One year ago today: July 23, 2020, another Google fail . . .
Five years ago today: July 23, 2016, they forgot to unionize.
Nine years ago today: July 23, 2012, cleared to travel.
Random years ago today: July 23, 2007, the Dixie Chicks & John Locke.
There it is, without that clinic money, I can only afford Miami twice a year. That’s figuratively, I mean, I can afford it any time I want. Um, not because I’m rich, but because I found out long ago if you learn how to manage your money like the rich, one can enjoy many of the same benefits without become sell-outs like most of them are. That’s mean, but it conveys my message. I’ve already got it figured out I don’t really have to be in Miami next appointment, since all it is amounts to returned the last of the used syringes. They still have to pay me. There, that was my morning doing the books, we are more than flush. Let’s take a holiday next week, what do you say? The pictures always get more interesting.
I woke to 18 headlines about the audits on my feed, I saw enough to have me two refills just to watch the reactions from the terrible Left. They are trying to pretend that the audit committees have to convince them that anything was wrong—and they will not be convinced. In fact, there is growing onus on them to prove the assertions they made. Hey, they are the ones that rushed to certify and tried to sweep all inquiries under the carpet.
The reason I had time this morning was this stupid new 20V lithium charger. Millennials have no moral compunction to tell you when they’ve ruined some normal operating parameter. In this case, the standard lithium battery takes, so far, at least three times longer to charge as a NiCad. This is why I buy one at a time when I need three. Five hours on the charger and it still does not signal full. It may be full, but the manual says wait for the flashing light. I have not checked, but I’ll bet you next time I’m at the store, there will be “quick charge” model for twice the honking price. Millennials are evil in the way they think. Like they are ill-done by or something and seeking revenge.
There is also a senator from Oregon calling for a “space tourism” tax. No doubt, it is a Democrat. I believe anyone who proposes a new tax should face mandatory 30 years in prison. And as society changes in ways that old tax sources dry up, they should be left to expire. This does not apply to a sales tax, which I am for and don’t hand me the nonsense that it discourages spending. Sales tax is not a new tax. And somebody help me out here—is this big hooplah about vaccine “misinformation” about getting the Fouci ouchie or not getting it? I’ve lost track, but only fools, idiots, and the uneducated think there is nothing funny going on. Not just the vaccine complaints, but the way it is being peddled should set off alarms.
Next, this month’s lowest priced property in the area. It took a while to get this one and I had to bend the rules. Now that really crummy ‘fixer-uppers’ are priced in the $140s, I found this one in Audburndale at $120. The ad states an immediate $20,000 would have to be sunk into the place to make it “inhabitable”. Probably means the plumbing is bad. That enclosed garage is what got my interest. These are actually reasonable prices compared to what is happening to the rest of the country. Anyway, that’s your most economical building in this area. The map shows a reasonable good part of town, but maps can be faked.
That’s interesting. As Apple’s market share stands to plummet if they don’t cut the nonsense, they announce it is time to recognize right to repair. This blog does not recognize coincidence. And congrats to some guy named Bosar who is sponsoring a ten year moratorium on all immigration. He’s caught up to what this blog was saying 35 years ago. Except this blog had the real solution, not the bandaid he’s got. (My plan was more drastic.)
World’s largest evidence vault (Canada).
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.
Question, why has this blog not picked up on the Pegasus story? Because, and I only explain this in case some sheeple need the prod, this cowboy has behaved since day one that all cell phones are insecure and the enemy is listening. Yep, right from my first brick-like Nokia in 1988 or so, I have never had a phone in my own name, nor said anything on-line that could even mildly compromise a significant situation, and have warned others again and again. Right through the whole “paranoia” and “conspiracy theory” eras to whatever they call it today, who is laughing now? Even if you never supported the intrusions, mass complacency has allowed the technology to proliferate to the point everyone with a “smart phone” is compromised now for life.
Anyway, I am not shocked by the extent of the Pegasus revelations. I still use a good old flip phone and even a total ‘tard can now understand why. No SIM card. So, while I am not your conventional anti-system activist, what I warned about (repeatedly) was that the POTENTIAL for abuse was always expensively built into these devices. I have never seen authority fail to exercise that abuse. A forensic look would say I only warned about databases, but hey, that’s the part of the Internet that destroyed your privacy. Without your help populating those databases, nobody could otherwise have organized all that information as a weapon. It was over for you the day you opened a Facebook account. I would say you people with nothing to hide now have a real problem on your hands.
