One year ago today: September 2, 2020, Sarah Sanders who?
Five years ago today: September 2, 2016, insulation, a wise decision.
Nine years ago today: September 2, 2012, looking over Denver.
Random years ago today: September 2, 2006, early calendar-style post.
I’ll say it again, it is not true A.I. (Artificial Intelligence, properly spelled with periods). While it compares favorably with the level of education/indoctrination of today’s crop, it is not intelligence, artificial or otherwise. It is not programming, it is coding. It is nothing more than elaborate modeling that reflects every bias, every mental shortcoming, and every lack in the people who code it. The nature of the code means it cannot make real decisions, only follow paths left there by its creators—and with OOPs (C+), many of those paths are invisible to the code--and to the coder as well. And, thanks to public schooling, America has finally achieved an infinite supply of idiots who will do what they are told.
I download many of the tunes on the list I don’t know, some I never heard. When I hear Vaughan’s “Look At Little Sister”, I know why. About this time, I fall into an exhausted state. This is a problem I don’t have, so I obeyed Mother Nature. I flopped on the sofa, drank tea, and found that box of graham crackers hidden back of the freezer. What luck, they are sprinkled with cinnamon sugar. What little I accomplished today included some shopping, and saw this product that makes water “thicker”. Is your water too watery? Is your beer not beer-like enough for you? What the hell? If it wasn’t expensive I’d have bought it just to see. The Internet has been giving trouble all day, adding to my feeling of wasted time.
The Reb called, still no definite schedule but I’m going to Nashville again soon. Nobody who knows the circles we move in should be surprised we talk politics only between us. Wise, as around a third of the American population is now thoroughly brainwashed. People who can’t appreciate or defend freedom because they exist somewhere between hating it and not knowing what the hell it is.
Why is the Internet down? It shows I’m receiving one packet every ten seconds. I’m using Windows, which will not respect the command to not log on automatically. Sooner or later, you will find it changes itself to that mode. Alas, this cannot be fixed except with a hammer applied not to the computer, but the forehead of the MicroSoft coding department. These are the same people who brought you the drop menu with the ‘delete’ and ‘rename’ buttons right beside each other. The idiots who, when you scroll to the bottom of a file list, it then scoots to the right.
Morons, one by one. To think I was once one final interview away from working for them (MicroSoft). The reason I could not take the position was poverty. The company was paying crap wages and company stock. I have no doubt I’d be rich today if I could have afforded food and rent on what they paid. I was in Yakima at the time. I would also have become a corporate clone. I chose the phone company instead. Ha, you might say, “Saved by the Bell.”
Compact lab station.
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Here’s something, the results of the occasional search I do on this blog title, just to see what rustles up. There are two searches, one for the blog title under all, the other for the same under images. Here’s what I found today.
Seattle Books - seems to offer this blog for sale at a price of $0.00.
Minutes – my semi-failed experiment at a blog with an index.
Idogenel – part of a blog-like listing of problems with Arduino and C+ code.
Other than these, nothing new, and I never did bother learning how to follow up on these links, presuming it would be as screwed-up as any other millennial-zoomer attempt at organizing anything. For reasons I don’t get, most links to this blog from unknown parties seem to center on two periods. The 2012 – 2013 heyday of sidecar [motorcycle] travel in the prairies, and the period of 2017 when I’d begun insulating this cabin.
The image search is harder to understand. The top results, despite the 100% unique and enduring title of this now ancient and historical blog, now comes up with junk unrelated to the topic. The wonders of the world of search engine optimization, which should more appropriately now be called search engine bastardization, which is far more descriptive of the inner workings of Google.
Just eight hours into this day, I have to cancel. If there are no special features, too bad. I’ve got to zonk early, I condition that always alerts me. I’m just not the type to sleep life away. . She was 94°F out there most of the day, which did not help. Hoping not to just fall asleep, I went through the new song list, which contains gems like “Rub It In” and “Blue Yodel”. That last song is more famously called “T for Texas”, a version without the yodel.
Australian preventative medicine.