One year ago today: July 24, 2020, injector near-annual coincidence.
Five years ago today: July 24, 2016, the Crosby-ized Monica defense.
Nine years ago today: July 24, 2012, 50% for steam.
Random years ago today: July 24, 2004, some 3D movie . . .
Ha, I have the cabin rental vacation basics for you. The guy is not a writer, and his vision of a cabin may be different that yours. But he shares my concept of a place just far enough in the country that you are left alone, yet near enough to run into town to get anything you need. I got the impression he would be up in north central Florida. Instead, he was in the bleak landscape near Lake Okeechobee. Geez, if he’d read this blog he’d have been warned. No trees, no scenery, you cannot see the lake because of the 65-foot levee that surrounds the place. And there is no standard definition of “cabin”. Here’s what he’s got to say (redacted).
A pretty grim place is Okeechobee. Lousy vacation, it poured, thunder and lightning all day, every day. Ten TV channels, but [I am] caught up on MASH and Bonanza. Okeechobee is one HUGE trailer part/dealer. Dollar General on every block, restaurants closed most of the time. Log cabin was furnished with curbside furniture and yard sale utensils. No two plastic plates or cups the same. Never again.I fell out of my new office chair. What’ve I been telling the world for years? Okeechoobee causes a rainstorm every summer afternoon. The water is full of alligators. There is no scenery and nothing to do. I only stop there on the way somewhere else. I have noticed the cabin rentals and some of them are otherwise abandoned mobile homes. It’s a considerable effort to actually see the lake, you have to find a way to cross the “moat” that surrounds said levee. The town is featureless with no cultural pursuits. Half the population seems to be small-time building contractors driving pickup trucks. And I have never seen a pretty woman in that area, ever, even in the distance.
Okeechobee is several miles north of the lake. Nearer the water is a spot called Buckhead Ridge (shown here) which is probably the better option, since it doesn’t pretend to be anything. At one time, there were cabins and fishing shacks. Today it is evident such things are no longer allowed. Probably because it is too hard to control who lives there. It’s hard to see the scal in this picture, but across the center is the levee with a control damn and boat lock. Without this, the land behind would flood in hurricane season. As with most of Florida, you should be okay, as long as everything goes according to plan. The government plan, the outfit that inspects condos so they don’t suddenly collapse.
These cabins are not isolated, but scrunched up so your neighbor might be six feet away. Often, the best vacation you’ll get in Florida is to keep the $100 per day they want for these places. Don’t spend time around the barrens of Lake Okeechobee, Florida unless your game plan is to get away from it all to an extent you had not really imagine--or bargained for.
Mel Gibson announces a new movie about the Rothschild bankers. This is not the first on the topic, but the first in this era of instant communication. This is the sort of project I would have undertaken had the card given me the resources in this life, so I’ll be one of the first in line to see how he presents the horrible facts. I wonder, will he point out that the Jews of today are in no way the same Jews as mentioned in the Bible? Will he show that our “enemies” are alls states with no central banking system? Mel knows his controversy and regardless of his staged apologies, we know exactly what he thinks. So do most people, and often it just takes one person to form a rally point to set things in motion. Ask Trump.
And in the fakest of the fake news yet, GM announces it will stop building pickup trucks due to a “chip shortage”. Folks, watch for a huge jump in truck prices, that’s what it is all about. Chip shortage, my eye. Plus, no matter what they say, they could perfectly well start building trucks again that have no chips—in fact many people would prefer that they did. Is the press left or right? Read the story of the coach who won’t get vaccinated. If you are left the team “cut their ties” with him. If you are right, he “quit”. Keep an eye on Australia, the police are doing the wrong thing so visibly attacking the protesters. Australians were tricked into giving up all their guns after a shooting incident back in 1996. They face $200,000 fines and 14 years in jail for possession of an “illicit” gun, something they may soon wish they still had.
And little Mellila is back in the news. Some 200 “migrants” made it over the fences into this Spanish town on the African coast. All 200 were black males in their early 20s, many wearing gold necklaces and wearing designer sneakers. The first thing they did was riot to protest their “rights” were being infringed. A dozen sucky European reporters are covering the story, all taking the angle that these people have a right to things they don’t even believe in. And it is the fence that is stopping them from “believing”. That fence is the very reason these reporters have the right to report, yet they are calling the fence “Europe’s strongest fortification”. Yep, we better hope Trump gets in. These other countries don’t understand they are destroying the freedom they seek by not fighting for it at home.
Last for now, I vote not one more penny of my tax dollars go to those useless UN “peacekeeping” patrols, especially in the desert. Absolutely useless. As if pulling into town and handing candy bars to the urchins is going to stop them from picking up a gun and taking anything they want the minute your backs are turned. Then Biden authorized $100 million in “aid” to Afghan refugees, who will not see a penny of it. I did not say disband the peacekeepers, I said I should no longer have to foot the bill. I was in my teens when I first stated that all most people want in the US and Canada is to be left alone.
