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Monday, July 5, 2021

July 5, 2021

One year ago today: July 5, 2020, a messy Auvoria session.
Five years ago today: July 5, 2016, my insulated floor.
Nine years ago today: July 5, 2012, planning for Colorado.
Random years ago today: July 5, 2009, my Babbel lessons.

           I’ve got some advice for the low-effort, low-IQ types who post most videos. Set your damn focus and volume before you get started. That’s for the pack of can-you-hear-me-now morons and guitarists who tune on stage. Yes folks, after the second Trump rally, the Democrats have to pull something drastic now. Nobody is buying their lame indictments or the even lamer hoaxes any more, apparently not even their own lunatic fringe. These pathetic stunts lack imagination and do not work on Trump. Biden’s speech was so dreadful, meant to distract, that he had trouble staying the course. It sounded like people were booing him as he tried to take credit for removing sanctions he put in place. It could be a set up for Kamela, but delayed because they know that move would mean real trouble.
           Another day of rain, so I’m working on the shelf and sifting through the newscasts. It is also a coffee day, where I intend to do little else than sip a lot of coffee. Shown here, I hit the jackpot. And doing some quiet thinking and having a generic day. So, Audacity, my favorite free audio editing software, has been taken over by the Russians and collecting data for “law enforcement”. You see, in America, arresting the users is much more fun for the police than chasing the suppliers. The Ninja people said some Arizona audit results would be announced starting y’day. Instead, an eerie silence has descended over the battlefield.

           And I side with the people that say certain Democrats invested heavily in the voting machines not only to steal votes from the competition, but also from other candidates. It’s just the way the radical left does things—always on the sly because they can’t win any other way. This is why so many people believe concepts like communism could only come from one source, which nobody dares to specify. They’ve seen the movie. Buzz Aldrin gives a Moon landing disbeliever something he can believe in—a knuckle sandwich. Being a denier is a lot like being queer. While is generally harmless to think like that, it is beyond AOL to think you can push it on others. Ever. Way to go, Buzz.
           I’ve finally learned a wee lesson about subconscious habits. When I talk on the phone and have a coffee, my favorite mug goes missing. All goes well and I get off the phone, which is never too soon. Things go along until I want another coffee and can’t find my mug. I’ve spent ten minutes scouring the place. We now have a solution. Hey, don’t underestimate this, I’m at the age where rumors abound. Look in the fridge. There it is. Just don’t ask how it got there. Gremlins? Poltergeists? Transmogriphication?

           Shelf brackets don’t come cheap. I just spent $70 but that also means a sturdy shelf that is seven feet off the ground. These are meant for storage, not access, mostly reference and texts that are used occasionally. Paperbacks and such go in the front bedroom, which doubles as a study when nobody is around. If it ever quits raining long enough, I’ll clear some things out of there into the shed, which I’ve priced out to frame in 2x3s at $180. It is bone dry with the new roofing and is quite comfortable with the lights and A/C. Just don’t expect it to happen all at once. The plan is still to head for Tennessee soon. Could be this week. The budget has not been used, so there is more than enough to make two trips this summer. Things cannot be definite due to the lockdown hoax, or more precisely, due to dickheads who enforce the lockdowns. Mr. Trump, when you get back into power, systematically go through and fire every civil servant above supervisor level and start over again. Who’ll run the country? Just like it did before civil servants, it will run itself, if you let it.

Picture of the day.
Amazon forest fire.
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           So China is building missile silos. Folks, that is 1950s technology and they copied it. As my brothers found out, copying never produces as good an end product as the original, because you don’t make all the little mistakes along the way. Nor does copying tactics, remember 1982 when the Syrians thought their Soviet swing-wings could win against Israelis American fighters? In 48 hours, the score was Israel 85, Syria 0. There’s very little chance things in Syria have improved since. Because they only want the technology, they refuse to change their attitudes. I view the Israeli military as the live testing grounds for US weaponry.
           You can see tactics copied as well. The danger is always when the enemy discerns the pattern, or when they can’t see the obvious. Many videos of the Israeli campaigns being just released now show the Arabs never spotted a variety of methods that should not have worked. Count the Israeli front-line combat aircraft is okay unless you forget they have a stockpile of older jets in good working order. I saw gun camera footage that judging by the airspeed must have been 1950s Meteors or Magisters shooting up supply convoys lined up on desert highways like sitting ducks in broad daylight.

           I wonder why these convoys never at least tried to use barrage balloons, especially at night. It is flat terrain, so two balloons tethered to the first and last vehicles would have prevented so many of those deadly low strafing attacks. Think Mitla Pass. Then again, the balloons were not used above parked aircraft and other expensive targets, so there must be a reason. Um, Ken, the balloons are compartmentalized, so bullets passing through don’t necessarily cause problems. The pictures of D-Day show them above ships, so why not above other things? Balloons are cheap. Judging by the Syrian air force, MiG 21s & 23s must be even cheaper.
           Back in ’82, I saw the Israeli jets getting picked off by Goas, the then-latest Soviet ground-to-air missile. A direct copy of some American model, these work best at medium heights where their speed more easily keeps the target within their turning funnel. Thus, balloons would have forced more “jew-jets” to climb into that layer. This war was the first “electronic war” on both sides. No really new sensors have been invented since then, so most weapons and battles likely follow the models established by that conflict. One side being taken by surprise, blasted away, recovering, and pushing back to a sort of victory. Yep, if I was in the military, that would be a war to study.

           By now you’ve seen the shelving picture I was so nice to post for you. Hmmm, the white brackets are missing and these black brackets look like they could hold 300 pounds. Good eye, reader, the rating is 320 pounds. This shelf will be extended along the side walls in a day or two. Those planks were bought before the fake lumber crunch, so may eventually extend half-way around this room. Otherwise those high ceiling leave a lot of wasted space. A small ladder or stool will be required to reach anything but that is preferable to taking up valuable floor space.
           What’s this? Five thousand teachers have decided to teach CRT, even if doing so breaks the law. They’d best move fast. When you break the law under Trump, you get arrested kind of quickly. Since when did teachers dictate the curriculum? As with other civil servants who consider themselves entrenched, fire them all and start over. The resulting confusion is better than what they are doing. It’s hard to imagine people are still arguing over masks. It is on thing to think masks work, but quite another to try forcing others who don’t think they work to wear them. These are separate issues, but they illustrate the communist approach to “problem solving”.

           Enter another spate of anti-NRA ads on-line. The activists attack the NRA on every issue except the one that works. They don’t want to go near that solution, they want to take guns away from everybody. What’s the solution? Simple, look at who is doing the shooting. It is not hard-working, tax-paying, Christian, white males doing the majority of the killing, but that is who they want to take the majority of guns away from. Come back and talk to us when you have the guts to face the facts and ban guns only from those who kill with them. They are super-easy to identify.
           Are they kidding us? There is no way Kamela could ever win an election. There will be bad consequences if the Democrat radicals try to install her any other way. I hope they let her run in 2024, it’s a guaranteed win for the other side. And that other side seems to have the military behind them, a military that is saying they would rather “quit” than take the vaccine. And the big “explosion” in the Caspian Sea is a gas flare. Happens there naturally all the time, this was just a big one. Poland tells Muslims stay out or get shot, finally a European nation with balls. Sweden’s national party has 25% of the vote, the only faction gaining. The Trump total viewership Saturday weighs in at 350,000. The talk is the only way Biden could generate that many is if he live-streamed his own arrest.

Last Laugh