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Saturday, September 18, 2021

September 18, 2021

One year ago today: September 18, 2020, learning to speak “Antifa”.
Five years ago today: September 18, 2016, the morning cool.
Nine years ago today: September 18, 2012, Muskogee & authentic copies.
Random years ago today: September 18, 2014 , playing with stipple.

           It surprises few that it took half a day to go shopping in this town. I stopped by the used paint place and my next wooden will be “Maple 034”. Arriving there after 9:00AM, all the really good stuff was long gone. A lovely morning for a drive, I considered a drive to the nothingsville called Dade City, but veered south to a lumber yard where I actually saw, over the course of an hour, three good-looking dames. In Florida, three is considered an invasion, even if they were with their husbands. Which got me to thinking about the high divorce rate. It’s actually a high quitter rate, but let’s not bog down in semantics.
           The stats say most of it, but not the ratio of women who marry men who are drunks, losers, gamblers, twists, drop-outs, addicts, couch potatoes, gang members, sports fanatics, goofs, and/or cheaters. My thinking is that women who marry such are up the creek to begin with. My point is, I would like to know the divorce rate amongst women who marry decent, hardworking men who are none of the above. Probably zero, since should a good man ever get divorced, he’s probably married already and just nobody has told him yet.

           Here is this year’s view of the kudzu attack. Back there is a fence, a chicken coop, a hurricane-proof deck and a fairly large pile of wood from the old 63-foot tree that came down over five years ago. Hey, I just got the chain saw this year. My timeline on these chores has to match my capabilities. Take this morning. Nothing got done because I was stuck in traffic on Cypress Gardens Boulevard. It’s a main road through town that goes nowhere. A set of old railway tracks on the west out to a highway intersection in the middle of nowhere in the east. I once went past that intersection by motorcycle to see what was on the old road past it. An old artillery practice range. But, these roads to nowhere and stupid intersections are a Florida hallmark.
           I also got to thinking, it’s a byproduct [thinking] of when I’m on a boring trip, so it happens in this area. Let’s see, I figure if someone is not my doctor, not my boss, not my acquaintance, and not my friend tells me I have to do something in a space open to the public, they should pay me $15 per hour. That’s a familiar number to anyone who would tell me to wear a mask. The idea has precedent, say the Delta employees who have to pay for not getting the jab. You see the Democrat thinking. Rather than pay those who get the jab, they establish the pattern of punishing those who don’t. Hold on, what do I mean pay those who vaccinate? Well, right now the going rate for simpletons is a free donut.

           How about those Democrats who took over Hawaii decades ago? They are now passing a law that allows them to conceal donor contributions—but only for politicians “who are running for office or already in office”. Just one question. Who would donate to any other kind of politician? Unless, ahem, they are afraid of non-politicians who get donations. Like Trump?

Picture of the day.
Railroad control center.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           This is a house that the Reb & I did not buy y’day. We had the full asking price, but neither of us speak French and immigration has turned that country into a shit-hole of magnificent proportions. It looks a lot like San Francisco these days. It’s that “diversity is our strength” bullshit again. No empire has ever survived granting citizenship to foreigners. The very reason for empires is because their way of life is superior to those who try to take it away. Well, at the beginning of things, anyway. The house pointedly shows that vast contingency plans are never far from the beginning phase. And the Reb & I are not as distrustful of the government as most.

           The country is heavily divided, so I’ve got a stockpile necessities. Still, that Biden is slippery. He knows he can’t force the vaccines directly, so he’s trying to cut off Federal funds. It that gets to Medicare, things could heat up. Like Social Security, these programs are insurance, not welfare. Technically the people own that money. By husbanding of my resources, I am now able to last 180 days without panic, but this involves careful rotation of my prescriptions. Remember, they are all double strength and I snap them in half. Somehow, I just don’t believe others plan ahead well enough to do this.

           Have you seen the videos out of Australia? They have an emerging “rebel” leader and trouble escalating. How great to see the people outnumber the police thugs a hundred to one, busting through barriers and ignoring casualties. However, they are still not organized. Get the pictures of the police obeying their orders instead of their oaths. Publish their names, photos, home addresses, basically the same thing the police would do if they didn’t like you.
           The encouraging news is that the videos reveal a population willing to take casualties, if only injuries and arrest at this time, to keep surging forward. No links here, but one can clearly see the massive crowds plowing right through the puny police lines that a month ago would have stopped them. Estimates are only one restaurant in four in New York City is obeying the vaccine mandate. Money talks, but then it is hard to see New Yorkers getting excited over anything much more than food.
           Remember, if I live to be 71, I have vowed to become leader of the resistance. Yeah, but when I made the vow, I didn’t think I’d live to see 55. Funny how the world shapes itself when it needs things.

           For anyone perplexed by the big deal over the France and Australia submarine deal, it goes back a while. To make it short, France says Australia was slated to buy diesel-electric subs when Biden decided to give Australia some nuclear boats. France stands to lose a lot of money, I heard in the $100 billion range. Yep, their pissed. The conventional boats are one of France’s biggest export items. They discovered a way to “transistorize” the submarines and considerably improved the concept. These boats require very little internal electricity for cooking and ventilation, known to the operators as “hotel services”. I glanced at the news releases on these submarines once in a while, but never kept up.
           My interest centers on the technology, not the politics, so here is what I do know. France builds the boats in fleets for government sales. The boats have a hull design almost identical to a nuclear model and what interested me was a design I called a “rocket sub”. Not because it is fast, but because like a rocket, it carried its own oxidant. This enables the sub to run its main motors underwater, expelling only carbon dioxide. They cost a billion dollars each.
           Plus, you need a lot of the oxidant. If you want to read up, info is sparse and mostly dry technical blab. The advantage is stealth and these submarines are very quiet. Nuclear subs have to constantly run coolant pumps which emit detectable levels even at rest. This makes small “air independent” attack boats efficient at coastal operations where targets can be plentiful. They are also hard to locate due to background clutter. They may be expensive but a higher survival rate means good value. It is likely this design that the French got stiffed on, as they are hard to resell to others.
Last Laugh