Some work got done today. I’m surprised because of the amount I was interrupted. I can’t find my big box of stereo cables which I would not want to have to replace at today’s prices. I sprayed the peach tree and it is growing leaves like last year, almost blooming with leaves but no sign of any fruit. I’m glad it is still with me. There’s the phone again. I am just not a phone talker or TV watcher. So why phone me and ask what is on TV? It seems I missed a real clown show. Apparently CNN is throwing a conniption fit over Trump appearing in Phoenix, making unfounded false accusations that the audit had something to do with him.
The Secretary of State says Trump should accept the loss and move on. She also stated nothing can be done to change the outcome, which could mean egg on her face. Somebody should tell her to accept that the audit means her loss and she should move on. Because with what is shaping up, she will not be even a secretary for very much longer.
Stone crushing machine.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.
The CEO for the Pegasus group has announced that people who are “not criminals” have nothing to fear from being surveilled. He says their company has mechanisms in place that if abuse happens, the system can be shut down. He did not define abuse. Where have we heard this puppeteering before. Nobody is going to say it out loud, but respect for the privacy and rights of others is undoubtedly racially based. Only one race has ever shown any true compassion for its poorer or lower class members and even then it was late along the evolutionary scale of things.
Nobody believes other races when they go on about how safe and trustworthy they are, that you have nothing to fear as they watch, monitor, record, analyze, and scrutinize you—while jealously keeping for themselves the right to judge what is criminal. I’m not specifying races here, but somebody tell Mel this is also a great movie plot. Basically, this fellow named Shalev, is saying, “Trust me.”
Here’s a rehearsal space being advertised in the east end. The thing is, I’ve seen this place before, and it was full of band equipment. If you can help me place it, leave a comment. My guess is four years ago, I think I auditioned in this spot. The news for now is that I have to change barbers. I thought I’d found the right guy, but his work has gone downhill. There is also another factor that has nothing to do with haircuts. I’ve heard him chat with other clients, and he is all for tort law reform. So sooner or later he might find out I recently tried to sued for damages he is all for restricting.
TMOR, these big settlements you hear of in America are rarely paid by individuals. The cases do not proceed unless the lawyers know in advance the money is recoverable and that means insurance. Now, the cost is paid by individuals, but collectively in the form of higher premiums. I’m against this peanut-butter approach, in that it is the people who cause the most harm that should pay the most. Some argue that is done by differences in premiums, but it hardly goes far enough to truly discourage the core of bad drivers who do most of the damage.
Tort law reform is the move against big settlements by removing aspects of what you can sue for. For instance, I was able to prove to the arbitrator that I had no intention or budget for operating any vehicle but a motorcycle the rest of my life. If somebody else forces me to have to, they should pay for it. So, my barber turns out to be one of those “driving is a privilege” people who would say no, that whether or not I choose to drive is a matter of my own conscience. Dude, driving a car costs money and there is no alternative reasonable way to get around in America for most people. Moreover, if it is a privilege, it should not cost anything and it could not be revoked by the courts.
Tell you what I think. I suspect the barber was on the receiving end of a court case and that’s what’s affecting his thinking. I agree, general insurance premiums are far too high but that is a complaint of the people paying more than they should have to, not the ones who’s bad driving makes the payments even higher. Any way, his barbering skills have not kept up to standards. I prefer a barber who, if he cuts of my ear, understands he’ll have to pay for it.
Here’s an item. The largest segment of people who drop out of on-line businesses do so because of excessive government regulation and interference. More trivia, in South Africa, it is legal to repel car jackers with a flame thrower. And for the record, all my navigation to date has contained an error. Wait, I can explain. Sight reduction tables give readings only for whole degrees, so once again there is a method to allow for timing between. The book I was using for instruction contained a wrong instruction, which I learned years ago and just discovered. I had been using a formula, but found the lookup tables more convenient. Now it turns out wrong. Instead of the orthodox way of reading a table, where you go down the side to the correct row, then over to the column, sight reduction offsets are the opposite. I think.
To newcomers, there are two different varieties of sight reduction tables. I chose the one that was simpler to understand. I do not use the “concise” version of the tables.
Fearing for the worst. My old math professor has disappeared. The last time I saw him was 45 years ago, I borrowed a book I’d promised to return. I last talked to him ten or so years ago and he did not sound that well. Today, a friend drove past the old apartment and snapped a picture, but he reports there was no answer when he buzzed. There’s a small chance but my original cadre is shrinking to a small core of survivors.
And remind me to pick up my limit on survival food, as my stocks are low and there is talk of the Democrats restricting food purchases for non-vaxers. These people have shown they are sub-human over this issue, so don’t underestimate their evil. However, let them be warned they are asking for violent trouble. This isn’t unarmed Cuba or Australia.
For afternoon break, I looked at some archives concerning the D-Day landings in Normandy. Alas, both sides of the tale have been re-written. It is portrayed as a valiant allied struggle against overwhelming odds. It was nothing of the kind. Even the list of armaments twlls you the Germans were not beaten as much as they were overwhelmed. The amount of Allied war materials, such as guns, tanks, trucks, artillery, and airplanes are counted in the thousands. While the defenders are often revealed to have two or three machine guns, some old WWI cannons, and two anti-aircraft guns. The real story needs to be exposed. Go get Mel.