One year ago today: July 22, 2020, “pro” wiring.
Five years ago today: July 22, 2016, corpokeltocratic.
Nine years ago today: July 22, 2012, 19 years go poof.
Random years ago today: July 22, 2007, a rambling entry.
It’s double confirmed, the clinical study is over, but not until September 28. After that, my entire connection to Miami undergoes a revamp. After that, the other side is better out-fitted to visit here. Not only is the clinic money supply cut off, gas prices meant this trip to Miami shot from $38 to $80. This is what constitutes progress in our uneven times. And, for the third trip in a row, my repaired A/C in the van gave out again. It is weird, there is air pressure in the lines but no freon. They say a pinhole leak but it’s been test three times. The last mechanical step is to replace all the hoses, by which time I will have spent the full amount to have replaced the entire A/C system in the first place.
The good news is if that happens, I still have an excellent van for less than a quarter the price I was willing to pay to get something like it. While in the old town, Agt. M and I ran up to the auto wrecker and found the correct dipstick for the van. The old one had the handle broken off. By luck, we got an identical replacement, down to the same part number. Shown here, the other regular maintenance, such as it is, often accompanies the club meetings.
Fancy conference room.
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The day was cool enough to drive back same day, as JZ did not make the club meeting. I stopped in Arcadia to make sure my harmony singer was still in town. Yes, but he has a bad cold and is self-isolating. With the new office setup along my computer wall, there is finally provision to do some systematic recording, and the concept is to test how well I can manage remote sessions. Suppose you are a drummer. I send you a recording of what we have. Using your own kit, you record as many drum tracks as you like as MP3s, and send them back here. The picking and choosing is done by me to mix what I like from several sources. Dave is the barbershop quartet singer.
I know there is nothing new about this concept, but what is different is the extra steps taken to avoid “compressed” sound. This is out of context yet it conveys the effort make to avoid any hint of the element that destroys most indie music—that the tracks are made by the same person on the same session. My get-up does not permit any type of electronic tracks, you must produce your recordings live. And to that end, the recording you get may not contain anything but the basics needed to get you going, so you are not influenced even by the melody.
Being this is my only real trip out for the month of July, I also stopped at the Limestone Country Club. It was deserted. There’s a picture of me pointing at the sign. It’s a great place as far as realistic rustic country bars go, in the town of Ona. Except it miles out of town, if you call two gas stations a town. Live entertainment on the last Saturday of the month. Dang, I’m two days early. By motorcycle, the place is just too far, at 49 miles from here. It’s closer by car, but not the same, plus who wants to drive that far in a car after a few beers.
Back home before dark, I turned in early. That’s part of how to retire. But before that, I hauled out my records of my diet and weight before this clinical study began. The fact is, on the same diet I’ve had now nearly ten years, without the injectors, I gain weight. Can I tolerate an even more restrictive diet? If I don’t want to look like the Michelin Man, I had better start planning now. Food as I knew it may be a thing of the past. Can a man live on fruit and eggs? I’ll circle back to you on that. But unlike that other person, I really will.
What is going on in Arizona? We see the Democrats launching all-out attacks to stop the process, which shatters their claims that the vote was honest. They don’t seem to have learned such hypocrisy only works on their own kind and even then, only when the opposition can be pressured into silence. It creates a pressure-cooker and some of the people in Arizona the Democrats tried to muffle have come back tougher than hell.
I say again, the Leftoids are no good at changing tactics, they will always try what worked before. I’m forecasting they will try the same ballot dirty tricks in the upcoming mid-terms and again in 2024—only this time the opponents are alert, ready, and by the looks of things, trained for the job.