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Sunday, September 19, 2021

September 19, 2021

One year ago today: September 19, 2020, phone number ass-clowns.
Five years ago today: September 19, 2016, a blight on mankind.
Nine years ago today: September 19, 2012, that Memphis bridge.
Random years ago today: September 19, 2013, call me “dropout”.

           It’s eat-anything Sunday, or Apple Sunday, same thing. That aroma is chicken potato stew, soon to be joined by toast and coffee. I really did not get anything done y’day except chasing around and logistics. And nearly a half-hour on the phone, something that just does not happen. Second to TV and Internet (much the same thing anymore) the biggest waste of life is yakking on the phone. How does she do it, get me to talk on the phone? Back to food, here’s an on-the-scene report.
           This morning I had a mug of chicken soup which I had mistakenly added rosemary, thinking it was celery seed. As P.J. O’Rourke put it, it’s a kind of spice that makes your food taste like old Simon & Garfunkel records. I’ve also developed a liking for the Keto coffee that makes all the promises. Hopefully a small liking, since I also find it lacking a coffee taste. Now before you continue, here is a representative photo of the “rally” in DC y’day. Your task is to pick all squares containing an FBI agent.

           Ha, the fake “Jan 6” demonstration was the fiasco Trump said it would be. If people showed, the Democrat would make arrests, if nobody showed, they'll portray it as "waning support" for Trump, who isn't even a candidate. Democrats are experts at orchestrating this type of hypocrisy. Most who showed up were shills, paid actors, and professional agitators—one of whom got arrested by his own people. That photo was so hilarious it made headlines like the moon landing.
           TMOR, the Democrats are the most hated party in America, but at the same time they have always succeeded in keeping that hate divided into small, bickering factions. The reason they fear Trump is that he has succeeded in uniting 80 million of those people to a single cause. It is actually closer to 100 million but Trump does not yet have the power to make them act as a unit—and the Bidenistas are fighting tooth and nail to make sure he never does. It would spell their doom if Trump can get a fraction of them riled up enough to do something besides talk.
           Bottom line: the Democrats are broke. They have to answer to the only force they recognize as greater than their own, that is, the bill collectors. And they are years overdue. They failed to bury Trump with the fake election and are now desperately behind on their payments. They thought Trump was out of the way and that by now they’d have grabbed all the money they needed. Who remembers the tens of millions they stole from the Beverly Hills safe deposits? Those people are about to file suit, which could be hilarious because they are pro-Bidenists. The $57,000 per minute from the Afghan war is still disappearing into the Democrat bank accounts, but it’s not near enough.
           Turns out there were more government hirelings at the protest than anything else. This is typical of leftist tactics. If many people had showed, they’d claim it was support of the insurrection. If nobody shows, they claim it is because nobody cares about the political prisoners. This doesn’t fool the patriots, but it reveals the patriots have no mechanism to fight back.

           Wait, I did get something done today. Here’s the pot cooking 8 pounds of chicken quarters. Yes, I’ve heard about the latest warnings on chicken. I’m not too worried but I’ll keep an eye out. I saw the video of the protest in Switzerland. At least I think it was, because it looked more like a team of tired workers getting off shift at the Swatch factory. I had the radio on all morning and not a peep about the anti-Pelosi demonstrations in England. When I think of it, I’ve never heard anyone cheer or welcome that woman.

Picture of the day.
DIY boat from kit.
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           Here’s what a Chinese stopwatch looks like when I don’t like it. This was intended for navigation because it advertised a mode where it could display two time zones. For me, that meant Greenwich Mean Time and my local time. So why did it end up on the chopping block? Because it was a millennial design. It was a complicated five or six step process to display the two time zones. Button behavior was inconsistent and there were a dozen ways to lose your spot. But worst was when you succeeded in getting the two readings, the watch reverted to alarm mode.
           It would start beeping next day at the Greenwich setting with no way to disable it. You have to find GMT and shut the beeping off. Even pasting a chart of the wall took a minute of hearing this racket to stop. Recognizing it as a piezo beep, I thought to dissemble the watch and cut the wire. Shown here, there is no piezo speaker. Somehow it is built into the circuitry. At that point, I kept the printed circuit component for examination and the rest of the pieces hit the shit can. Damn millennials can’t get anything right and cannot be trained because the defect is programmed into their brain structure. Everything they do wrong is somebody else’s fault.

           I finished watching the Inchon movie, named “Operation Chromite”. At least I think so, because the whole movie was filmed in the dark. Possibly that was to disguise some of the terrible fake weapons. Some scenes could have been improved with cardboard cutouts. There is no way you can fake a T-34 with an SU-76, but they tried. The plot did not supply much new info, but I do know the heavily armed island at the mouth of the harbor failed to open fire.
           The rain was again heavy, but this time I found an elusive leak. I had a big leak and a small one that appeared related. They weren’t. It’s a bad shingle around a vent in the roof, a one hour job. If it stops raining long enough for me to get up there. No progress on the shed today, lack of motivation is the main cause. Various consumer reports say 60% of businesses that closed due to COVID are permanently gone. That harks back to my warnings ten to fifteen years ago that the business model in America had taken the wrong path, that anything that went wrong would cause a collapse.

