One year ago today: September 1, 2020, driving to Nashville.
Five years ago today: September 1, 2016, Hello? Raoul? Are you there?
Nine years ago today: September 1, 2012, coffee at the Pioneer.
Random years ago today: September 1, 2004, I stayed home.
White people should commit suicide says a professor, once again showing the leftoid insanity that they actually think once white minority rule is gone, their free welfare checks will continue. I call that the “Rhodesian Syndrome”. It's actually the non-whites who are getting better at suicide, they just wait until the weekends and after dark. Good morning. Yep, if you think the Zoomers have screwed things up enough, check out the latest URLs, now averaging 91 characters long. I strikes me odd that people who cannot spell, type, or punctuate would allow such a system into being. Here is a link to our quiet and peaceful Canadian neighbors, showing that social distancing is really to prevent the formation of mobs. I don’t speak any French, but I believe they are chanting “Fuque Trudeau”, whatever that means.
Have you heard the Detroit Zoo plans to vax the gorillas, apes, and chimps that “are believed” to be at risk. Believed by whom? The battle lines are being drawn a little deeper each day. And aren’t zookeepers supposed to be smarter than the animals in the cages? I’m losing three guard dogs. Cash & the twins are leaving in four days. The hillbillies have been evicted. In Florida it takes a while but once you get notice, you are on the street. Yes, there is a blacklist.
A mild day got me out in the shed. The bookshelf in the back room has to be triple reinforced, since hundreds of pounds of books may wind up there. This is where I found the mounting screws that arrive with the brackets need expensive washers or they can be pulled through the pre-drilled holes. I got only one of two shelves done before running out of robot club leftovers. It’s already making a difference, since I have places to put things again that aren’t covered with books and more books.
I must have 18 books just on household how-to and possibly more on programming languages. I may no long program, but I still enjoy reading that material. If it had not been for C+, what a programming paradise we’d be in today. We probably would have had Star Trek style computers thirty years ago and live in an era when every program worked perfectly. We’d have real A.I. and real voice recognition. Instead we are sinking every deeper into a morass of “Martian” code, with version after version of patches, updates, and vulnerabilities.
I’ll tell you what has gotten worse and harder. Reconciling bank statements. They have been printed in a confusing format for years, literally in reverse order and not showing the balance after every transaction. It now takes close to 45 minutes per month to keep on top of it (my local accounts). The bank itself has not made an accounting error in years, but you should still review every transaction and should always know you exact bank balance. My daily spending account at the end of August stood at a mere $108.26. But I’m the one who was in Tennessee, going to dinners and movies. I haven’t touched the Tennessee books for August, not before I go stock up on coffee.
Here’s a set of shelves that did not stand the book test. This unit is supported along it’s entire length, but still sagged under the weight of sixty books. My options include relocating it as a light shelf in the back bedroom, or hanging further down the where the is a 2x6” backing plate for the bathroom on the other side. This was the day of the shelves. You know, I just thought of something if I turn the whole shelf upside down . . . .
I see the fake water people are making the rounds again. They offer to “test” your water and recommend you install a $8,000 filtering system, or you’ll die
Kentucky vinyl record shop.
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Rehearsal was cancelled, but not everybody got the memo. The keyboard player and I showed up to find the equipment packed away for the long weekend and the door locked. The only sure way to message me is e-mail, which I make it that way so nobody can do a NOVA (cancel at the last moment because they can). I guessed right that he is the leader of the group and turns out he has Nashville experience. He knows how to manage music, but not the much about managing the bad at the musician level. I won’t elaborate, but remind me to provide him with an ally. I know that telling musicians what to do comes across like Sig Heil.
I discovered why they have three song lists. Each guy that sings wants to do so the most, makes sense. I think he’s the guy who drives in from Haines City. Fully admitting I am a weak singer, I also get thrown by strange microphones, echoes, and even my own voice. That’s until I learn the characteristics. But out of the blue, he said I did great last day, where I thought my voice was weak and trebly. And once again, he marveled that my bass playing did not suffer when I sang, which I appreciate because that is what I set out to do. We are on for next Wednesday, which will give me time to go over his list. I know exactly how piano players think.
It was another rare cooler day, but a mite too drizzly to commence cutting the yard logs, see picture, of which I still have some 15 lying around. In the back, most are overgrown with kudzu, which has staged an all-out attack this year.
A new term cropping up, “consumer politics”. Before, customers would boycott a business. Now, businesses are telling Biden voters, leftists, and libtards to take their business elsewhere. And it’s working. I did a double-take when I first heard of a “buycott” and there are dozens of alternatives to the old “woke” politically correct fanatic society. If you know where to look there are signs everywhere such as banks now accepting bit-coin, free speech sites drawing entire audiences away from the eFAG cartel, health care cost-sharing taking on big insurance, and millions of children leaving public education for home-schooling. This gives rise to an entire alternative economy. Why do Iike it?
Because this new economy is thriving. It means the parasite leftist economy is losing their hosts. In Charleston last week, I purposely did not enter any place that had a mask requirement and it is nice to learn I’m not alone in this. It was not that long ago you had to do what they said or go without. A month ago, we saw the odd woke teacher getting fired, now it is entire school boards—except the smart one who are rapidly flipping loyalties to keep their jobs. Myself, I would never forget and can them all anyway.
How about the income tax net closing in on that Omar woman who married her brother to get into the USA? The is no way she legitimately won an election and now the very laws put into place so her cohorts could go after Trump are now being turned on her. Ah, sweet karma. Or how about Texas, where the Democrats like to skip out of voting—and because of it had an anti-abortion law pass? Using the exact method pioneered by the Democrats, that is, passing a law that doesn’t say you must obey, but punishes you if you don’t. Yes folks, the pendulum is now in full swing against the Biden regime. One thing keeping Biden in office is people fear-hate the Kamela creature even worse. Her evil cackle has become her trademark, few things could more guarantee a Trump victory than her getting in.
I’ve written how the left is behind on their payoffs and have to push their agenda. But they’ve just wound up pushing it into the open. They demanded the phone records for Trump around their fake insurrection. Six months ago, their crony phone companies would have complied, but now they see the looming Republican return to power. And few things please me more than the smell and squeal of a liberal not getting their way. It’s hard for some to understand I am not talking politics here—liberalism is a mental disease, not a political party. And the latest term for non-vaxed? “Unmodified.”
I’m watch a series called “Chains to Change”, a documentary on government by concentration of power. But for two annoyances, it’s quite informative. The annoyances? First is the constant pro-Semitism, it is uncalled for and contributes nothing to the theme. Second is the narrator keeps saying “tsk”, it drives you batty trying to listen too long at a stretch. It’s otherwise informative how power naturally concentrates toward a single leader, who then uses that power to quash enemies.
It’s consistent with my view that only a single time in history has any people established a nation without and autocrat in charge. And my view that China’s history is three thousand years of evil emperors from which they’ve learned nothing. Same with Egypt and most other cultures who have one thing in common that I don’t dare mention here, except to say they all hate the same people for the same reasons.
Belgian Minister of Health.