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Friday, September 17, 2021

September 17, 2021

One year ago today: September 17, 2020, what mistake?
Five years ago today: September 17, 2016, insulation.
Nine years ago today: September 17, 2012, a day in Vinita.
Random years ago today: September 17, 2004, $231,000 each.

           Today may be delayed. I’ve received the long-awaiting documents from 2017 and my notary is out of town. I must drive to Winter Haven and that is never a quick trip. Unable to schedule, I’ve decided to watch a documentary on Inchon or Incheon. This historical battle was one I’ll fully credit to Doug MacArthur, who I otherwise consider mainly a posturing buffoon. This was the marine landing north of Seoul during the Korean War. MacArthur knew the North Koreans had neither the skills or industrial base to mount such an attack.
           Thus, they were following the battle tactics of their supplier, Soviet Russia. MacArthur and every military type of that time knew exactly how the Soviets pushed back the Germans. Thus he was aware of how vulnerable the supply and rear areas were to attack. I’m hoping for any new information since the DVD is dated 2016. It’s equally odd that the commies, who were well aware of MacArthur’s single pattern of behavior, were taken by surprise.

           Here’s a before and after of the shed progress, this is just the south wall. All work done except the lumber is from existing stock and leftovers. I worked another six hour without requiring any down time, though my energy level isn’t keeping pace. You can see the terrible shape of the tin siding, but that deterioration was stopped when the new roof proved itself. This gives you a better perspective of the long narrow window. We lack experience here, not planning. The shape of the window is protected from direct sunlight by the eave and if I didn’t say, it will be possible to monitor the burning incinerator from comfort.
           Comfort? Yes, this work space has already taken a lot of chores out of the house, which I’ve wanted since day one. Especially sawing and cutting, it takes so long to clean up. The counter shown is temporary, but there will be a work bench. And a radio and MP3 player, and yes, a beer cooler. I’m retired, I work for reasons like exercise and accomplishment, not a payday. However, I have a few words to say on that. For now, I think it wise to be prepared for a long, cold, winter of discontent. The radical left is not backing off on their bid to consolidate and they’ve hit a brick wall with the Trump followers. He’s gone down in history now, the guy who tried to save America but may have to become a king because of his enemies.

           Our nice spell is over, by ten in the morning it was a blast furnace. And yes, the power chord on the A/C is the problem. See how Florida works? Wait till the hottest day and something kills your A/C. I’ll try some other chores, but I think this is a day off. That was my notary on the phone and she’s out of town until next week. She bought a place out on the Gulf and who can blame her for getting away from here on the weekends, not that anyplace in Florida has much in store, but the scenery is nicer on the coasts.

Picture of the day.
White Sands National Monument.
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           For distraction, take a look at Zook Cabins. This are not kits. They claim to be built by the Amish, but that I’m not so sure about. Do these look like cabins to you? They are not budget accommodation, all of them are priced well above $100,000. I’m beginning to think I found the last real cabin in the country. I know it’s a cabin because five years later I’m still fixing it up.
           Here’s a close-up of one of the shed receptacles. I’m pointing to a new type of connector I discovered recently. Maybe they’ve been around, but it’s not like I hang out with anybody who can tell me such things. It accommodates only three wires, but they can be ganged to any configuration. Once you use these, you’ll never bother with twist-ons again.

           The DVD is a movie, not a documentary. It’s about a squad of infiltrators, but from other sources I can say the events and locations are incredibly accurate. There has never been a real explanation why the narrow channel to the beaches was not mined. I’ll see if the movie addresses that. Later, no, it is more about the subterfuge behind the Inchon landing, where the island guarding the only channel mysterious did not blast the armada, and the lighthouse showing the way stayed working. I’d read something about it years ago.
           The movie dramatizes the spying that seems to be an everyday thing in Korea, both sides, and going by the movie, neither have any qualms about opening fire with automatic weapons in crowded rooms. Here’s a view of the shed wall showing the top plate extending over the air conditioner. Enough people asked why that piece, well take a look. You see, the wall is 2x3” and the A/C had to be framed in with 2x4” lumber. The two sizes are not compatible, you know the English. They could not leave a 2x4” to actually be those dimensions and make life easier for others.

           So what’s shown here is how the pieces will interconnect. There will be a jog in the wall around that applicance. Yes, the A/C is at a slant because it is propped on the outside, but that gets fixed tomorrow. The long narrow window, you can see now where it sits, high enough under the small eave to keep out the direct sun but positioned to view the entire back yard, especially that incinerator.
           This A/C has a broken knob stuck on full cold, so I’m just going to wire it to a wall switch. Stupid knob is broken off right inside the housing, but trust me, it needs to be on full in that shed, even if I insulate, which is tempting after the success with it in the cabin. The electrical is more eleborate than I’ve said. This not only gives me a dry work area, but it is located so I will have exterior outlets. Up to now I’ve run extension cords, always a hassle. And one simple connection is all that is required for my scooter port lights and outlets as well, all of it exceeding code, but none of it inspected. The cables are properly buried underground.

           News from Arizona is that they have the routers, but I don’t think it’s a big deal. They’ve had plenty of time to alter the data and logs. And I got ten bucks says the shifty Maricopa county has noticed every new development stalls the original audit for another few months and keeps the original audit secret meanwhile.
           And this blog warned you in 2011, ATMs are designed to control money. You may not have heard of the Quantum Financial System, but it’s coming. All debit cards are required to be replaced by the first week of October. You’ll get your new card in the mail and it will contain the chip. The cover story is that this is required by a system upgrade to ATMs in late October. Bullshit. The new cards have some sinister purpose which soon enough, proving once again people who don’t have a clue they are being watched are the ones with nothing to hide.

           I glanced at the QFS details when Trump mentioned them, but only to the extent it is similar to my serial number tracking idea. That’s where the serial number of every currency is tracked in real time. Instead of directly into a cash register, a scanner records the serial number off each bill and stores information in a central system. If anything happens to the bill, say the bill gets stolen, it cannot be spent again. But it’s an idea I only toyed with, so I presume QFS would be much more elaborate.

Last Laugh