           My logic was that an entire generation of businesses that relied on credit for everything were replacing shops that had real substance. The daily operating capital, the inventory, shipping, invoices, were all on credit. I was expecting a market “crash” would cause an implosion, but this time you can blame the lockdown hoax. History will record COVID as the cause but that is complete bull. COVID was merely the catalyst, the rot had set in years earlier. Real businesses, that did real work based on real skill, such as musicians who get paid cash soon as the job is done, have not been much affected at all.
           However, I do find it strange that I have not seen or even know of a single business that failed over this. Nor do I know of anyone who shut down. Is it possible that because I have no credit card, there are not businesses of a certain nature that I even bother with? They say more minority businesses have failed, but I wouldn’t know.

           We can talk money a bit, my year-end is approaching so I like to keep ahead. While inflation has not hit me that much, that series of stimulus checks threw things off kilter. It apparently lowered my total costs by only $50 when it should have been three times that. The explanation is that I bought things like chain saws and that $300 it cost to get the van on the road above the purchase price. That last item is indicative of the rot that bureaucrats cause, the most useless and needless tax in America, the DMV, which barely pays for itself but not the trouble it causes. It should not be the government’s business who owns a car, but it works by inuring five or so generations into the belief that your transportation should be “registered”.
           I see the inflation on the way. The worst months were March and July, with no specific expense leading the way. I was here except for the last week of July when the trip through via Tuscaloosa set me back $300. My largest expense remains entertainment but it is also the expense most easily replaced when I’m playing music. And that will be the day when I retire without entertainment. It’s the next growing expense that irks me, namely gasoline. I now spend $216 per month on gas and I don’t drive that much.

           Here’s an Internet test to see if I’m more attractive that I think I am. Hmmm, okay, before I start I commit to go along with this and write it here. I promise to be honest.

                      1) Lack of compliments.
                      2) Others assume you have no problems.
                      3) Strangers try for eye contact.
                      4) Your attitude is perceived as positive.
                      5) People look twice as they pass by.
                      6) People try to make close friends.
                      7) New people are too friendly.
                      8) People start conversations.
                      9) People gravitate toward you.
                      10) Heads turn when you enter a room.

           First, I find every point on the list either too obvious or too obscure except item 10. Let’s go through them from my perspective. People think attractive strangers don’t need compliments. I rarely get any, which includes from people I know who find me attractive, which I won’t explain. I would not know if others think I have no problems, which might be influenced by my not having anything like the problems they do. Or that what problems I do have are rarely self-inflicted.
           Eye contact is not a thing for me, as I have long learned to avoid eye contact except with the rare women I find attractive. Even then it just a glance to see if they are glancing. It’s something I shun. A positive attitude? Well, if you don’t have that, you don’t run in the same circles. What can I say, every person I’ve associated with most of my life has a positive attitude and it is a given. As for people looking twice as I pass by, it never happens. Maybe to women, but never to me.

           I find items 6, 7, 8, and 9 to be very closely interrelated. I go out of my way to discourage these things, unless (of course) you look and act like Taylor Swift. I do not care to get friendly or talk with 99% of people I meet. On average, I encounter one new and interesting person per year. Item ten is a funny one. I do experience this in isolation of the other nine, and while it is infrequent, it does happen too often to be mere chance.
           What do I mean by heads turn? It takes a number of forms, so an actual head turn is more a figure of speech. I’m not saying why it happens, it just does. Without bragging, I’ll mention the three that happen most often. One is walking into a room and all the women stop talking at once. Then some will stop and look, but it is the pause, not the look. I’ve had occasions where women mentioned this or ask how I did it? I don’t know. If I did, I’d bottle it and sell it.

           The second common occurrence is women who pretend they are interested in what I’m doing or writing. I attribute this simply to the fact I don’t act like other men in most settings. I have no idea what is on TV, I don’t play with my phone, and I tend to have a scribbler handy to write things. This happens often enough that I complain about it. The last but emerging item is being with the Reb. Together we do turn heads, which I think is directly because we must act like we belong together in some way many couples have lost. We get better service, better placements, and generally nicer treatment.
           I like it but suspect it is because we do exude a synergy of (and I had a struggle finding this word) doubtlessness. Don’t ham it up or you might get her elbow in the ribs. We’ve always looked like we belong together ergo some people act pleasant suspecting we might be minor celebrities. In all, the test is a millennial-grade flop. You just can’t judge or categorize people over such shallow criteria. You could coerce many people to behave like the list by pinning a $100 bill on your forehead.

Last Laugh

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