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Tuesday, September 28, 2021

September 28, 2021

One year ago today: September 28, 2020, doorknob news, seriously.
Five years ago today: September 28, 2016, agreeable weather.
Nine years ago today: September 28, 2012, my first & last meme.
Random years ago today: September 28, 2010, a cut & paste post.

           Working on the back room, I found lots of neat stuff I’d long since stored away. One was that lockbox you hand on the door to leave keys for somebody. Except the combination, which keep in a specific file folder, does not work. I’ll have to play with it in case I’ve got me a good old typo. Good morning and it is extra coffee time. Let’s see what Gab has to say. I opened an account last week. The posting, while rather dry, does get some of the more avid idiots and some of them can be passingly on the money.
           Back and forth with the spare room, that will take hours, so you get me whenever there’s a break. I’ve called ahead for items to be ready but for some reason I keep thinking this is Wednesday. You’ll get that when you retire, where you don’t really care that much about weekdays, but I know for certain what number it is. I know there’s a medical term for this. I’m focusing on timing and singing on the bass, as the next rehearsal is scheduled at the end of a long day for me, the 30th.
           Here's JZ and I tanking up his brother's truck, a favor as the guy isn't feeling well. I brought JZ four boxes of DVD movies these trips, but he may watch a tenth of them. The dude, like most Americans, will watch TV, while I prefer entertainment with a plot. It's been a while since my last trip to Miami, we spent time going over the real estate market which is best described as "unstable".

           By noon it turned into a wonderful early winter day, so I hopped in the van and took the Donald J. Trump highway to Miami. Yep, that’s what the locals are calling old Highway 27, the road down the middle of the state. They do it to spite the unpopular people in DC who have been doing everything they can to quash even the memory of Trump. The trip was four hours, stopping for a stretch at the traditional 2/3 distance in Clewiston, the town that never changes. Nothing, not one noticeable new or old building since I first drove through there in 2001.
           I arrived at JZ’s long before dark, so we talked business for a few hours. He’s got that cousin in Bowling Green (Kentucky) where he can crash. The snag there is he thinks Bowling Green is a twenty minute drive from Nashvile. He also has long forgotten what freezing weather is like. I told him about the huge Melkite community on-line and he informs me that they believe Jesus grew up in their neighborhood. Ah, now it makes sense. Jesus used to steal their bicycles and convince everybody to forgive him.

Picture of the day.
F-100 Super Sabre cockpit.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           JZ saves me the continuing education brochures, he recalls how I used to take courses out of interest only. And to meet babes. I glanced through the Miami-Dade College and it confirms the world has changed. The mix of offerings is telltale. Ten different courses on how to use various MicroSoft Office products, meaning there are still huge numbers of people out there who still do not know even the basics of programs the rest of us have been using for 40 years. My viewpoint is fhat of a person who, at some point of the year was taking courses or education for 42 years of my life. And that’s real sit down in the classroom courses, not the millennial kind.
           What interested me was an EKG technician course. There were quite a number of clerical and payroll courses, both dead-end careers for a decade already. And a section on real estate and investing, which I found amusing because of the number of exam re-take courses. It tips us off that the failure rate is so high, they have to teach people how to re-write the test. There is a course on becoming a notary which interests me. No trade courses, unless that’s what you call interior decorating. I don’t need any training to become a citizen and child care is not, around here, a priority.

           The laugh is the course on, let me get this straight, Parking Enforcement Specialist. The study is abbreviated, and I’m not making this up, PEST. That, folks, is how clueless the average millennial has become. Mom, dad! I've decided to become a PEST!

Last Laugh