One year ago today: July 6, 2020, a serires of wimps.
Five years ago today: July 6, 2016, pitiless.
Nine years ago today: July 6, 2012, probably a calendar entry.
Random years ago today: July 6, 2013, redneck bingo.
Not a peep out of Arizona. The nation awaits and all we get is pregnant silence. Maybe it’s taking longer than usual to prepare the arrest warrants? Rumor has it the few people in the know are “pretty sure Democrats have not been ‘elected’ in years”. To those left-think people around the world who snortle and say this type of thing can only happen in America, you are 100% right about that, you poor sons of bitches. I’ve worked in leftist countries and always knew there was something off in America. Far too many hateful, spiteful, brainwashed people were being “voted” in. They used to have to stage revolutions and they are a minority in this country. Suddenly after Reagan, they are winning elections in counties where they have no business?
Here’s an item, TikTok has surpassed youTube and Twitter for users. That’s no surprise, since here is the most common video now available on the youTube. In stereotypical style, the ad for the movie is still up, but you get this when you click. Millennials will never be satisfied with just wasting their own time. I think this message is due to some new provider threat over copyright. Enact censorship, expect ratings will suffer. Does youTube not realize how many like me first and only use their site because things were mostly free. Take that away and you lose. This could be a generic youTube message, but I'm seeing it more often.
What we are seeing here, I think, is a slap in the face to copyright trolls. It’s always amused me how the trolls base their “income” on the dim supposition that a pirated file is a lost sale at retail price. That’s how they get the insane numbers they quote. In reality, very few people would rush out and buy every piece of music they like just because there is no longer a readily available free version. I’d record off the radio before I’d spend $20 to get one hit on a CD album.
Rain, yet this first seasonal storm is still out over Cuba. Where it belongs. If I want five days of drizzle per week, I’d move back to Seattle. Love that Gab post that the only way Biden could draw 350,000 views (the Trump total over the weekend) is if Joe live-streamed his own arrest. I’m by the window, watching for a letup, meanwhile reviewing the difficult “Lesson 7”, where they have forgotten things do not just fall into place for the rest of us. Blog rule says mention food. Breakfast was a cheese-mushroom omelet, brown toast, coffee.
Later today, I’m going to see if solder works on wire cloth. My roost idea goes a bit beyond just throwing up a perch. I want a wire mesh that excludes birds and other critters larger than my family of cardinals. Once again, we find an ordinary topic around here that has no mention on the entire Internet, at least not in the terms used. The wire openings are square and the cardinals do not use enclosed boxes. I extrapolated sizes from the nesting information about similar-sized birds. To discover wire cloth that size is not readily available. Just for looking, I’m already getting California “special order” spam. Because I did the search on the new Google computer. (That’s the scam where even if they make what you want every day, they try to sock you with a $50,000 setup fee.) (Later, rain canceled this project for today.)
Over my refill, I took a look at Reddit, my least-visited source of news since the IQ over there causes my monitor to flicker. It is amazing to read these millies whine that the world was raped by the boomers, who will die before they suffer the consequences. Ha, it has been decades since the Boomers had such influence, and they inherited a world in far worse shape than any hipster or millennial. This one whiner says the boomers all had cars, low tuition, and could raise a family on one paycheck. I reply, did we now? Funny, I don’t recall any of those things, much less the income to raise a family. It would seem to me boomers are not the generation that had anything handed to them for free.
I’m old enough to see every generation has its challenges. I felt every problem in my life was caused by older people, I never started any world wars or allowed the government to institute income tax. I never got one free penny going to university. I never had a car while in school or backpacked around Europe. I do feel sorry for today’s campus “free sex” exploits, as this disease-ridden era will never compete with the 1970s for complete sexual freedom. What good are Internet instigated orgies when everybody has to worry about dying?
My point is the problems these millies face are of far more recent origin that Reagan-era economics. Reagan did not let in millions of illegal immigrants, liberals did. Until you get rid of the surplus, don’t tell us you can’t get a job or need two of them to survive. You say we reverse mortgaged the planet, yeah, and generations of yuppies, hipsters and millies received the benefits but would seem they lack the stamina and brainpower to carry on. It’s like they feel entitled to free motivation as well. There, I feel much better now.
American Queen.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.
More rain, lots of it. At least it contributes to the shelving progress, shown here. The double brackets make the center of the shelf very sturdy. On the right corner you can see how the design wraps around the corner and continues down the north wall. The lower shelf will later have double brackets, and a third shelf put in place with pocket screws once the other pieces are firmly in place. If there is a fourth shelf eventually, it will surround that electrical outlet at the four foot level. A missing piece of drywall is evident behind the ladder. That will be covered once the washing machine on the other side is in place.
Taking an hour off, I finally watched a Verilog tutorial, or more like a couple entry-level examples. This is one of the languages used in FPGA, field programmable gate arrays. If I was twenty years younger, I’d throw myself into something like that, but in my circles I’m always the last to know when something like this comes into focus. It has the coding logic of Assembler but at the gate level rather than registers. There’s a beauty to it if you can learn to think that way.
