One year ago today: September 13, 2020, the guy never showed.
Five years ago today: September 13, 2016, joist work.
Nine years ago today: September 13, 2012, 80 pounds of it.
Random years ago today: September 13, 2008, joke time.
Here we go again. Big media is already reporting Newsom’s “win” tomorrow and Republican voters are being turned away saying they’ve already voted. This mostly mail-in event is being endorsed by Biden, while the California liberal press blasted the airwaves of Elder, the opponent, and Hitler standing together. This is the same bunch who said Trump had lost in 2016, so this could be top story tomorrow. If Biden speaks and that does not cause Newsom to plummet, the world will know the system is rigged. And Trump? He’s just sitting back, waiting for the Democrats to shoot themselves in both feet. Good morning, and I have a very rare tummy ache. Can you tell?
So, the libtard lady who tried to derail a train near Seattle could get twenty years. If she does, it is likely the beginning. Up to now many Judges were afraid to hand out long sentences. The Vatican wants “dignified wages”, as long as somebody else pays them. The Australian police are now confiscating beer. That’s gone too far, now they’ve done it. Biden gets laughed out of Idaho. Madonna shows up in a dress that makes her look like “Tootsie”. The European protests are getting uglier by the day.
I got ten extra hours of reading done. I’m not recovering quickly from what ails me. A day off when you don’t want one, I once had a job like that. Back then I had no choice, which is why I get a laugh at the job market these days. Employers complaining they can’t find anybody, that has not changed. Look at what they want for minimum wage. Random work hours, total dedication, years of experience, hell, I did that but my job paid five times minimum wage. And I quit when they returned to shift work.
The national chant is appearing everywhere. I could care less how people far away express their feelings, but how I love it when the libtards twist in pain. While I don’t think insulting Joe Biden passes for real protest, there’s nothing like watching the woke leftists in real pain that they cannot stop the chanting. Why does it enrage them so? I can’t figure it but I sure enjoy seeing it. They say laughter is the best therapy, meaning laugh at liberals all you want, it is them that need to see shrinks.
This just in. Biden took the stage to plug against the California [Governor] recall and only 432 people tuned in, apparently many of them leaving once he started saying if you recalled Newsom, you’d get Trump. Then more booing in Long Beach by people in the thousands. His reception, even in Democrat strongholds, has been pathetic. Biden’s staff is on overtime pushing the angle that the Afghan debacle was actually strategic and went according to plan. Rumor is Democrat voter turnout in California is pitiful, so there is hope for the recall yet. Some polling stations in Democrat areas showed 70% of Republicans had already voted. For Newsom. There is disturbing video of uniformed people force-vaccinating the homeless. Violence breeds violence.
Same with this transgender sports thing. It is always men posing as women. And the women are equally to blame for agreeing to fight these men. China’s richest woman, Duan, has disappeared. We finally have a test case over vaccine mandates. A stubborn white population willing to protest, so keep an eye on Wal*Mart Canada. They’ve declared on November 1, you must allow them to scan and record BOTH proof of vaccine and government ID. Hopefully, this brings the conflict to a head. Either people comply or boycott. I’d prefer the latter, bring companies who pull such stunts to their knees. Imagine the arrogance of Wal*Mart.
In related news, the Supreme Court, who were neutered by threats to avoid dealing with the stolen election, now seem desperate to redeem their reputations. They sense the growing dissatisfaction with the Democrat threat machine, the disappearance of liberal thug mobs, and the pitiful situation wherever Biden dares to show up. Only now are they daring to step back in the ring and make minor adjustments, often blinking at the light
The two top scientists at CDC quit, saying the organization never had the authority to do what they did (like this blog pointed out that same day) and that the vaccine is unsafe and never intended for children. Not even climate change is cooperating with the far left. Greenland has been gaining ice by the gigatons right at a time when the fake news has their apologists fully occupied spinning the vaccine deaths. Has Greenland become the latest threat to our national security? Throw Greenland in the cooler. No, wait, I mean, um, you know what I mean.
Swiss public conceptual art display.
(Hi-res, boys.)
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This tummy ache is stopping me lifting things. Using the time to take inventory I see there is still an amount of shifting on my foundation. It shows up as tiny gaps along where the wall meets the floor and hairline cracks in the drywall. No sweat, this place will not far outlast me, but for looks, I’m going to stain and put an actual 2x3 along as a baseboard. I did one wall and unless you are looking to be picky, it is entirely okay. Due to the arrangement of doors and closets, I only need seven 12-footers to complete the job. I test-fitted one and it looks fne. Maybe mill an edge on it. It won’t matter in this old house.
Tomorrow, I lift lumber, drink coffee, and to hell with the odd cramp. What a terrible health philosophy, but it beats anything the other side has come up with. I’m not going to the hospital since I don’t want to die, in case nobody has noticed all Covie deaths occur in hospitals. They are also 78% fat people, but since people have been arrested for pointing that out, I won’t say anything.
Next up, I studied logic circuits a bit more. Like most engineers, I once learned them well enough to pass the exam and after just act as if they will work and if not, it isn’t my fault. Wow, I just defined 90% of engineers. Anyway, I’ve always felt there is some tiny basic overcomplication in these circuits, especially what they call RS gates. The best minds have pored over this, I’m sure, but history has so many instances where a shave-head came along and found something. Alas, in more than ten years, no such inspiration has hit me with flip-flops, as these gates are known.
Before I dismiss class today, here’s some homework. These links may not work, I’m guessing because they are from Gab. Watch these if you dare.
Swine flu vaccinations, 1976. Try here.
Alex Jones, 2001. Try here.
Dang, still nothing.
Nope, they don't seem to work without sending you to Gab, which demands a membership to see these, begs you for $15 per month, but other than that claim to be all about "Free Speech". If I can get the links working, I'll repost.