One year ago today: September 12, 2020, an injection, not the jab.
Five years ago today: September 12, 2016, I’m broke, not poor.
Nine years ago today: September 12, 2012, a postcard day.
Random years ago today: September 12, 2006, jammin’ with Johnny D.
With great sadness I received the news at midnight last that the rhythm player has passed away. I’ll maybe have more news later. For now, I’ll focus on the news, as the other events of y’day have put the USA on a path for which there is no return. There is a frantic surge by Biden and his family to save their California guy from what looks like a crash and burn. It’s as if the Democrat apparatus believed their own media attacks on his opponent until too late. They are bringing in Obama, Pelosi, Harris, Biden, the unions and big tech, but the guy is a goner. Once he’s gone it could be open season on an entire class of equally bad governors. And I love it when liberals sizzle.
The egg lady was not arrested, but while the egg barely missed, the tactic failed by a mile. The challenger shows that anti-Democrats have learned to turn their [the radical left's] big political money tactics against them. It’s neat, brag about how much you didn’t spend. Grab the popcorn, this could be an upset of seismic proportions all the way back to DC and Biden’s now desperate antics. Let me check, yes, I have a drawer full of coffee in case this really fires up. Trump was surrounded by fans, the best Biden could do is yell back at a heckler.
Here’s your interior view of the ohmmeter. It’s for testing heavy duty DC circuits, although there is a full range of resistors, best visible on the top right. I have no use for such a thing but it is an interesting contraption. Whatever you are testing plugs into the front panel and you set the selector switch to the range. It is battery powered, in the lower panel I’m pointing to a battery clip.
This [clip] has been disconnected, as there are two jacks on the front for an external power supply. Changing the battery involves disassembling the device as shown here, not the most ergonomic. The jacks are a design I’ve never seen before, maybe I’ll ask Agt. M. These are also the most rugged resistors I’ve ever seen in my short involvement with electronics. And trust me, they are wired in there to resist nuclear attack.
I’ve deleted a couple of my feeds which were filtered to give me technology news. But they went millennial. Google and Amazon underpaying their workers is not tech news. Neither is China’s stance on Facebook. Tech news is the Pentagon laser that can ID you by your heartbeat, even though all but thick clothing. That’s new, laser vibrometry and they call the device the “Jetson”. The move in domestic weaponry for twenty years, in case you haven’t noticed, is not on protection or enforcement, but on identifying people without them knowing it’s happened.
Biden has really done it this time. He’s denying veterans medical care if they are not vaxxed. That’s a shit-head move from the word go and a can of worms to boot. Biden made the asinine argument that it is part of their duty in protecting the country, that veterans have a debt to the country that “must be paid in perpetuity”, and actually said there is honor in doing what you are told. I thought the honor was obeying orders from your commanding officer, which Biden is not. Said a Biden mouthpiece, “We are not longer fighting a war overseas. We are fighting a war right here at home against the stupidity of the American people.”
The threat here is not so much the mandate but that so many otherwise normal people are willing to enforce it and go along. It is unbelievable how easily these people are giving up their freedom. Thus, I see it a short step to shutting down banking service. Fact is, the Democrats are four years behind in their bills and they are broke. They canceled the war which was costing $57,000 per minute—and kept the money. They left the weapons behind because they were to broke to get them out. They go after the vets and cancel programs in order to keep the money. They are on life support from big pharma.
Thus, a plan is needed if they stop bank transactions. Once more, my formula swings into place. You don’t need enough to last forever, rather only enough until the ensuing panic and disruption restores partial order. My guess has always been between 30 and 60 days. If you can survive 30 days, you’ve beat their intentions. If you last 60 days, you have a decided advantage over the rank and file. I’ve calculated the cost and will put in safeguards starting tomorrow—at a pace that cannot be easily detected. A large bank balance is useless if you can’t get the money out, I say it because some people don’t seem to know that. I’m also watching that “bubble on a bubble” of the Canadian housing market.
U. of Finland graduates, 2017.
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The big air conditioner is taken down, I can’t find the wiring that makes it stay on permanently. Or I’d put it to use. However, I am confident I can bypass that control box and have an off-on unit, providing I can find the wire for the lowest setting. I managed to scrape my leg is two places, but I honestly enjoy this kind of home maintenance. I for the sunflower seed feeder back in operation and moved lumber to the shed. Two hours later I have a shelf for my bedside lamp and a bit more book space. The kitchen meter says it is 89°F on the side facing the sun. Am I brave enough to crawl into the attic to see if I can bypass that fan thermostat?