That’s all good, but once again these codes, and yes, they are very C+/Unix style, carry along the tradition of loop-inheritance flaws. They are generally too cryptic to be read by the untrained (a feature purely motivated by job-preservation), but they use the insane library methods. That’s where if a coder wants a module, rather than code it himself (always a he), the bastard “borrows” it from a library written by somebody else. No standards, no controls, no feedback, no test to destruct, nothing. I’ve seen it so many times it hurts. But the greatest attraction of libraries for today’s coders is the built-in ability to blame it on somebody else.
I can tell you two things about the libraries. One is they are not adequately documented. And checking them for proper performance will be more time-consuming than writing the thing from scratch. There is a third characteristic, unseen, and that is the library code is in C+ fashion probably written by a graphics artist. The results you get back appear to work, he does not know the difference between the number one and the letter one. Yet, my psyche tells me to get a FPGA and code it at least once in my life. This may be virtual as these carry $5,000 price tags and can have hundreds of I/O pins.
By mid-afternoon, I’m watching posts on automation, or as some call them, robots. Sure, they are taking jobs away and making jobs worse by electronic monitoring. What did these people who cannot read or write expect? No, our education was not that much different for teaching us things we never used—because it was up to us to build on that foundation. I did not learn proper writing rules until well past graduation when I began to receive sloppy correspondence. By 2008, I’d developed a new set of rules based on what displayed best on a computer monitor, though not necessarily a smart screen. The point is, get off your tush.
Add a ton of complaints about working conditions. The thrust appears to be these gig workers want not only a safe environment, but one that is also comfortable. While I wanted the same, I waited years to get into a union that provided this. I did not demand it as a condition of employment, as the company is geared to productivity, not worker contentment. You want comfort? Pay for it yourself after you get the job done. I suggest worker demands had a lot to do with companies turning toward the gig economy. As I’ve said, I distinguish between people suffering and people getting exactly what they asked for.
Same with all these pitches appearing. Why the hell do six million Americans overseas need my help. Troops, need my help? Troops who should be shooting domestic enemies in DC instead of protecting them, need my help? Good friggen luck you pack of losers. You got there on your own, you can bloody well feed yourselves and get back on your own. The overseas one reminds me of Iran. They go overseas to get tax-free jobs, get greedy for money and overstay their welcome, then expect us to pay for their rescue? They scream they are citizens? Then take care of yourselves, this is John Wayne country. I'll tell you who's making the big bucks--Pete's Diner, that's who. He probably paid for the ad.
I skipped a needed siesta and reviewed the dismaying Lesson 7, where they demonstrate the processes outlined up to that point. It accumulates all the assumptions they’ve made which I doubt they even realize are causing a problem. I first encountered this attitude at computer night school in the 1980s, where the day instructors presumed the newcomers knew what “boot” meant. Today the delay was they kept making the demos using incognito mode, but never mentioning that had to be closed to do the searches they conduct. Or mentioning that the extensions they use cannot be installed while incognito. It took two hours to figure this out, mostly by trial and error. So tell you what, I’m grabbing that siesta anyway. I’ve also learned to watch the lessons in FireFox, but do only the searches in Google.
Ever heard of LULAC? Neither did most until today, when the League of United Latin American Citizens “called on” Biden to stop the “insurrection” consisting of States that are sending help to Texas to help deal with the border fiasco. LULAC, rather then helping by sending aid, maintains it is the duty of the USA to deploy federal troops to defend the rights and lives of Hispanic Americans on the border. That is, they demand protection for illegal immigrants. We knew it would eventually happen. How long before bank robbers and drunk drivers demand such protection?
Insurrection? LULAC contends States are “usurping Federal power” by defending their own borders. Intentionally misinterpreting the law in this fashion is a major piss-off to most Americans and turns people against immigrants. They come here illegally and demand protections that are unheard of where they come from, when in fact, the laws apply only to people here legally. But, this group is fertile hunting grounds for Democrats and other seditious types who see communism as their weapon of choice.
Reagan said it right, America is the world’s last hope and we are giving it away. Actually, that is not true. I’ve watched for years as the leftists used political correctness to back any opposition into a corner. I’ve experienced liberalism on campus and the workplace. Most people detest what is going on, but the left are experts at distraction, keeping people too focused on wars, inflation, women’s rights, and you name it to notice the takeover until too late.
And if it had not been for that damn Donald Trump, they might have pulled it off. Oh man, is he about to kick some libtard ass. There is a rising chorus of demands for the results of the Arizona audit, but it is being met with an eerie quiet. The calm before the storm, many say. Nobody has forgotten the Democrat threats to punish and re-educate all Trump supporters, nor the 450 people being held in prison over the so-called Capitol “riot” led by a crybaby in a buffalo helmet. Biden needs cue cards to answer the phone and Kamela has gone into hiding. We got us a first-class political problem on this one.