far out of the reach of most people who would ever need the treatment. Shown is a 22 week supply of empties to be returned to the lab as proof of usage. It’s true, the program is shutting down with only around half the projected results, although from what I hear they are really great. The cancellation goes beyond what you see, they are closing labs, clinics, and letting go personnel. And some 4,800 people such as myself who they had finally found over the years who were reliable participants. I’ll have more info by tomorrow.
I’ll tell you what is overdue. A new “transistor” invention. Why do I think that? The same reason I think a new “Internet” is pending. It’s article after article and year after year of minor changes in these items, but none is really the breakthrough promised. I think the change will come with the invention of a way that RAM can retain memory when the power goes off. Where will this come from? I further think I’m not the only one following this, because one of my oldest “check regularly” sites shows an increase in vacuum tube sales. NOS is the term for “new old stock”, the manufacture of vacuum tubes that were no longer for sale. Have you seen the prices on that? Vacuum tubes are no longer made in America, so beware of salvaged parts being sold as new.
Mostly used by guitar amp enthusiasts who insist the tone is warmer, these tubes are not cheap. The best brand names can easily run more than $100 per tube. I’ve seen kits, which I might be interested in looking into when my ship comes in. But I think the ship is just a kit in my life as well. Who recalls the instant on tube radios? Amazing how many people never understood that was because the radio was on all the time, drawing electricity. Only the speaker was turned off by the switch. Other than maybe a tube radio, I don’t like tubes because they often work at lethal voltages.
There’s a guy who build a working computer using vacuum tubes. Here’s a picture, the computer is called ENA, but you can do your own research. The joke is he lives in Russia and it was the only way the State would allow him enough energy to heat his apartment. Seriously, the concept of the computer was around a long time before they built one using electronics. These tubes ruled the market for a long time, even when transistors came along, tube TVs were available right into the early 70s. I’d noticed circuit boards on some tube devices before things went “solid state”. Even then, until the 90s, most TVs had vacuum tube screens and some were monster-sized. There were 200 different brands of TV when I quit watching in 1973, many were made in house by small shops all over America. Trivia. There is no Quasar TV factory. It is not a company, but a Motorola brand name.
(Watching the missile launch,
top just right of center.