It’s that or spring another $200 for a front bedroom A/C. Because if I get the other unit to work, I need it as a second in the kitchen, where the unit rated for that area just cannot keep up. There’s another hot situation over in California, where the Democrats are trying the same election fraud tactics—I done told you they have one primitive system for everything and, being Democrats, cannot adapt it.
Republican voters are being turned away because the computer says they’ve already voted. No doubt for the other candidate—but it is shameful the way these some people can be so easily sent packing. I would demand a written statement, a screen shot, and the name of the person in charge. The corruption is blatant and on the surface now, and any move to watch the poll stations is labeled “intimidation” of voters. This could get exciting. I will say anybody who shows up to vote without being prepared to meet with Democraf fraud is some form of idiot.
The nearby picture is just something random off the Internet. I have nothing else for you.
I was inside most of the day, moving and rearranging. Yes, but the blog asks, why is that material for here? Because my old nemesis is returning. When a spot gets too comfortable, I’ll sit down and become inert, a body at rest. I know a few types who can sleep 16 hours a day. I went for a nap before noon and was out until nearly three. So, what little I got done today is now bloggable. Are you ready? Some of you might compare this to your own productivity, I’m not out to win any contests here. I decided to measure the kitchen for the A/C. The only place it’sn going to fit is behind the door when it is open. The logic is you’d have to be pretty thick-minded to run an A/C in Florida with the door open.
All this thinking has me near the stove, so I baked up three chicken quarters and made a big pot of rice. And hauled out the ladder to replace a light bulb, face it, one of my kitchen lights eats bulbs. That shelf mentioned moments ago had me back and forth to the shed, which is a good thing. It shows the amount of work that has now been taken out of the house and out of the way. Soon I have a spot big enough to set up the Fishman PA and do a stage simulation practice. I’ve chosen only eight of my list, the tunes which most match their sound. My whole song list would shift too much ballast.
Then back to moving furniture. My office desk has to have the top removed to fit through doors. It was attached with a series of very high quality chrome screws which I went through pains to keep in a special jar. Now I can’t find it. I’m now back at the stage of work in 2019 when Tennessee put most long-term projects on hold. I move a night table and find a calendar open to August and such things show me the time line and how it utterly became dependent on my time here that year, most spent tending to the yard.
Which I did, including setting up the sunflower feeder. The step-motion camera shows the birds indeed to not feed that much when I’m not around. I noticed regular appearances some twenty minutes after I sit by the window. Some instinct I suppose, I already figured it’s not from scaring the feral cats away. They do respond to music but are still far too skittish to consider tame. I finally watched or rather listened to a documentary on Soviet military tactics during the big war. That’s all that’s needed, I’ve seen the over-used stock footage to exhaustion. There remain so many lingering myths even after Soviet documents are combed for the facts. One example is Leningrad.
No, the Germans did not decide to let the population starve. Any time Stalin had wanted a quiet front in the area, he could have told his troops to just sit down. They did not have the strength to attack, which he kept ordering. The fact is, the Germans did not have anything like the resources to feed a city of two million and would have preferred it to be a burden on the Soviets, tying up troops and transport. The German bombardment was not anything like the propaganda, but more like enough to keep the city from becoming a staging area.
The city held no strategic vallue to Germany. None. It was built on a swamp in the middle of nowhere by a Czar, Peter. It is known Stalin didn’t give a hoot about the place and the eventual retaking of the city was lackluster and led to immense Soviet casualties from the battle-hardened Germans. My guess is the Germans might have left the food supply routes open if the Red Army would quit using them for military deliveries.
I repeat my contention that nothing new in electronics has been invented in 50 years, but I like to scan the Arduino sites in case there ever is something worth examination. One of the enjoyable parts for me was constructing logic gates out of ordinary components. I learned later although this hobby is rare, there are a few experts. My most advanced project was ROM and non-IC counter. So I was happy to see this picture. I knew instantly what it was. But not it’s purpose. It’s a ring counter, a piece that normally comes in a small integrated circuit package. The wiring tells me it is being used as some form of controller.
Say, that reminds me of something I have for you. Listen up, you could read fifty books like I did, none of which tell you this. We know computers have a clock speed, usually the faster the better. But why? No, it is not to make the computer run faster or slower. It has to do with logic level propagation delays.
If you have electricity going along parallel paths, but one path has more components, for instance, there is a tiny but measureable delay arriving at their destination, which is normally more paths. Unnoticeable in the macro world, these tiny delays cause instability at the circuit level. So it is like a trigger, the clock delays operations until all signals are ready, then causes them to all fire at once. It is not uncommon to see incredibly complicated arrays of gates, each one having a control lead for the clock. There may be other purposes, but that is the clock function important to me.