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Monday, September 27, 2021

September 27, 2021

One year ago today: September 26, 2020, no sprouts.
Five years ago today: September 26, 2016, defunct plans, etc.
Nine years ago today: September 26, 2012, 4.98V is normal.
Random years ago today: September 26,2015, an obvious forgery . . .

           Heat or not, I was out there wiring up the fan. There are two final steps I can do before concluding the A/C is unrepairable. One is this fan. The mechanic says the big fan never kicks in, apparently this is needed for the A/C. The harness, as explained before, is very difficult to work with. The good news is I picked the right wire to tap into. The bad news is I don’t think it solved the problem. After running ten minutes, there is still no cool. The remaining easy fix is a pressure valve of some kind in the dash. High-low pressure, something like that.
           If I’d got it running, I’d be in Miami right now, likely out having a brew at some bar near a college. Yes, I have to admit the caliber of college girls these days is not what it used to be, but once in a while you’ll see something worth the wait.

           That van A/C is a problem. The Florida heat makes it a necessity. It is physically too hot to remain inside a vehicle on most hot days without something that cranks. What’s this, Google grounds delivery drones in Australia due to bird attacks? There’s something prophetic about that I just can’t figure right now. And the PCGames study that confirms a prediction made here twenty years back. The average PC gamer and college student does not know what files and folders are. Now that’s an intelligent set of future users who will one day run the country.
           “Don’t clean up my desktop, I know where everything is.”

           How do people with no clue what a file is find anything? They just use a search, and we all know how reliable those are. Then we have Chrome 94, which accesses deeper into your computer than ever before to spot “idle time” on your computer. Before this, such applications only measured idle time on your browser. It is designed to create long-term user profiles using input like your mouse usage, chats, messaging, typing speed, and whether or not you switch applications. Reputedly, it can begin hijacking your computer for bitcoin mining w
hen it knows you are not around.
Picture of the day.
Downtown Havana, Cuba.
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           Where are my soldering irons. I have two and neither is to be found. The extent of this place now means it’s probably best to wait around rather than go looking. One of them is the big robot club unit with the carry handle and rolled up cords. Only the male red cardinal is back and he’s looking worse for wear. Skittish as ever, the new birdfeeder may not be optimum. It’s nearer the house and may be causing them anxiety. I’ll put a new unit a few more yards out. Pics later.
           It does seem the government is going to monitor all bank accounts over $600. Since these are no the people doing any money laundering, it is all about control. Some banks are objecting, but I doubt it is to protect your privacy. Chances are most banks will go along without a whimper. I’ve finished the movie “Rounders”. Did not care for it, the presentation of gamblers as some sort of respectable society that you can learn to be nice to. Plus, if is true the pros can read the other player’s faces, then why call it a card game?

           The more I hear about Elizabeth Holmes, the Theranos lady, the more I dislike her. But then, I’m reminded of what the press did to Martin Shkreli simply because he didn’t pay his dues. Trivia: those dry powdery candies called “Smarties” were, according to Mashed, originally made on machines that cranked out gunpowder pellets.

Last Laugh