Furthermore, nobody should console themselves that the system has the same information on everyone. Not so. Those who saw it coming, and remember I used to teach a course on how to do this, have been feeding very clever tidbits into the system since long before it was anybody thought to consider it wrong. Information designed to innocuously find its way into “official” versions. Remember my “on-line resume” advice? I taught hundreds how to spoof that information and then delete the resumes right on the servers. And that was just one method to fight back, actually quite a juvenile method compared to what’s possible. That is why, to the phone people, today I am 38 year old woman who lives in Poland.
I should further add that there is practically no way you can participate in the modern world and remain anonymous. I have never advocated that, even as a theoretical possibility. What I say was being that you cannot be unidentified, but you can stage-manage the information. When they want you, they will come get you. All you are doing is making far more certain that you will get plenty of warning. That’s more important that privacy, firewalls, and the best encryption. I would still like to invent a hard drive that when one is pressured to supply a password, there is a phony password that wipes the data.
A review of “directed energy” weapons shows zero real improvement over the 1980s. These ray guns are line-of-sight, meaning from the ground they have almost no real warning and response times get unrealistic. The answer for now is to increase their height, which increases their vulnerability. I see the navy continues with its insane aircraft carrier philosophy, as in, “the carrier sill always get through”. The truth is, they are asking for trouble. Give me a few million-dollar budget, and I will come up with some way to disable any such large, floating target. I did not say, “sink”. Surprise attack always works and always will.
Ha, ha, a pal of mine just got back from the vacation from hell. I’ve asked permits to publish his comments and asked for pics. I’ll keep an open mind because when you rent a “cabin” in America without checking first, you can get extremes. Rent my cabin and it is fully wired and serviced, but no TV and no way to waste time. From the description he gave, he got something pretty rustic. And especially be aware that many “vacation” destinations of central Florida are still living off their pre-interstate reputations. Places that were fun to visit before the freeways pulled commerce out to the coasts. Many of these towns, I’ve told ya, are now truck stops or one strip mall, a post office, and two parking lots.
The thing is, the tourist motels are still there, from the era when motels were a big, big part of car travel. The attractions are long since closed. The citrus towers, the alligator farms, the roadside diners, local ball games, boat rentals, diving exhibitions, local tours, roadside picnic benches, and ice cream parlors are all distant memories. The still exist, for a price, as in, enter your life history and credit card, no cash accepted.
He says okay. Here’s the alligator in the pond. But it got late some drop back another day, maybe tomorrow. Just remember I told you so many years ago, there are no “cabins in the woods” left in America. They are rare to extinction, and whoever has one jealously keeps them in the family. You’ll find rental units in that category, but don’t expect them to be anywhere near fun things or places.
As for the people starting to counter vaccine isolation with other diseases, I point out that in 1984 I was put under the same pressure at work. They threatened to sit a lady whom I knew to have herpes next to me. I could not object, so I said I would begin to wear a surgical mask and refer any questions to them. The company quickly moved Kim Kritz to the other side of the room. What did I have against Kritz other than her having an incurable sexual disease? She was a very vocal critic of me dating women much younger that myself.
I don’t recall who I was seeing at the time, but Feds had not yet weaponized the age of consent. All I know is many women I dated in the 80s did look quite young compared to women my own age, who I did not date for reasons that are just as valid today. I hold myself to the same standards, by the way. I am not as pretty as I once was, nor am I rich. If you seek reasons for my situation, you’ll have to eventually ask what it is I have to offer. Why tonight, just to prove I’ve still got it, I’m planning to go chat up some twenty-something women. Watch them approach me. It’ll be fun.
China has announced their latest, a maglev train that hits 373 mph. Between two cities you never heard of. Nor is there any explanation why so many people would need or want to travel so fast between anywhere in that part of the world. It’s not like they are missing anything. But trains are infrastructure and we've fallen behind. The world is laughing at America as our structure unravels, but I doubt they’ve forgotten how often we came back stronger than ever.